I am wanting to, as we all are, to get the cells (receptors) to make full use of natural testosterone or AAS-induced testosterone.
When a non-AAS (or AAS user) user has normal natural test levels but the test is not being up used up and the test is being converted to estrogen, this is called aromatization.
Is there a way (drug) to have more test uptake in the cell? Maybe this is the billion dollar question. Let me ask the question again...
We can use an aromatase inhibitor to prevent the estrogen. By doing so, by cutting the estrogen or controlling it, does this lead to better uptake of the test to the receptors?
I understand we need estrogen to promote muscle growth but at what point does high levels of estrogen inhibit muscle growth?
Common inhibitors are Arimidex and Aromasin. Which is best and why?
And, what effect does high estrogen levels have on hydration? Is the high estrogen leveled male more prone to dehydration seeing as the body is carry water outside the cells (muscle tissue)?
I am curious because I am now almost 1.5 weeks into a 5 week blast of Prop 700mg/wk, NPP 600 mg/wk and Dbol 40 mg/day cycle after a 13 year hiatus. All gear is legit.
My sex drive is low. I can only have sex once a week as it takes me this long to recover so sex pre-work out (24 hours before) is a no-no. It has been low for 3-4 years now yet my Blood Work, according to the Doctor, appears "normal". I will review the results on Friday.
I am wondering if my body is not taking up my natural test or AAS test, instead, converting it to estrogen.
I have always had a soft physique, almost watery. My Bf has never been low but not high either. Energy levels have always been bit low. I don't do well with a high carb diet and prefer a low carb one.
I am easily dehydrated as well. Caffeine will wreck my day. I used to suffer from migraines until I hydrated myself better.
Constipation is also a major concern.
These lead me to believe my test is not being taken into the cells. I have high estrogen and carry water between the muscle and skin but it does not get into the cells. Constipation is a side effect of this. Carbohydrates are not being utilized. I am NOT gyno prone though.
I see my friend who is same age but has fast metabolism, passes 3 bowel movements daily, has high sex drive, low Bf, a hard physique and limitless energy. I see this as he makes better use of his testosterone.
I would sincerely appreciate any insights and would be happy to share my blood work findings this weekend when I retrieve them.
Thank you.
Age 37