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Thread: How will i feel when the roids start to work?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2010

    How will i feel when the roids start to work?

    I have been waiting to take my Thia 25 tabs does anyone know how i will feel or something i should feel when the tabs are working in my body

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2009
    Canada(Miss you Mom)
    Previous experience with steroids, stats such as height, weight, age, diet, goals all that stuff first please Also welcome to the forums read lots and learn lots!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    sounds like ur first time...

  4. #4
    well if you meant Thai dianabol this is most likely how you'll feel; the first 4-5 days you wont feel much. Then you'll walk in the gym on day 5 or 6, get under 315 lbs, and the shit feels like 185. thats when you know its in you. Within 3 or 4 wks your close grip benching shit you had trouble regular pressing before, hahahahaha. Its all too easy with dbol, incredible strength gains

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    I am 5'6 29 135 pounds 13% BF as of now im teaching highschoo; and coaching wrestling and it really sucks when your body has been the same since my jr. year of high school. I have not tried and tabs or injections at all for right now, i just want to know if i were too how would i feel and how will i know they are working inside me.
    My diet is basic 3 meals a day and only drinking low fat milk or water.
    My main issue is keep on weight if i can get some kind of plan or advice please share it. I really trying to avoid that stuff for right now.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    dont ask for a source thx
    most peeps suggestions on this matter is to check out the diet forum and learn how to eat to grow natty first....three meals a day is your problem imho.....once you learn how to diet to gain weight natty then you can think about using aas.....

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Scylla and Charybdis
    ^If you're only eating 3 meals a day...that's your problem.

    It will better to eat smaller meals throughout the day, to get a constant stream of nutrients though you at all times.

    Go start a thread in the diet forum, and they will help you get sorted out.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    im gonna go ahead and say this is probably not the best idea. Head over to the diet section and get that into check. Im 25, and with a proper diet i went from 6 foot tall and 165 to 185 in about 2 months time without roids on a clean diet. Im waiting until i hit about 195 to start my cycle. If you cant eat properly before your dbol only cycle, which many are going to tell you is a bad idea, your not going to be able to keep any of the gains you might have achieved. Also, since it seems like you dont know much about AAS, i would reccomend holding off for a while as you probably dont know what a pct is. Just tryin to help.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    I see so im just not eating enough ok ill check out the diet section to see what i can find. Thanks all. Also i would like to know more about this Thai brand every time i seach it here i get Thailand results. Just anyone who has taken Thia brand i just whana know how it made you feel and if it was a noticeable feeling or not. Trying to keep myself from having to find out as of now im not diggin the use of AAS .

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    dbol only cycle is a crappy one btw

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by chuckt12345 View Post
    dbol only cycle is a crappy one btw
    Not using any aas at all I just want answers from people that have used D-bol cause all of the info on it just tells me what it does. I would like to know how it has worked for people that have stacked it.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    gets you strong and puts on alot of weight quickly. Its mostly water weight but its stacked because it kicks in way before the other aas starts working. I dont like oral kickstarts because im not so impatient as to wait the month or so for test etc to kick in. I also dont like the feeling of being bloated. Lots of others love it so im sure they will chime in.

  13. #13
    Join Date
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    Opelousas, Louisiana
    read the stickys about first cycles, they all advise test for a first cycle to see how your body handles aas

  14. #14
    I would start to use weigh protien and take that inbetween meals, its an easy way to get the protien your body needs without having to force feed yourself when your not hungry. Also I wouldnt run dbol for my first cycle. I would run test.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    Yeah dbol not a good idea for the first run. I did use nitro-tech for protein and took that a lot but for some reason i find my self on the toilet all the time when im on that crap.

  16. #16
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    Nov 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by chuckt12345 View Post
    gets you strong and puts on alot of weight quickly. Its mostly water weight but its stacked because it kicks in way before the other aas starts working. I dont like oral kickstarts because im not so impatient as to wait the month or so for test etc to kick in. I also dont like the feeling of being bloated. Lots of others love it so im sure they will chime in.
    i agree some don't some do- i love the feeling as i have always been skinny until now trying to cut and then get bulking for a year lean before another cycle ( 23 and made mistakes as a younger guy with thesee) but ya it is usually in a beginner cycle only 4 weeks to wait on the test e to kick in then let that do it for you. As for gains they are massive and quick in both weight and strength imho/exp.

    Good luck on the diet and staying away from something you may not be wanting to do bro.

    "dirty d"

  17. #17
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    Jan 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by NVR2BIG1 View Post
    well if you meant Thai dianabol this is most likely how you'll feel; the first 4-5 days you wont feel much. Then you'll walk in the gym on day 5 or 6, get under 315 lbs, and the shit feels like 185. thats when you know its in you. Within 3 or 4 wks your close grip benching shit you had trouble regular pressing before, hahahahaha. Its all too easy with dbol, incredible strength gains
    I like how you say it all so easy on d-bol, but there another 20 people that say not to use it and the gains are all just water weight. Did you use the product or this is just something you have been told.

  18. #18
    I personally wouldn't take it by itself. I like it when taking test for the almost immediate (few days) feeling. The water retention is managable if you eat clean and drink tons of water. I always feel great on it.


  19. #19
    Quote Originally Posted by Capsule#41 View Post
    I like how you say it all so easy on d-bol, but there another 20 people that say not to use it and the gains are all just water weight. Did you use the product or this is just something you have been told.
    hell yes I use it, I only give advice or comment on what I use. Yes, when people say water weight they're right, but the muscles are made up of water anyways, I believe 75% water, so when you flood them with water what happens? They get stronger, much stronger!!! And your body using heavier weights will make it grow so alot of what people say is bullshit. Who is going to look bigger 99% of the time, the guy who can use 450 on the bench or the one who can only do 275? So yes, dbol makes you bigger. Most, if not all of it goes away when you come off cycle. But this is with almost anything, and anybody who tells you that you can keep your gains is smoking a crackpipe

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by NVR2BIG1 View Post
    hell yes I use it, I only give advice or comment on what I use. Yes, when people say water weight they're right, but the muscles are made up of water anyways, I believe 75% water, so when you flood them with water what happens? They get stronger, much stronger!!! And your body using heavier weights will make it grow so alot of what people say is bullshit. Who is going to look bigger 99% of the time, the guy who can use 450 on the bench or the one who can only do 275? So yes, dbol makes you bigger. Most, if not all of it goes away when you come off cycle. But this is with almost anything, and anybody who tells you that you can keep your gains is smoking a crackpipe
    Wooooo thanks man that was a great answer Ill def think about that as for now i think ill stick to working out natty for now. hoping to get some gains that way.

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