Before I hop into a cycle, I was going to drop a couple points in body fat.
Around 13-12% then hit the TEST E & TBOL.
I read this:
"And for assistance (to diet and cardio) for fat loss; 25mg of ephedrine, 25mg of caffeine, and one tablet of asprin (forgot the dosage), it is an awesome fat burner. I used to take it in the morning on an empty stomach and wait a half hour and then do my cardio. Holy shit, you will burn so much fat it is awesome. Take it 2 more times the rest of the day, on an empty stomach like a half hour before you eat and you will see great results. Great for energy and aerobic assistance."
With that being said ^^ . We have all heard of the ECA stack before, but I've never looked for confirmation of it - on THIS forum.
I wonder if it can match the fat loss that Clen does, as the shakes some times get a bit crazy.
Anyways, looking for the usual opinions & facts on it!