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Thread: Anadrol and Nandrolone Decanoate

  1. #1

    Anadrol and Nandrolone Decanoate

    Sup guys, could use a lil help on my 1st cycle.
    Im in this cycle for almost 5 weeks now, I kept injecting Deca in my right thigh every Sunday morning, 1st was 50mg (Doc advised), then went to 100mg, then 250mg per week starting the 3rd week. No bad side effects so far. no swelling, no acne, nothing shrinking.

    1st n 2nd injection was fine.I noticed though on my 3rd injection my skin got sucked in after needle penetration then bounced back up, never happened again tho, maybe my muscle just wasn't relaxed when I injected. U think I hit something bad? 4th n 5th injection it hurts when I try to push the entire needle in (like im gonna pop something inside) so only went 3/4 of the needle in.

    I use 22ga, new needle every week, use the same one to draw n inject, I aspirate, inject 90degrees, I don't squeeze my thigh though, Im pretty lean tho 5'6 130 lbs, now im 145. Should I try it on my left thigh now, or glutes? my goal is to bulk up.
    Last edited by Bison01; 01-24-2010 at 12:00 AM.

  2. #2
    Big's Avatar
    Big is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer ~ "Enforcer"
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    so a doc advised a deca/drol cycle? and did I miss something or did you only mention the drol in the title?

  3. #3
    Im taking drol caps and deca liquid, Doc didn't really advice using it, I just told him I'm using it and that was his suggested dose.
    Last edited by Bison01; 01-29-2010 at 10:17 PM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    WTF are you doing? I get the idea you don't know the answer. I'm sorry if I sound harsh but this concerns me. How is the doc involved here? Are you being prescribed this deca for a particular reason?

    body fat%?
    are you training?
    for how long?
    pct knowledge?

    My first thought is that you should just stop. Immediately. Do a pct. But I'm waiting to hear why you're doing this and what the doc has to do with it.

  5. #5
    How old are you?

    That's an awful cycle man. You're going to feel lethargic and begin to suffer from low test symptoms verry soon.

  6. #6
    I workout 5 days a week, I wasn't prescribed, I got it from my buddy that competes in Bodybuilding, my buddy suggested to take 700 mg but then I seek my doc's advice (50 mg) so I went for 250mg to be safe. Im 29 dunno body fat%
    I trained for years just on and off. Maybe 3-5 months in a year, but I get really careless of my diet tho when I stop working out, n I drop weight. My goal is to bulk up.

  7. #7
    Big's Avatar
    Big is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer ~ "Enforcer"
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    well that's a horrible cycle. what is your planned pct?
    you get really careless of your diet when you stop working out?

  8. #8
    I got stronger in the gym tho, why is it a very awful cycle?

  9. #9
    I don't eat properly when I stop working out, I only go for a high protein diet when Im working out. I guess I shud have done more research. What's PCT, Post cycle treatment?

  10. #10
    If that's what PCT mean then I dont have any plan for that yet. Im planning to go see my doctor after anyway. But what would u suggest?

  11. #11
    Do I really have to stop? I have no bad side effects at all. No testicle shrinking, no acne, I don't even think I have roid rage, no hair extra growth, but im pushing more weights in the gym.

    What would go better with deca/drol?

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    Not a bad guess. Post Cycle Therapy. My advice: you should stop shooting and read up on pct. Get that in line first. Get your diet and workout in line. You were 130 because your diet and workout ethic sucked, not because you weren't shooting enough deca.

    Your buddy recommended quite a heavy dose, and deca is not something we recommend for a first timer. It is best not shot alone. It's best added later down the road by someone with a little experience. Your doc recommended a conservative "therapy" dose, not well suited towards our goals as guys wanting bulk. I'm glad you haven't experienced any bad sides yet. Hope it can stay that way for you.

    Here's the PCT forum, start with stickies.

    I wish you the best. If you have any questions just ask. Welcome to AR, and good luck.

  13. #13
    Thnx for the welcome and best wishes

    That would really suck that I should stop. Especially that Im pushing more weight and getting heavier now, w/out any bad side effects. Im 145 now and really think I can get heavier n stronger. I can get 20lbs naturally no problem. I shud really stop tho and study it more, thnx for all the responses, I really appreciate it. Peace.

  14. #14
    What would go best with Deca?
    How long b4 I can start again?
    Can you tell me my bodyfat% with these pictures?

    Thnx in advance
    Last edited by Bison01; 01-29-2010 at 10:05 PM.

  15. #15
    Join Date
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    blue trunks
    Quote Originally Posted by Bison01 View Post
    I don't eat properly when I stop working out, I only go for a high protein diet when Im working out. I guess I shud have done more research. What's PCT, Post cycle treatment?
    You are clueless bro. You stop working out? WTF?

  16. #16
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    Jan 2010
    Chico CA
    Ok bro first off, you should of ran test with this to prevent all the problems your about to have. Not trying to sound like a dick bro im just gonna straight shoot ya to help you out. Second, your friend who body builds obviously isn't worth a **** because what he suggested is RETARDED. 700 mg of Deca with no test for a first cycle? Go back and kick him in the nuts. Third, please stop and start a PCT bro cuz I really dont want you to have problems and you will benefit in the long run knowing what your doing and having the right gear. I hope it all works out bro.

  17. #17
    I workout 3-5 months in a year 5 days a week and have a high protein diet. I eventually get bored then take a few months break, that's when don't eat properly andlose weight.
    I can gain 20 - 30lbs of weight naturally,without steroids.

  18. #18
    Quote Originally Posted by Lift-Eat-Repeat View Post
    Ok bro first off, you should of ran test with this to prevent all the problems your about to have. Not trying to sound like a dick bro im just gonna straight shoot ya to help you out. Second, your friend who body builds obviously isn't worth a **** because what he suggested is RETARDED. 700 mg of Deca with no test for a first cycle? Go back and kick him in the nuts. Third, please stop and start a PCT bro cuz I really dont want you to have problems and you will benefit in the long run knowing what your doing and having the right gear. I hope it all works out bro.
    Thnx bro, no offense taken, I know ur just trying to help.
    Which Test should I take with it? Test E? I already stopped Deca and wait a few months to learn some more.

  19. #19
    Join Date
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    Chico CA
    Quote Originally Posted by Bison01 View Post
    I workout 3-5 months in a year 5 days a week and have a high protein diet. I eventually get bored then take a few months break, that's when don't eat properly andlose weight.
    I can gain 20 - 30lbs of weight naturally,without steroids.
    Thats good that you can gain that naturally bro. By your pics you look in decent shape man, but aas is for someone who has done alot of research, knows what they are doing to their body, works out year around to maintain and takes is ALOT of calories/protein. You just need to start again from scratch. Run a PCT, save the rest of your gear, read all you can and learn EVERYTHING. Then run a cycle and i promise you wont be disappointed

  20. #20
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    Chico CA
    Test-E is preferred by alot, Im kinda the oddball cuz I prefer Sustanon 250 which is a blend of 4 esters. Test-E takes about 3 weeks to kick in but alot of people feel that their test levels are more stable on it. I used to love the steroid profile section of this website, I would spend hours reading up on every aas and compound I could. If you need any help at any time you can PM me bro and i'll be more than happy.
    (You need 14 more posts til you can pm) (:

  21. #21
    Thnx man I appreciate it, great help I'll just try to learn more for now and maybe start again before or by summer. What PCT would you suggest tho? I'll read up on Sustanon and Test E

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Yeah deca and drol are great compounds when used correctly not run without test though. I would definatly say stop for now do some research figure out how to cycle right there are plenty of newb stickys read them all you will have a much greater understanding of how and why then start planning your cycle. Also gotta stay in the gym all year bro iots ok to take breaks just not for 6+months LOL get your diet up to scratch as well.

    I would bet judging on the info you gave us and your pics you could make amazing gains all natural with just traing and good diet. Good luck

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Wow, you need to do a lot more home work before taking any AAS. You have a great foundation to build on.
    Read up on test (there are different esters involved)
    Diet section, not for leaning out but for bulking if that is your goal

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