Hi all~
I want to start off by saying how much I appreciate the honest and knowlegable opinions I've read on this site/forum. This seems to be the premier 'goto' place for information on AS.
I've been a member of this forum for a few weeks and, while this is my first ever post, I've read a lot from the forum as well as the main site. Thats not to say I haven't wanted to post. Its just that I've spent the last few weeks deliberating with myself how exactly I should go about saying/asking what I want to. I mention this so you all may know that I'm not just some guy who has popped on here at a whim to toss a bunch of questions at you guys.
Okay, a little bit about me, then I'll get to my questions.
First off, (and in the spirit of being completely honest) I'm a correctional officer. Having said that, I'm with you all when it comes to the knowlegable and responsible use of steriods. I don't think they should be as easy to get your hands on as, say, Tylenol; but I don't think they should be illegal either. I have colleagues both where I work and in other agencies who feel the same way. Like it says on the site, Ronnie Coleman was a cop. Obviously his colleagues knew he was on steroids. They didn't care because even in law enforcement the stigma has broken way down. While most in law enforcement would quickly turn in a colleague for abusing illegal drugs (because they see it as a threat to the safety and security to the agency they work for as well as the public) most just don't feel that way about steroid use.
Secondly, I meet the beginners criteria for starting AS. I've been working out seriously for a few years. I haven't always had the drive I have now and I've made incredible improvements in my health/fitness. I am well read on nutrition and fitness and feel it important to continue educating myself throughout my life. I'm not looking to compete in bodybuilding in any way, I just want more muscle mass. I've made a complete turnaround in my fitness to where I'm in the best shape of my life, and now I want that little extra. Fact is, I'm no spring chicken, so I've got that working against me. To that extant, I'd like to begin a novice cycle like the one listed on this site (ie.- 400 mgs of test. for 12 weeks with possibly Dianabol in the beginning).
What I'd like to know is: Is it necessary to do PCT with a novice cycle such as the one I mentioned? And, if so, what should the PCT consist of? Should I follow the recommendations on the forum, or are those mostly geared towards a heavier cycle?