Here's some advice...Read the fvckin rules you flake. This isn't a source board. And would you really want it if i came to you and all of a sudden said "i got some"? Find another board bro and good luck.
Here's some advice...Read the fvckin rules you flake. This isn't a source board. And would you really want it if i came to you and all of a sudden said "i got some"? Find another board bro and good luck.
Gota have da hookup fooool
mexico???? wtf??? u aint guna get nothin gud in there bro....
mexico juice sucks since da shit hit da fan
youve been on here since 07 and you dont know what u can and cant ask? u sound like a real goon u should change your name to theSHADY pimp r maybe the the shady GIMP ask your mom for some test idiot.
basically thats what i was tellin you.but you should probably find another website your pretty ignorant. oh tell your mom i said thanx 2 she needs a lil practice though.
the title to your post says it all!
You cant ask for a source.....
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