hey guys going to be doing a cycle in a month and a bit it will b my 4th cycle 3rd did not work out as i did my arm in big time dont want to go into it. this is my plan d-bol 40mgs ed 6 weeks as i love d-b-bol and test e at 500mgs week 1-14 then 750 week 15-16 test. then deca week 1-14 at 500 mgs. i have not done masteron but thinking of putting it in the mix at week 13-16 at 100mgs e.o.d. by the way my first two cycles have only been test and d-bol.and on my 3rd i only had deca in me 4 about four weeks with test and d-bol. got nova on hand as well just dont know about the masteron i have read up on it. im 32 88kg give or take bf 14-15 may b. sorry if this is hard to read im a kiwi no haters please.