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  1. #1
    dasssboot is offline New Member
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    2 ppl who didnt use pct

    hey guys i currently know two people one of the age of 25 and the other age 19 who have took many cycles of steroids . My friend at the age of 25 said hes been juicing for 4 years and never took a pct. he claims he has no problem with anything. my friend that is 19 said he started back when he was 16 and took deca , sus, tren , and a few others and also said he never took a pct. He also claims that he has never had any of these side effects. both my friends are currently running cycles as i speak. THey wont listen to me as to how important a pct is. I was wondering is it possible for these two people to be okay without a pct?

  2. #2
    dece870717's Avatar
    dece870717 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by dasssboot View Post
    hey guys i currently know two people one of the age of 25 and the other age 19 who have took many cycles of steroids. My friend at the age of 25 said hes been juicing for 4 years and never took a pct. he claims he has no problem with anything. my friend that is 19 said he started back when he was 16 and took deca, sus, tren, and a few others and also said he never took a pct. He also claims that he has never had any of these side effects. both my friends are currently running cycles as i speak. THey wont listen to me as to how important a pct is. I was wondering is it possible for these two people to be okay without a pct?
    The only way they could not feel horrible without PCT is by never coming off. You can't beat your body's negative feedback loop. You use steroids and your testosterone production will stop and when you come off the roids your test will be at grandpa levels and you will feel like CRAP! I've experienced it before with a cycle due to my PCT not being ran long enough, Andropause is not fun. So either your friends are messing with you or they never come off their cycles completely. It is impossible for them to feel fine after coming off with no PCT especially with very suppressive roids like tren and deca .

  3. #3
    c-Z's Avatar
    c-Z is offline Educate B4 You Medicate (RIP T)
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    If these two people were ok without a pct. we all would? Unless they are different like most young people feel they are......

  4. #4
    mg1228's Avatar
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    tell them eventually they will never get it up again, and i bet they do a little research

  5. #5
    dasssboot is offline New Member
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    lol i know they run test from jan-september. then they stop and once jan comes up they do it all again lol. they say they feel a little shitty coming off but it only lasts them about a month or 2. and then their fine. but as far as gyno goes they never had it or experienced it.... im surprised that these 2 clowns are still a live between all the shit they do. they shoot up 3 days a week with test and 2 days with some other shit.

  6. #6
    dece870717's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dasssboot View Post
    lol i know they run test from jan-september. then they stop and once jan comes up they do it all again lol. they say they feel a little shitty coming off but it only lasts them about a month or 2. and then their fine. but as far as gyno goes they never had it or experienced it.... im surprised that these 2 clowns are still a live between all the shit they do. they shoot up 3 days a week with test and 2 days with some other shit.
    So they're on test for 9 months and then no pct and then go back on 3 months later? I don't know if you can help people like that. Their lipids will be and probably are crap, they probably are not going to be able to have children later in life and most likely have to go on test(TRT) for the rest of their lives.

  7. #7
    dasssboot is offline New Member
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    lol yeah, i feel bad though cause there good friends but at the same time they dont give a shit at all as long as they are HUGE lol. some people can just not care about their health.

  8. #8
    6ft5's Avatar
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    Damn! see if they'll read up on sum of this valuable knowledge. I had a 19 year old try n get sum gear from me. I dont hav any but before u decide to go andf **** urself up, do u know what nolva is? Lol! I was like what's ur bmr, what's ur bf, and how old are u? He said no to all and he was 19. Told him to research here and don't be chump.

  9. #9
    RANA's Avatar
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    That's crazy, wait until they get older or when they come off gear, they can really screw themselves

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    Oops edited
    Last edited by 6ft5; 02-01-2010 at 10:58 PM.

  11. #11
    Eddie_m63's Avatar
    Eddie_m63 is offline Member
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    I know of two friends like that too. One is on hist third Deca Test, never run pct, the other did one and didnt do anything either. He's also telling me that on the first cycle i don't need a pct cause the juice is not really on my system yet. Also the one on the third cycle usually waits like a year in between cycles.

  12. #12
    NVR2BIG1 is offline Banned
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    when your that age its easy to recover and bounce back. Especially when your dealing with guys who dont run more than 500mg/wk. What they will find is every cycle gets harder to recover from, and even with pct its no miracle. PCT works well, but it wont save you 100%. You dont use PCT and all of a sudden your 100% again. It does not work like that, more like this; 1st cycle, come off and in 8 wks back 98%, 2nd cycle come off, in 12 wks back 90%, 3rd cycle, come off, 12 wks back 80%, 4th cycle (2 yrs later) come off, 12 wks later back 79%, 5th cycle, come off, 12 wks later back 72%, 6th cycle, come off, 12 wks later back forward to 20th cycle, come off, 12 wks later your back 10% or not at all, time for HRT!! This is how it works, even with pct in most cases!!

  13. #13
    TITANIUM's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RANA View Post
    That's crazy, wait until they get older or when they come off gear, they can really screw themselves
    Just 2 more candidates for TRT early on.



  14. #14
    bjohnson1968 is offline Member
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    Im courious have they ever been to a doctor and had the doctor tell them they are ok. if this worked i believe we all would do that

  15. #15
    chuckt12345's Avatar
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    some people will never have problems without pct's. More than likely these guys will.

  16. #16
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    I will admit right now that before nov. Of 09' before i found this site, i had no idea what pct was, and i never used it after coming off of gear. Now to be fair i didn't know what a real cycle was either. But all i have ever used to bounce back is tribulus extract. Now i know it sounds like sh*t and it really was to be honest, but i have run deca alone, tren alone, eq and test and none of these with anything but the tribulus. The only problems that i had were right after coming off i lost my sexual drive, but after a month or two it came back? But i am also only 23 as of dec. 09' so i assume that is what helped in me bouncing back....? Also it was probably beneficial that i only ran for 5-6 weeks at a time? But after i got into this site and read a lot i got really scared after coming off of test e at 600mg a week and waited a while to get my blood work done, results showing that my test levels are at 545mg. I hope that they stay this way for the next two years as i have decided to not cycle again until blood work shows my levels drop below 400mg. This isn't to try and make anyone feel like its always going to work like this. That is why i have smartened up and decided not to use again for over a year. I won't ever do it without proper pct on hand and i have this site to thank for helping me before it was too late (i hope).

    Op- if you even just bring your friends over to your house and show them this site and all the material on it and pct and the sides that come from what they are doing, i bet they have a quick second thought about this whole game as i did. I hope they get the message before its too late but its not your fault if they don't because i have little brothers ages 18, 21 and they both like using and won't listen to me about waiting or pct either? I hope both your friends and my brothers are as fortunate as i feel when they decide to read 4 or 5 simple posts from some of these guys and realize what they are doing.

    Best of luck,

    "dirty d"

  17. #17
    sitries is offline Associate Member
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    theres been a post regarding this on a UK board which im also a member. The title is - "is pct really necessary".

    Ten years ago, no1 knew what pct was, including ppl like arnie. they would cycle on and off and bridge cycles with dbol etc and thats the way things were done. Many ppl still cycle without pct and have no problems bouncing back!

    PCT drugs are carcinogenic cancer drugs that your putting into your body. The question is - what would you rather??? cycle without pct and take longer to bounce back naturally, OR, cycle with pct and run the risk of polluting your body with carcinogenic drugs which MAY only speed up your recovery???

    Now im just putting this out there. Personally iv alwayd run pct on previous cycles because iv been educated about steroids through these forums. But youv got to ask yourself the question, does PCT actually make that much of a difference?? and what are these drugs like nolva, clomid, hcg , adex and letro doing to our bodies???

  18. #18
    bjpennnn's Avatar
    bjpennnn is offline American Psycho
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    They are idiots. Run proper pct.

  19. #19
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    ^^^^that's a really good point man.....? I would like to hear what everyone else has to say, but i have a feeling that i know what it will be lol. Ya there's no telling what may happen from those yet, but we do know what happens if we don't or at least what permanent sides can happen and i don't think anyone is a fan of that?

    Best of luck,

    "dirty d"

  20. #20
    Nooomoto's Avatar
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    Your friends are probably lost causes. They won't realize for a while the damage they have done. Some people need to learn the hard way. Unfortunately, in our business, the hard way can sometimes change the rest of your life.

    I say just let them rock.

  21. #21
    chuckt12345's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sitries View Post
    theres been a post regarding this on a UK board which im also a member. The title is - "is pct really necessary".

    Ten years ago, no1 knew what pct was, including ppl like arnie. they would cycle on and off and bridge cycles with dbol etc and thats the way things were done. Many ppl still cycle without pct and have no problems bouncing back!

    PCT drugs are carcinogenic cancer drugs that your putting into your body. The question is - what would you rather??? cycle without pct and take longer to bounce back naturally, OR, cycle with pct and run the risk of polluting your body with carcinogenic drugs which MAY only speed up your recovery???

    Now im just putting this out there. Personally iv alwayd run pct on previous cycles because iv been educated about steroids through these forums. But youv got to ask yourself the question, does PCT actually make that much of a difference?? and what are these drugs like nolva, clomid, hcg, adex and letro doing to our bodies???

    there not carcinogenic?

  22. #22
    nakota2k is offline Junior Member
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    I have a buddy in the the military that took gear only and no pct and when I confronted him about a pct he made it sound like I was the idiot. He is a lot bigger now but his arms look bloated all water, no definition. Dont know if thats a side effect of no pct

  23. #23
    Bonaparte's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sitries View Post
    theres been a post regarding this on a UK board which im also a member. The title is - "is pct really necessary".

    Ten years ago, no1 knew what pct was, including ppl like arnie. they would cycle on and off and bridge cycles with dbol etc and thats the way things were done. Many ppl still cycle without pct and have no problems bouncing back!

    PCT drugs are carcinogenic cancer drugs that your putting into your body. The question is - what would you rather??? cycle without pct and take longer to bounce back naturally, OR, cycle with pct and run the risk of polluting your body with carcinogenic drugs which MAY only speed up your recovery???

    Now im just putting this out there. Personally iv alwayd run pct on previous cycles because iv been educated about steroids through these forums. But youv got to ask yourself the question, does PCT actually make that much of a difference?? and what are these drugs like nolva, clomid, hcg, adex and letro doing to our bodies???
    What are you talking about? How are SERMs and AIs carcinogenic? They were developed to treat cancer, not cause it. Yeah, SERMs are mildly hepatotoxic, but so is just about any other pill.

  24. #24
    tballz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sitries View Post
    theres been a post regarding this on a UK board which im also a member. The title is - "is pct really necessary".

    Ten years ago, no1 knew what pct was, including ppl like arnie. they would cycle on and off and bridge cycles with dbol etc and thats the way things were done. Many ppl still cycle without pct and have no problems bouncing back!

    PCT drugs are carcinogenic cancer drugs that your putting into your body. The question is - what would you rather??? cycle without pct and take longer to bounce back naturally, OR, cycle with pct and run the risk of polluting your body with carcinogenic drugs which MAY only speed up your recovery???

    Now im just putting this out there. Personally iv alwayd run pct on previous cycles because iv been educated about steroids through these forums. But youv got to ask yourself the question, does PCT actually make that much of a difference?? and what are these drugs like nolva, clomid, hcg, adex and letro doing to our bodies???
    PCT drugs are approved breast cancer drugs. That's what they were made for. They weren't made for steroid users to come off cycle.

    PCT is necessary for most of us. Guaranteed if those guys keep doing what they are doing then they will be sorry.

  25. #25
    Nooomoto's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sitries View Post

    PCT drugs are carcinogenic cancer drugs that your putting into your body. The question is - what would you rather??? cycle without pct and take longer to bounce back naturally, OR, cycle with pct and run the risk of polluting your body with carcinogenic drugs which MAY only speed up your recovery???
    Please stop using terms you don't understand:

    carcinogen - any substance that produces cancer

    So according to you, we are taking cancer drugs that cause cancer for PCT? some reading.
    Last edited by Nooomoto; 02-02-2010 at 04:37 PM.

  26. #26
    chuckt12345's Avatar
    chuckt12345 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    we must remember that whats preached on here is not exact science. Its advice based on personal experience and testimony from tens of thousands of users. This forum preaches what is the best advice for the average user for a given set of circumstances. What may work awesome on one person may go terrible for another.
    Yea taken no pct will work great for a certain percent but if its the minority it should not be considered.

  27. #27
    sitries is offline Associate Member
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    i think its some of you who need to do your reading. yeah -these drugs have been showed to be carginogens in plenty of studies. just google nolvadex - carcginagenetic for starters.

    These drugs arent designed to be taken for AAS users - simple as that! they are cancer treatments. If you have cancer then you would be willing to run the risk of tkaing toxic drugs to treat it if theres a possiblity that they will be a potential cure or life extention. However if your a healthy person - should you be taking them???

    "The strongest cautionary language that the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) can require, a so-called “black box warning,” was added to the professional product labeling, or “package insert,” for the cancer drug tamoxifen (NOLVADEX) in June 2002. The warning concerns increased risk of sometimes fatal uterine cancers, stroke and blood clots in the lungs (pulmonary embolism) in women at high risk of breast cancer who use the drug to reduce the incidence of breast cancer and in women with a form of breast cancer called ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS)."

  28. #28
    sitries is offline Associate Member
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    another extract -

    "When tamoxifen , a known human carcinogen, is prescribed to healthy women, there must be compelling evidence of great benefit. Although we are not convinced that the benefits of tamoxifen outweigh its risks in this population, tamoxifen has been approved and is now being prescribed for the reduction in incidence of breast cancer."

    may need to do some research of your own lads and not just believe what your hear from your mates and sites like this.

    "Tamoxifen: A Known Carcinogen
    It wasn't long before laboratory studies showed that tamoxifen acted as a carcinogen. It binds tightly and irreversibly to DNA, the genetic blueprint of a cell causing a cancerous mutation to take place. No amount of tamoxifen is safe when it comes to carcinogenic effects.

    The irony of tamoxifen is that while widely publicized as the leading treatment for the recurrence of breast cancer, it is, in fact, a known carcinogenic substance. The World Health Organization, after reviewing the existing information about the carcinogenicity of tamoxifen, found unequivocal evidence confirming tamoxifen as human carcinogen.

    On May 16, 2000, The New York Times printed an article, "U.S.. Report Adds to List of Carcinogens". It reported that National Institute for Environmental Health Sciences listed 218 substances known or suspected to cause cancer in people. Tamoxifen was included in that list."
    Last edited by sitries; 02-02-2010 at 05:10 PM.

  29. #29
    stevey_6t9's Avatar
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    it probably is carcinogen, then again alot things are as well. maybe look at the aspartame in your protein powder.

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