Thread: ANAVAR Cycle (female)
02-01-2010, 09:18 AM #1
ANAVAR Cycle (female)
34 years old, 5'84 Feet
Body Weight: 55,8 kg (122,7 lbs)
Body Fat: 17,8%
Body Water: 63,8%
Lean Body Mass Acquisition (LBM): ?
Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR): ?
Complete Cycle Log (post ?): ?
BULKING (02/01/2010 - 03/14/2010)
Week 1-8 Oxandrolone (Oxanabolic) [HG] 5 mg ed (ttl 280 mg) (Breakfast/Dinner)
PCT (03/15/2009 - 03/28/2009)
Week 9-10 Glutathione (GSH) 600 mg ed (ttl 8.400 mg) (Morning)
Oxandrolone: 17b-hydroxy-17a-methyl-2-oxa-5a-androstan-3-one [half life 9 hours] {detection time 3 weeks}
Glutathione: (2S)-2-amino-4-{[(1R)-1-[(carboxymethyl)carbamoyl]-2-sulfanylethyl]carbamoyl}butanoic acid
BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate): 1.350 Kcal
Average daily calories is about 2.500 Kcal.
I always try to keep the ratio between proteins and carbs around 0,75.
Daily diet consists in:
188 g of Protides (6,6 oz)
60 g of Lipides (2,1 oz)
286 g of Glucides (10 oz)
Supplements consist in:
Multi Vitamins/Minerals, Vitamin C/Ester, EFA complex, ALA, LIV.52, Milk Thistle, Chromium Picolinate, Acetyl L-Carnitine, Coenzyme Q10, Glutamine, BCAA, Carnosine, Resveratrol, Glucosamine.
ERYTHROCYTES: 4,36 mil/mmc [4 - 5,5]
LEUCOCYTES: 5,1 mila/mmc [4 - 9]
HEMOGLOBIN: 13,3 gr/dl [12 - 16]
HEMATOCRIT: 39 % [37 - 47]
MCV: 89,4 femtol [82 - 98]
MCH: 30,5 picogr. [27 - 31]
MCHC: 34,1 gr/dl [32 - 36]
GRAN-NEUTROPHILS: 47,7 % [37 -80]
GRAN-EOSINOPHILS: 2,3 % [0,0 - 7]
GRAN-BASOPHILS: 0,4 % [0,0 - 2,5]
LYMPHOCYTES: 43,9 % [10 - 50]
MONOCYTES: 5,7 % [0,0 - 12]
PLATELETS: 203000 /mmc [150000 - 400000]
GLYCEMIA (basal): 91 mg/dl [70 - 110]
INR: 1,08
FIBRINOGEN: 373 mg/dl [174 - 404]
HOMOCYSTEINE: 7 mcmoli/l [5 - 12]
MYOGLOBIN: 20 ng/ml [10 - 35]
AZOTEMIA: 42 mg/dl [10-50]
CREATININE: 0,7 mg/dl [0,6 - 1]
HYPERURICEMIA: 4,5 mg/dl [3 - 7]
CHOLESTEROL TTL: 196 mg/dl [140 - 220]
CHOLESTEROL VLDL: 25 mg/dl [20 - 40]
CHOLESTEROL LDL: 112 mg/dl [< 150]
CHOLESTEROL HDL: 68 mg/dl [> 40]
INDEX RISK HDL: 2,9 [till 5]
APO A1: 163 mg/dl [115 - 220]
APO B: 69 mg/dl [55 - 125]
RATIO B/A1 APO: 0,42 [0,35 - 1]
TRIGLYCERIDES: 41 mg/dl [< 150]
PHOSPHATASE ALCALINE: 47 u/ltr [35 - 104]
BILIRUBIN TTL: 2,32 mg/dl [till 1]
BILIRUBIN DIRECT: 0,51 mg/dl [0 - 0,3]
BILIRUBIN INDIRECT: 1,81 mg/dl [0 - 0,8]
TRANSAMINASE GOT/AST: 20 u/ltr [15 - 37]
TRANSAMINASE GPT/ALT: 46 u/ltr [30 - 65]
GAMMA (YGT): 25 u/ltr [5 - 55]
FERRITIN: 120 ng/ml [20 - 300]
LIPASE: 95 u/ltr [75 - 165]
AMYLASE: 22 u/ltr [13 - 53]
LDH: 275 u/ltr [240 - 480]
CPK MB: 150 u/ltr [30 - 190]
CK NAK: 89 u/l [till 167]
PROTIDES TTL: 7,7 gr/dl [6,4 - 8,2]
ALBUMIN: 63,9 % [51 - 63,3]
ALFA 1: 2,7 % [2,2 - 4,3]
ALFA 2: 10,5 % [9,5 - 14]
BETA: 9,2 % [10-14,5]
GAMMA: 13,7 % [12 - 20]
A/G RATIO: 1,77 [1,0 - 1,7]
IGG: 1080 mg/dl [700 - 1600]
IGA: 95 mg/dl [70 - 400]
IGD: 470 u/ml [till 100]
IGM: 77 mg/dl [40 - 230]
IGE (prist): 43,2 iu/ml [0 - 120]
HIV-Ab (1+2): 0,11 non-react u/cutoff [<0,9]
HCV-Ab: 0,1 non-react u/cutoff [<0,9]
HBS-Ag: 0,31 non-react u/cutoff [<0,9]
HAV-Ab (IgT): <15 non-react miu/ml [<35]
HAV-Ab (IgM): 0,06 non-react u/cutoff [<0,9]
TAS: 90 ui/ml [0 - 166]
VDRL: negative [negative]
CRP: 1,5 mg/dl [till 5]
REUMA TEST: <20 iu/ml [<20]
VES: 6 mm/h [till 15]
VITAMIN A: 512 mcg/l [300-650]
VITAMIN E: 10 mg/ltr [5 - 20]
VITAMIN C: 0,7 mg/ml [0,5-1,5]
VITAMIN B12: 499 pg/ml [179 - 1162]
VITAMIN D3: 37 ng/ml [10-45]
VITAMIN H: 77 ng/ml [70-100]
VITAMIN K: 25 mcg/ml [15-30]
VITAMIN PP: 0,6 mg/ml [0,5-0,8]
SODIUM: 141 meq/l [136 - 145]
POTASSIUM: 4,6 meq/l [3,5 - 5,1]
CALCIUM: 9,8 mg/dl [8,6 - 10,2]
MAGNESIUM: 2,13 mg/dl [1,58 - 2,55]
PHOSPHORUS: 4,5 mg/dl [2,7 - 4,5]
IRON: 130 mcg/dl [35 - 150]
ZINC: 86 mcg/dl [80 - 125]
CHLORINE: 101 meq/l [98 - 107]
COPPER: 91 ku/l [76 - 153]
GASTRIN: 27 pg/ml [0-108]
MELATONIN: 31 pg/ml [20 - 85]
C-PEPTIDE: 1 ng/ml [0,7 – 1,5]
INSULIN : 6,32 micru/ml [2,6 - 24,9]
GLUCAGON: 58 pg/ml [40-130]
ACTH: 21 pg/dl [till 50]
CORTISOL: 13,87 mg/dl [6,5 - 25,5]
FT3: 3,65 pg/ml [2,2 - 4,7]
FT4: 1,45 ng/dl [0,8 - 2]
MSH: 8,1 pmol/l [7,9 - 14,4]
HTG: 4,54 ng/ml [0,0 - 25]
TBG: 9,8 mcg/ml [1,4 - 78]
TSH: 1,69 micru/ml [0,34 - 5,6]
FSH: 4,18 miu/ml [3,85 - 8,78]
LH: 6,67 miu/ml [2,12 - 10,89]
DHT: 45 ng/ml [25 - 115]
TESTOSTERONE TTL: 2,79 ng/ml [0,55 - 5,75]
TESTOSTERONE FREE: 12 pg/ml [5 - 30]
SHBG: 21 pg/ml [10 - 60]
ESTRADIOL 17-BETA: 87 pg/ml [27 - 122]
PROGESTERONE: 0,47 ng/ml [0,25 - 0,54]
PRL: 21 ng/ml [5 - 35]
IGF-1: 166 ng/ml [90 - 400]
HGH: 0,7 ng/ml [0,0 - 5]
COLOUR: straw-coloured
APPEARANCE: limpid [limpid]
REACTION: 5,7 [5 - 6,5]
SPECIFIC WEIGHT: 1021 [1015 - 1028]
PROTEINS: none mg/dl [0,0 - 10]
HEMOGLOBIN: none [none]
KETONE BODIES: none [none]
UROBILINOGEN: none mg/dl [0,0 - 0,2]
NITRITE: none [none]
SHAPE: homogeneous [homogeneous]
CONSISTENCY: poltacea [poltacea]
COLOUR: brown [brown]
ODOUR: sui generis [sui generis]
MUCUS: absent [absent]
BLOOD: absent [absent]
PARASITOLOGICAL: negative [negative]
SALMONELLA: negative [negative]
HELICOBACTER PYLORI: negative [negative]
GIARDIASIS: negative [negative]
X8GG-7R6R-9G7B (OXA)Last edited by BJJ; 02-12-2010 at 05:57 AM. Reason: updating
02-01-2010, 09:38 AM #2Anabolic Member
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What are her goals?
02-01-2010, 09:40 AM #3
^ Wow you really know how to get your information done and well done at it. Glad to have you on this board man
02-01-2010, 09:42 AM #4Banned
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.... you convinced your wife to take a sh*t and get it analyzed...? loll
02-01-2010, 09:52 AM #5
02-01-2010, 10:34 AM #6Anabolic Member
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She is going to do that, IMO.
I bet her body fat drops 3-4% and her over all weight will increase 3kg. Just a bet.
I date a girl that took 5mg of anavar 3 times a week.
She was 5´4´´ she went from 125 pounds to 135.
Then she fliped out because she gained weight. Even though it was solid. She still fliped out because the scael showed a higher number. That was a weird one.
02-01-2010, 10:37 AM #7
i would never encourage a female to take aas unless that is really what they wanted
02-01-2010, 02:23 PM #8
02-01-2010, 03:16 PM #9
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Wife did 10mg ED of Anavar and had nice results
02-01-2010, 03:23 PM #10
that shit pises me off women can take 10mg of anavr ed and get nice results hahaha. wow.
02-01-2010, 04:00 PM #11
02-01-2010, 04:02 PM #12
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02-01-2010, 04:04 PM #13
02-01-2010, 05:06 PM #14Junior Member
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do women need pct after a var cycle?
02-01-2010, 05:13 PM #15
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02-01-2010, 05:15 PM #16
02-01-2010, 05:19 PM #17
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02-01-2010, 05:39 PM #18
02-01-2010, 05:51 PM #19
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Honestly she didn't have any sides. Her diet has always been solid and when it comes to lifting she is extremely dedicated. He goal was to build her legs/calves, she was screwed with small legs but has an amazing upper body.
Here legs came in great and her calves came in OK, genetics screwed her there.
She as also tried primo but had better luck with anavar .
I'll talk to her tonight to see if she has some input regarding Anavar
02-01-2010, 05:53 PM #20
02-01-2010, 05:59 PM #21
Im in, I like your thorough analysis and attention to detail, that is what we need more of on this board. Im sick of 'can i do winny only'. Credit to you my man, get your girl nice and hard and i ensure you, you will have some fun nights .
I love how females do not need PCT's or AI's or such. And the low doses, i mean thats a lot of money saved.
Now BJJ, dont be tempted to steal her var, .
Keep us updated man!
02-01-2010, 06:43 PM #22
02-01-2010, 07:18 PM #23
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I just spoke with her and she took 5mg ED of Anavar with no issues. She gained 2" on her legs and 1 1/2" on her calves.
When she did primo she did it for 10 weeks and she actually liked it more then anavar.
I will be coming to Rome to get that
02-02-2010, 02:40 AM #24
02-02-2010, 02:41 AM #25
02-03-2010, 08:51 AM #26
In regard of the following:
Women dont need an AI, you would actually put yourself at the risk of hyperovulation if you misuse AIs. In regards to AAS, women should taper up maintain the dosage they want to use for the time they want and taper down.
This would ensure a gradual readjustment of your hormonal levels and would minimize sides. OK
Also, if I were you I would consider a longer cycle than 6-8, because anavar is a slower acting agent, and it takes a while for your body to adapt. wrong, IMO
If you are concerned about estrogen surges, I would use something like I3C, which expedites the metabolism of estrogens. ???
Anyone with experience in regard (???)Last edited by BJJ; 02-03-2010 at 08:54 AM.
02-07-2010, 02:59 PM #27
1st Week
5 oxa - 2.555 Kcal - (Shoulders)
Sides: Nil
Additional Drugs: Nil
5 oxa - 2.451 Kcal - (Back)
Sides: Bursts of Heat, Loss of Appetite
Additional Drugs: Nil
5 oxa - 2.333 Kcal - (Rest)
Sides: Bursts of Heat, Loss of Appetite
Additional Drugs: Nil
5 oxa - 2.254 Kcal - (Legs)
Sides: Loss of Appetite
Additional Drugs: Nil
5 oxa - 2.335 Kcal - (Biceps & Triceps)
Sides: Loss of Appetite, Tiredness, Face Swelling
Additional Drugs: Nil
5 oxa - 2.678 Kcal - (Cardio 60')
Sides: Loss of Appetite
Additional Drugs: Nil
5 oxa - 2.227 Kcal - (Rest)
Sides: Loss of Appetite
Additional Drugs: Nil
Daily Average KCalories Intake: 2.404
Nothing to write about, except for a severe loss of appetite.
02-07-2010, 03:17 PM #28New Member
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02-07-2010, 03:25 PM #29
So far my wife has experienced no important sides at all, as written above.
In any case, it is not easy for her to cope with the loss of appetite she is experiencing; which in any case should subside soon.
Regarding your 2 years clen, how did you take the drug exactly?
Regarding Oxandrolone, I think nothing more than that you need but may want to implement your diet with proper supplements (read post n.1).
Diet is the key, especially for a female, IMO.
02-07-2010, 03:32 PM #30New Member
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the first clen i tried was pill form (liqua tech) and it wasnt very good, i forget the size up the capsules... i took 2 a day
the other stuff i got is a 50 ml bottle of 'Medistar Pharmaceuticals'
I started with .5ml a day, and then to 1 ml a day...
02-07-2010, 03:36 PM #31Associate Member
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no names clengirl.
02-07-2010, 03:43 PM #32Associate Member
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what kind of results have you had from the it?
02-07-2010, 03:52 PM #33
I am very glad you and your wife decided to do this BJJ. There is very little info out there for female athletes on this subject and I know you will give an accurate, detailed, and unbiased log for people to learn from.
I will follow this log.
02-07-2010, 03:55 PM #34Associate Member
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bjj is on top of things no doubt.
02-07-2010, 05:16 PM #35New Member
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really great thread, thanks
02-07-2010, 10:47 PM #36New Member
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02-08-2010, 04:05 AM #37
02-08-2010, 03:36 PM #38Female Member
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Great information! About to start my first cycle of Anavar , 50 year old female competing in figure 5'9", 143lbs, 12%BF, 9 weeks out from comp on cutting diet.
Based on 5-10mg daily would be very interested to know full life, half life and washout times.
02-08-2010, 04:56 PM #39
02-15-2010, 03:47 AM #40
Cycle stopped for personal issue not related to aas.
As soon as possible, it will be started over.
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