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Thread: T3, ECA, Clen?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2006

    Exclamation T3, ECA, Clen?

    Before I hop into a cycle, I was going to drop a couple points in body fat.
    Around 13-12% then hit the TEST E & TBOL.

    I read this:

    "And for assistance (to diet and cardio) for fat loss; 25mg of ephedrine, 25mg of caffeine, and one tablet of asprin (forgot the dosage), it is an awesome fat burner. I used to take it in the morning on an empty stomach and wait a half hour and then do my cardio. Holy shit, you will burn so much fat it is awesome. Take it 2 more times the rest of the day, on an empty stomach like a half hour before you eat and you will see great results. Great for energy and aerobic assistance."

    With that being said ^^ . We have all heard of the ECA stack before, but I've never looked for confirmation of it - on THIS forum.

    I wonder if it can match the fat loss that Clen does, as the shakes some times get a bit crazy.

    Anyways, looking for the usual opinions & facts on it!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2006

  3. #3
    ECA is a very effective stack for fat burning. IMO the results are very similar to clen. BTW, you can still definitely get shakes/sides from an ECA stack bro!

    Also, the aspirin dosage you're looking for is 81 - 100mg.

    My caffine pills are much much higher dosage as well.... I take 200mg pills w/ the stack.

    I usually take this stack 2 times per day.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    I wonder if (in Canada) Ephedrine is still available.
    I used to work for a health food store in the mall and the pills came in very small doses which were for clearing up throat/nose congestion (I guess that's why there weren't listed as illegal for that reason).

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2009
    Yes, in Canada you can still get ephedrine. It's low dose but one pill is all you need(or two) ...

    I like ECA and Albuterol over Clen.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    Why do you have preferance over Clen?
    (Though, so do I)

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2009
    Albuterol is very similar to Clenbuterol (hence the "buterol"). Albuterol has a shorter half life so I can take it before a work out and not worry about being able to get to sleep. I believe the half life of Albuterol is 4hours where as Clen is ALOT longer.

    Personal preference but ECA dose the trick for me. And being tested I don't have to worry about Clen being in my system (4 weeks prior)... Still have to watch the ephedrine dose though.

    Also found that the Clen had some negative impacts on performance.
    I'm blabbing... but do some searches on this forum and follow up on some of the point I put down ie; half lifes and effects on cardio. There is alot of info on this site about Clen and ECA. Not to much about Albuterol though, but enough.
    Last edited by lotsoftime; 01-31-2010 at 03:07 PM.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    The Heartland
    The commonly accepted protocol for ECA is:

    25mg E
    200mg C
    81mg A

    I've always heard not to exceed 100mg E/day but I've seen some people go up to 200.

    I usually do 25/200/81, 3 time a day, 3-4 hours apart.

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