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  1. #1
    Bertuzzi's Avatar
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    ANAVAR?? Read this... All Quesitons ANSWERED!

    Ok, so I have been using this site for research for about 3 months now and a member now for just over a month. I too am already sick of the same question over and over again. I am only experienced enough in Anavar to give an educated opinion so this thread is only about Anavar, how and what to do with it.... After reading this, you should be well informed.

    I am just going to quickly say this is not a scientific in-depth look at what Anavar will do to your body, this is the "dumb" version. If you want the more in-depth info please read this thread: *EDIT* also check this out for blood work:
    by far the most in-depth threads about anavar results I've ever seen... nice work on it BJJ and thanks! The only reason I am doing this is because most of the question regarding anavar come from the "noobs" and they don't want that version... they want the "dumb" version

    What is Anavar??? click here:

    I am 26 years old 6'1 208lbs and at 16% BF. I have worked physical labour jobs my whole life and trained on and off since I was 16. I have been seriously training for just over a year now. I suffered a shoulder injury in October of 2009 and fell off the wagon for 2.5 months and have been working hard to get back on it. As for my experience with Anavar I have 2 cycles under my belt one in the summer of 2009 and the other just recent. I also have hundreds of hours of personal research regarding Anavar whether it be scientific or personal results of others, I think I've heard it all. I am however no expert on the field and do welcome any educated criticism regarding this post. I'll be the first to admit I shouldn't have done the last cycle of Anavar until I got in a little better shape but I was depressed and knew the strength gains would cheer me up!

    Down to business

    I am going to start off with the age old debate of; Should I do an Anavar only cycle? Well.... If you have the money and have never experimented with AAS, I say yes. This is a good way to warm you up to AAS in a whole. I was a strong believer in this cycle only and said I would never pin myself, not because I hate needles but a personal thing. After 2 Var only cycles I have decided I will probably never do a Var only cycle again. Take it from me, my research and experience.... There are much better cycles, oral only is not the answer. Learn this for yourself though.... give var only a try.

    What kind of people should do a Var only cycle?

    Well... you should be at least 24 years old, have a great diet and be under 17% BF. This is not a miracle drug that will just make you burn fat. You must remember if doing var only you're obviously looking to cut. So DIET is Number 1!! Do you know what your BMR is? If you don't, don't start this cycle. Figure out your BMR and cater to it based on your workout. 6 to 8 meals and yes, a protein shake alone is considered a meal in my eyes.

    What results can I expect from Var only?

    Before I answer this I want you to understand, everyones body reacts different to AAS so this is a general guidline for results, please do not debate the results I suggest based on your personal experience. You will see a huge increase in strength and vascularity. You will see some fat loss. You will see anywhere between 4 and 10 lbs lean muscle mass increase. When lifting, your muslces will get so hard, you'll think they are about to explode. This is a great feeling, you feel like you can conquer the whole rack! Please don't try . Your weights will increase about 20%.

    What side effects can I expect?

    With any sort of AAS there can be a long list of sides, but that goes for anything, even tylenol. I am not going to go into all the little "uncommon" sides of Var, just the few major ones. Your testosterone levels will drop... significantly. Your liver will spike even though Var is very mild on the liver it still effects it. Take milk thistle or something for the liver.... This is a must! DO NOT drink alchohol while on your Anavar cycle.... this is just stupid and I see it all the time. If you don't have the discipline to do that, you aren't ready for AAS! Get blood tests done before, during and after the cycle. This way you can monitor and gauge your recovery. I also feel this is a must.

    What dose should I take and for how long?

    Anything under 60mg everyday (ed) is a waste of money.... I don't care what anybody says! If you're doing var only nothing under 60mg/ed. You should do between 60mg to 100mg/ed depending on how your body responds. 80mg/ed is such a nice marker for most, I personally take 90mg/ed. Length of cycle should be no less than 8 weeks, I prefer 10 weeks and feel I get the best results at that length, but its up to you. I also wouldn't recommend anything more than 12 weeks but it can be done.

    Wow.... you may be thinking.... "Shit this is going to be expensive" YES! it is... and that is why most people do these ridiculous cycles of 40 and 50mg/ed for 6 weeks because they try to save money and think they don't need that much var. You want to talk about expensive? If you do that cycle you just threw your money away and got very little results. If you can't afford the cycle I suggested above then Anavar is not for you. Lets say you can afford it but want the 40mg/ed for 6 weeks just to see how your body reacts because you're a noob and are nervous.... then your not ready for AAS. Its that simple.... that would be like doing 200mg a week of test E for 4 weeks... pointless.

    Should I take it all in ony shot or spread it throughout the day?

    You can do it either way.... I think it makes more since to break it up between 2 or 3 scheduled dosings. With having an 8-12 hour half life just spread it and keep it constant in your body. I do 30mg first thing in the morning, 30mg around noon and 30mg at about 5pm.

    Do I need PCT? What Should I use? Why do I need it?

    YES! Always! I know a lot of guys who say you can take just clomid or nolva. I like to take them both, better to be safe. I suggest Clomid 50mg/ed for 4 weeks and Nolva at 40mg/ed for 2 weeks then 20mg/ed for 2 more weeks. If you have a tought time reading this means 4 weeks of PCT and yes you take both Clomid and Nolva in the same day. I like to spread them out, one in the morning and the other at noon. You need it to help restore your testosterone levels as fast as possible so you do not lose what you've gained.

    I have been slowly writing this over the day while I am working and I know I am forgetting something just can't think what.... I am sure an edit will be coming when I get a chance to read it tonight, but this is what I am posting. I hope I have helped, now please stop asking the same questions.

    Last edited by Bertuzzi; 01-30-2010 at 05:00 PM. Reason: New Link to BJJ Posting blood work

  2. #2
    Blaster22 is offline New Member
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    Nice write up. If you stack it with Test should you still be dosing it at 60-100mg a day or do you go lower?

  3. #3
    Little Herc's Avatar
    Little Herc is offline Associate Member
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    I wish I could afford to use Var. Last time I checked its a bout Edited a day to use dosing at 100mg.
    Last edited by Big; 01-30-2010 at 06:48 PM. Reason: $$

  4. #4
    D7M's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Little Herc View Post
    I wish I could afford to use Var. Last time I checked its a bout a day to use dosing at 100mg.
    Last time I checked, we weren't allowed to talk prices on the open forum

  5. #5
    Little Herc's Avatar
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    Well I'm not buying or selling. Just talking about the pros and cons. My bad

  6. #6
    Marty_4 is offline Associate Member
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    That's a great thread. I'll deffo be giving anavar a cycle. Expensive but worthit I'm thinking :-)

  7. #7
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    bertuzzi, you in the army by any chance???

  8. #8
    gymnerd's Avatar
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    I'm using var at higher doses right now 75mg+ ED with test(which hasn't kicked in yet) and I'm cutting and I am very impressed with how strong I am getting while also cutting calories. It also is killing my appetite which isn't so bad cause I would be hungry otherwise. This is a great drug to cut with cant imagine trying to bulk on it though nore would I even bother since there are such better options. The strength gains and pumps are nutts at high doses though.

    To sum up I would definitely recommen for 8wks on a cutter to go along with test of some sort. I would not recommend for a bulker because it doesn't add great size for one and I simply have to choke down my meals right now couldn't imagine trying to bulk like this.
    Last edited by gymnerd; 01-30-2010 at 09:20 PM.

  9. #9
    Bertuzzi's Avatar
    Bertuzzi is offline AR's Common Sense Ninja
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    Quote Originally Posted by New2Anabolic View Post
    bertuzzi, you in the army by any chance???
    LOL.... Before I answer.... I am curious, why do you ask??

  10. #10
    scotimus's Avatar
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    ya say one wanted to stack it at the latter part of a test cycle.....would you still do the 60+mg and would 8 weeks still be required.

    im not trying to be a cheap ass just wondering whats needed.

  11. #11
    BJJ's Avatar
    BJJ is offline Sapiens Fingit Fortunam Sibi
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    Thanks for the nice words Bertuzzi.
    Nice post, I only would reduce the amount of Nolva on the pct you lined up. I think that 20 mg ed is more than enough with Oxandrolone, which does not aromatize. Then, three weeks of four is a personal choice I guess.
    Also, regarding the length, I believe that over 8 weeks is a waste of time and money. No additional gains and the chance only to develop more sides, especially on those who decide to run Oxanrolone at 100 mg ed.

    I see you live in North America but your last name sounds familiar.
    Italian roots?
    Last edited by BJJ; 01-31-2010 at 03:27 AM.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bertuzzi View Post
    LOL.... Before I answer.... I am curious, why do you ask??
    Only because I may know you

  13. #13
    Bertuzzi's Avatar
    Bertuzzi is offline AR's Common Sense Ninja
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    Quote Originally Posted by BJJ View Post
    Thanks for the nice words Bertuzzi.
    Nice post, I only would reduce the amount of Nolva on the pct you lined up. I think that 20 mg ed is more than enough with Oxandrolone, which does not aromatize. Then, three weeks of four is a personal choice I guess.
    Also, regarding the length, I believe that over 8 weeks is a waste of time and money. No additional gains and the chance only to develop more sides, especially on those who decide to run Oxanrolone at 100 mg ed.

    I see you live in North America but your last name sounds familiar.
    Italian roots?
    I was thinking of just doing Nolva at 20 the whole way but I tend to be over cautious in life, maybe I'll give it a try. I go 10 weeks because I'm a kate breaker and don't start to show until week 5 usually.... but most guys i know only run 8 weeks due to maxing out results. Bertuzzi is not my last name it is a nickname given to me based on Todd Bertuzzi the hockey player.... long story. I'm an Irish boy.... not Italian here

    Quote Originally Posted by New2Anabolic View Post
    Only because I may know you
    Nah... not in the army and as I mentioned above to BJJ, Bertuzzi is ajust a nick name

  14. #14
    mthc is offline New Member
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    What about cardio? How many times a week, and it's duration?

  15. #15
    njviking's Avatar
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    first off i applaud you for taking the time to write this. I am fairly new to this board but I to have read countless hours of articles and posts regarding AAS. It took me 42 yrs. to finally try them out. very happy with the outcome and just wish i started sooner.

    that said, im lucky enough to scan this board off and on all day long and read the countless number of posts from noobs that have not done enough research and/or are way to young to cycle. those threads you just shake your head at because regardless of how much good advice they get from the vets here they do what they want anyway.

    lately the "Var only cycle" question seems to be flooding the boards. so your timing to share this with the board is perfect.

    so thanks for sharing and a shoutout to BJJ for his advice as well.

  16. #16
    tony1032 is offline Junior Member
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    I can appreciate the energy you put into this post; however, I have to disagree with a lot of the content.

  17. #17
    myl01e is offline New Member
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    Is it true that var increases collagen production? If so at what dose?

  18. #18
    Flier's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tony1032 View Post
    I can appreciate the energy you put into this post; however, I have to disagree with a lot of the content.
    Maybe u should put some more energy into your reply, and elaborate on what u disagree with :-)

  19. #19
    The Titan99's Avatar
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    Personally I think taking Ox would be a waste at 17% BF. Do you use that number for any specific reason, or is it because you figure yourself for 16%? If diet and cardio were dynamite, oxandrolone would be a hammer and chisel...
    Last edited by The Titan99; 04-07-2011 at 02:50 AM.

  20. #20
    Flier's Avatar
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    What can I expect from 6 week 50mg ED Var stacked at the end of a 12 week 450mgs/week Cyp, cycle?

    More mass? Cut BF only? Turn easier to loose gains from Cyp. into hard muscle easier to keep after PCT?

  21. #21
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    Somebody throw me frickiŽn bone here..
    (Dr. Evil)

  22. #22
    slim forever is offline New Member
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    I keep reading these threads and I see everyone stating that var shuts down your natural test but what about your estrogen? Does it get suppressed too. Reason I ask cause of fear to high estrogen and to low test might trigger another gyno episode while im on cycle before I even get to pct.

  23. #23
    The Titan99's Avatar
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    Anavar doesn't convert to estrogen so your good as far as that goes.

  24. #24
    songdog's Avatar
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    Read the profile on Var.Very easy on your Hepta.No pct for under 100mgs.According to the profile.Var is suppose to be good for losing belly fat.I was thinking of running it soon.With low dose test tren var.My thought tren is great for fat loss.And now that I got my diet right.The var will make it better.But I could be wrong.I will keep you posted.On how it works.

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by songdog View Post
    Read the profile on Var.Very easy on your Hepta.No pct for under 100mgs.According to the profile.Var is suppose to be good for losing belly fat.I was thinking of running it soon.With low dose test tren var.My thought tren is great for fat loss.And now that I got my diet right.The var will make it better.But I could be wrong.I will keep you posted.On how it works.
    I need to get rid of some bellyfat!
    Starting Var 60mg ED for 50 days on Monday.

    What happened to you and your dog?

  26. #26
    Scottish-Muscle is offline Junior Member
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    If taking a cytoxic drug would anavar be alright on liver? I know its very mild but any drug interactions? Was gonna run it with a test cycle towards the end for 6 wk.

  27. #27
    H20Crazy's Avatar
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    What kind of effect on libido would be realistic to expect on a 80mg ed var only?

  28. #28
    P0rkchop is offline New Member
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    Hate to hijack your thread but don't want to start my own:

    Okay so I am turning 23 in a week:

    My stats:5 foot 10.5, 185lbs anywhere from 11-13% bf atm. Use to compete in sports where I had to keep my weight in check but starting last February I upped my cals substantially and the weight piled on. Went from 150-185 lbs. I've kind of stalled putting on weight, especially since I've started to try to clean up my diet. Gains on lifts are still coming tho, not near as quick but still going up.

    So my gym friends recommended me Anavar only cycle(this is my first cycle) and I ended up buying 2000mg of var. I've spent the last few days researching and every thread seems more and more conflicting. My source told me to take the Anavar at 40mg for the 50 days.(7 weeks) then PCT Clomid @ 50mg for 20 days. I've read your article and I've found many that state Var at high doses is dangerous and counterproductive. Almost everywhere recommends 40-60mg.

    I have a few questions:

    Most places say to wait until your 24 to take AAS but give no reasons as to why? What are the consequences for taking AAS at 22 or 23?

    As a var only first time cycle, what are your thoughts on 40mg for 50 days and PCT of Clomid @50mg for 20 days?

    The one thing people agree on is adding test, I'm not against injections so what you add to my cycle? Keep in mind first time user at age of 23 and I have already bought 2000mg of var and 1000mg of clomid.

    Thank you!

    Goals: Looking to get around 190-195 <=10% BF after my cycle. (Obviously looking to add strength as well, still competing but it is for fun now so looks are most important haha)
    Last edited by P0rkchop; 04-22-2011 at 12:18 AM.

  29. #29
    incrediblebulk is offline New Member
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    I'm sure you're gonna all laugh but I will only use var for a bulking cycle, lol. It hits my body better than Dbol . My source is AMAZING so I don't doubt the authenticity but for some reason( I think it has to do with Var stimulating IGF-1 & GH) I get huge. Its not all water retention either. I just get BIG!!!

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