Hey guys,
I'm new to the forums here. I've been contemplating steroids for a few years but have always just forgot about it. At any rate, I've finally decided to give it a whirl. I played collegiate sports and have steadily gone to the gym, albeit some months off here and there due to life situations. Anyways, I'm 26 years old, 6'4", 225 pounds and I'm really looking to take something to help me get cut. For some reason, I've tried for years to get somewhat toned and have never been able to. Even after modifying my routines, I always seem to just get slightly bulky with little to no definition. My diet regimen as always been fine as well. Any recommendations as to where I should start in terms of type of gear? Some of the educational threads talk about doing your first cycle with just testosterone, and maybe that's the best route. Any thoughts? Thanks for the help!