Originally Posted by
ok thanks buddy. so basically, if i start seeing gyno...10mg nolva and .5mg adex till it goes?
If you start having gyno issues while taking it you need to stay on the serm and AI for as long as you are taking it. Its pretty simple, whats happing is a basic reaction your body is having to that drug, as long as you are taking that drug you need to combat that reaction
(would taking just one or the other be enough?)
That one I do not know, if you body is naturally producing extra estrogen then the serm alone will work, if your body is releaseing aromatize then the AI alone will work. The only solid way to know is to get, gyno issues first not combat them, and get a blood test... prob not what you want to do to save $10, right...also read that finistrade increases natural test too...this true?
Yes, if your testosterona stays as it is you will have higher test levels
and if so i take it the increase is very small right?
so you find taking 2mg eod more effective than 1mg ed?
I take 2mg ED cause the OTC proscar here is 5mg a tab, I cut them in halves... The dosage does not matter all that much with respect to the ED or EOD, it has a pretty long half-life after a few weeks it will be built up in your blood