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Thread: Gyno, puffy vs hard...

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Gyno, puffy vs hard...

    Stangnjuice's thread got me thinking about my own situation that i never found an answer for and had given up on but I have never asked you guys.

    Over a year ago I developed a little bit of what has to be gyno because it wasn't there befor the cycle, after the cycle my chest looked a little different.
    It hung down just pinch more than it used to.

    every time i read about gyno, people always talk about a lump. i dont have a lump.

    the area aroungd my nipple (1 1/2 " - 2 ") in diameter is puffy and soft ...

    I can pus in on it and feel nothing but the muscel beneath.

    I know its not fat (i also know that if I did more cardio to bring my body fat down some would go with it-from the little bit i have heard)

    but whats the deal?

    even though its over a year old it seams like there would be a way to "dry" it up so that it would flatten out...

    any similar experiances?

  2. #2
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    same for me but i still have to cut some fat.but it did get worse while on.

  3. #3

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by bangorang View Post
    what now??? i dont think so

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by MONEY AND MASS View Post
    what now??? i dont think so
    what do you think m and m?

  6. #6
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    iv currently got this puffy nips thing. i didn also have lumps but got rid of that with letro now im staying on the letro a while longer to try and get ride of the puffyness. then il be htting pct which i think will also help.

  7. #7
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    you sure your chest didn't grow and you just have a higher upper chest which pushes your nipples at a downward angle since its grown?

  8. #8
    You have the early stages of gyno imo. Thats how mine started then i got little pea sized lumps then the grew and grew until i had that shit cut out. Gyno is irreversable so anybody that tells you their lumps went away is lying.

  9. #9
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    what do you think m and m?

    I think that nolva IMO doesnt reverse puffy or hard gyno

    I also think that if it did work for anyone to reverse gyno, that it was used at the first sign of the gyno, not a year later...

    iv currently got this puffy nips thing. i didn also have lumps but got rid of that with letro now im staying on the letro a while longer to try and get ride of the puffyness. then il be htting pct which i think will also help.

    I used arimidex during the cycle that caused it (after i noticed it starting)

    for pct I was using nolva and it was doing no good so I switched to letro and that stoped it dead its tracks, but it also dried me out realy bad, as a result my joints stared hurting. after that I didn't touch the letro again and just accepted the puffiness thinking it would go away (stupid I know, that was then)

    you sure your chest didn't grow and you just have a higher upper chest which pushes your nipples at a downward angle since its grown?


    You have the early stages of gyno imo. Thats how mine started then i got little pea sized lumps then the grew and grew until i had that shit cut out. Gyno is irreversable so anybody that tells you their lumps went away is lying.

    ya, thats been my thot too as far as it being irreversable....


    I gues it was a retarded statement or wishful thinking that there would be a way to dry it up a year or so later,

    I already knew about letro, so I dont know what i expected to hear from anyone.

    Surgury is probly going to be the step that im going to end up taking...

    I stated in my original post;
    I can push in on it and feel nothing but the muscel beneath.
    let me correct that I can feel tissue underneath, I just wouldn,t descibe it as a lump, it's too soft IMO.

    Its really not that notice able if you didnt see me before, but I notice do notice it and feel it. I get pissed off anytime some one even barely/accidently touches/brushes/grazes that area. It feel really weird.

    any gyno surgury survivors want to give thier 2cents????

  10. #10
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    puffy nipples is defiently not gyno. gyno you get a very solid circular lump. i have puffy nipples and never have never cycled. i even had them when i was young and had 8% bf. i guess genetics might make them like.

  11. #11
    ya getting the surgery is the best thing i did. Not only are the lumps gone but they can never come back. I am impervious to gyno for the rest of my life!!!

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by stevey_6t9 View Post
    puffy nipples is defiently not gyno. gyno you get a very solid circular lump. i have puffy nipples and never have never cycled. i even had them when i was young and had 8% bf. i guess genetics might make them like.
    well they got puffy andsensitve after a cycle and hav stayed that way so what do you say to that?

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by PuzzyFalker View Post
    ya getting the surgery is the best thing i did. Not only are the lumps gone but they can never come back. I am impervious to gyno for the rest of my life!!!
    I have been told that your gyno can come back even though they cut out your glands........

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by MONEY AND MASS View Post
    well they got puffy andsensitve after a cycle and hav stayed that way so what do you say to that?
    well like i said puffy nipples is not gyno. i know what gyno is i had it for 3 years.

    so whatever you have is a nipple problem. lol

  15. #15
    I haven't cycled yet and I have always had the same puffy nipples you describe. It doesn't hurt nor anything but even at low body fat you can see how the nipple is never naturally erect and always very very soft. Right now about 1/2" radio outside of the nipple you can see a soft type of circle too, you can't feel anything weird there though.

    I'm hoping it goes away with more muscle and very low body fat...

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by stevey_6t9 View Post
    well like i said puffy nipples is not gyno. i know what gyno is i had it for 3 years.

    so whatever you have is a nipple problem. lol
    well it happend after my cycle, i never had any type of anything around my nipple b4... so what would you call that?

    oh and by the way it took me a while to be able to look at your avatar without laughing, thats great!

  17. #17
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    i have puffy nipples, since i started a cycle a few months ago. i've been off the cycle now for about two weeks, but the puffy nips remain.

    i used a long-estered test and deca, so i figure they're still working.

    i've never considered that a real problem, cause there's no lump and they're not overly sensitive. the puffiness seems to be a little less then before, so i figure it'll pass in a few more weeks or so. regardless, it doesn't seem to be a problem and my nips don't look unusual, there's no lump or anything like that... i'm the only one who knows that anything is different and i expect it'll go away as the long estered products leave my system.

  18. #18
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    btw - just started taking nolvadex for pct and my first 20mg dose knocked the puffiness down... poof! (i also started clomid, too, so maybe that also contributed ?!?)

    i must had been doing too low of a dose of arimidex (0.25mg/eod... for my first, light cycle)

  19. #19
    Quote Originally Posted by Okinawa_Power View Post
    I have been told that your gyno can come back even though they cut out your glands........

    Are you saying I can grow new glands? Dont think so. But I recall someone saying that before also. I doubt they had the glands cut out. Mabe they just had puffy nips and had lipo.
    Last edited by PuzzyFalker; 02-01-2010 at 06:40 PM.

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by PuzzyFalker View Post
    ya getting the surgery is the best thing i did. Not only are the lumps gone but they can never come back. I am impervious to gyno for the rest of my life!!!
    Disagree... I had surgury on my right side in 04, and its now back. I have a doc appt. tomorrow actually with the same doc that cut it out back then.

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