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Thread: Term paper help

  1. #1

    Term paper help

    Hey just a little about myself I am a college student who recently got out the military and I have decided to do a ethics paper on steroids in sports. I have found a lot of good info on the negatives on steroids but I have not found the positives that I am looking for to present my argument of being for them . Igf any one could pass along some information or give me some links it would be greatly appreaciated .

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    umm you could have one area on what all the diffrent steroids are used legally in the medical field. Most AAS was created for medical purposes and is still used for helping those same problems.
    But if your keepin the paper to just STEROIDS AND SPORTS,, you may not find much positive except the obvious.

  3. #3
    thats the problem Im facing right now. Im not looking at pointing fingers at any athlete past or prresent just the actual health benifits that are gained through the use. The U.S Govt only likes to show the bad side of things so Im between a rock and a hard place.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    well theres two seperate things in the AAS world,, use for pratically purposes (aka prescription doses for real problems) and use for body building (high doses for muscle/strength growth). Most atheletes fall into the second category because they are taking them to get bigger/stronger/faster. IMO i dont see many health benefits to long term body building AAS use.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    You can hit a shit load of home runs, break speed records for sprints, have the body of a 28 year old at 20, win 7 (count'em 7) Tours de France All by using steroids for sports.

    Make millions of dollars being a top athlete...come on...what have you got to lose????

    (This is a small attempt at sarcasm)

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    South Bay- Southern Cali
    steroids can make sports more exciting. they'll also help recover from injuries faster

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    As far as sports go it's pretty much gonna get boo'd by the public, as everyone calls it "cheating". But for pro's of them medical is one of the only things that will give you that. Like the aids and ms studies and what not? I don't know of anything that it is used for long term beneficially?

    Good luck,

    "dirty d"

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    Read my blog
    u can go with steroids saved baseball... and improving quality of the game ( the pitchers actually benefitted more from juice than hitters IMO)

    u can go with increased recovery also

  9. #9
    that they prevent aids pateints from wasting away - doctor prescribed ..... deca helps joints .... trt/hrt helps keeps men with no or low test a certain quality of life they didnt have before doctor prescribed .... some fat burning effects - anavar , test etc .... the obvious muscle building effects ..... maybe even stating the government only has the bad areas cvered no positive , had to find info underground so to speak... also that bloodwork proves all levels generally go back for most men to normal after short cycles say a 10-12 weeker once or twice a year .... mention pct meds and pct itself ....

    uuuummmmmmm thats what i got off top of my head if thats what ya lookin 4 goodluck

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by jkgrandchamp View Post
    Hey just a little about myself I am a college student who recently got out the military and I have decided to do a ethics paper on steroids in sports. I have found a lot of good info on the negatives on steroids but I have not found the positives that I am looking for to present my argument of being for them . Igf any one could pass along some information or give me some links it would be greatly appreaciated .
    research steroid and hGH use as pertaining to AIDS treatment, Cancer Treatment, Testosterone Replacement therapy and Hormone replacement therapy

  11. #11
    if you lift weights yourself and do this term paper, bad idea bro. Nobody in that class is going to buy into it, you'll only look like a roid head and confirm their assumptions

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    The Heartland
    Watch "Bigger Stronger Faster".

    It covers a lot of very interesting information about steroid use.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by killface View Post
    Watch "Bigger Stronger Faster".

    It covers a lot of very interesting information about steroid use.
    ^^^X2^^^ was about to advice that^^^

    Very nicely detailed info in that movie/documentary

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    bay area/ colfax
    Quote Originally Posted by NVR2BIG1 View Post
    if you lift weights yourself and do this term paper, bad idea bro. Nobody in that class is going to buy into it, you'll only look like a roid head and confirm their assumptions
    i dont know if i really agree with that. obviously people are gonna know he has some sort of interest in the subject for picking it, whether it be for aas use or against it. and if they did think hes a roid head i dont think that will affect his grade

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