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Thread: Finistrade (propeica)

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2008

    Finistrade (propeica)

    alright lads couple of questions with regards to gyno while on Finistrade (as ive read it can cause this on its own)....

    1. when on a cycle and you see signs of gyno while taking Finistrade , do you just play it normally, ie, either take 10 mg nolva ed while on cycle, or just hit the nolva 40 mg ed when you start seeing signs, until they go?

    2. when you take this off cycle and you see gyno, would you do as ive said above? cos il be taking it everyday (just to play it safe-dads a bit bald and having a taste for gym candy doesnt help)...if i do 10 mg nolva ed, all yr-its gonna be expensive as hell! this safe also?

    anyone understand what im on about, lol?? any ideas, thanks, appreciate it

    cheers guys

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    I am taking 2mg EOD or E3D now. I have not have problems with gyno.

    It´s an inhibitor of the steroid 5alpha-reductase, it also inhibits some of the metabolites of progestrone, and a few other hormonal metabolites.

    There are cases of gyno appearing such as:

    Reduction in serum dihydrotestosterone is a theoretical cause of gynecomastia induced by finasteride. [3] Ferrando et al ., reported four cases of gynecomastia induced by 1 mg/d finasteride. All cases had unilateral gynecomastia and the symptoms disappeared after discontinuation of therapy. [1] Some authors have reported the occurrence of gynecomastia with the use of finasteride for benign prostatic hypertrophy. [2],[4],[5] A similar case of unilateral painful gynecomastia by using 1 mg/day finasteride has been reported by Wade and Sinclair. [3] Our both patients also presented with a unilateral painful gynecomastia, which showed complete resolution in one and partial resolution in the other after cessation of therapy, but Miller et al ., reported recurrent gynecomastia, with finasteride in treating benign prostatic hyperplasia. [5] Continued surveillance and close follow-up of cases on long-term treatments with finasteride are needed for better knowledge of real incidence of gynecomastia.

    There not any long term studies to understand mechanics of the feed back functions.

    So I wrote all to come to this:

    There are two reason why finastride would cause gyno, in basic
    1) Your body release extra amounts of aromatizing hormone and converts testosterna to estrogen to regin homeostasis.
    2) Your body produces extra estrogen naturally to stay in homeostasis.

    If you begin to have problem you can take a few courses.
    .5mg of adex ED AND 10mg nolv.

    An AI alone will not be effective against natural production. A serm alone is not as effective to stop conversion of testosterona.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    ok thanks buddy. so basically, if i start seeing gyno...10mg nolva and .5mg adex till it goes? (would taking just one or the other be enough?) also read that finistrade increases natural test too...this true? and if so i take it the increase is very small right? so you find taking 2mg eod more effective than 1mg ed?

    Last edited by dan_e666; 01-30-2010 at 08:11 AM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Quote Originally Posted by dan_e666 View Post
    ok thanks buddy. so basically, if i start seeing gyno...10mg nolva and .5mg adex till it goes?

    If you start having gyno issues while taking it you need to stay on the serm and AI for as long as you are taking it. Its pretty simple, whats happing is a basic reaction your body is having to that drug, as long as you are taking that drug you need to combat that reaction

    (would taking just one or the other be enough?)

    That one I do not know, if you body is naturally producing extra estrogen then the serm alone will work, if your body is releaseing aromatize then the AI alone will work. The only solid way to know is to get, gyno issues first not combat them, and get a blood test... prob not what you want to do to save $10, right...also read that finistrade increases natural test too...this true?

    Yes, if your testosterona stays as it is you will have higher test levels

    and if so i take it the increase is very small right?


    so you find taking 2mg eod more effective than 1mg ed?

    I take 2mg ED cause the OTC proscar here is 5mg a tab, I cut them in halves... The dosage does not matter all that much with respect to the ED or EOD, it has a pretty long half-life after a few weeks it will be built up in your blood
    The only way to know if that is causing gyno is to eliminate the other variables.

    Meaning, you need to take it alone without other factors that would cause gyno.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Im currently on ronnies slingshot system in week 8. 500mg teste once a week and will now deload. I've been taking finasteride 2.5mg ED for a solid 9 months now and i did notice less sperm after about 3 months. But thats the only sideeffect i saw from finasteride. I started 10mg nolva EOD along with the slingshot cycle and no gyno yet. I will take 10mg nolva EOD and 2.5mg finasteride thru out entire blast. I will continue the fina as part of my daily life and i will cut off the nolva about 2 months after the normal PCT is done just to play it safe. My slingshot blast is about 54 weeks total.

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