is there any significant reason to take/not take creatine during a cycle?
is there any significant reason to take/not take creatine during a cycle?
Not to take? None that I could think of. Creatine is one of the best supplements out there! I'd on my first cycle, and I'm taking it.
it puts a bag of water into your muscle, hardly the best suplement, Fluctuates my weight, with fluids and dosen't show my dry weight, which pisses me off.
best supplement is glutamine.
canyoudigit - what are the benefits of glutamine?
you dont have to take creatine in huge amounts to reap the benefits. if you take large amounts you get the bloat. i take it as a small sup like i would multi vits
I've taken 5-10 gms a day for the first 2 weeks of a cycle but i don't see the reason for further use when you have aas going thru your system. Kind of a waste to me. I always use it thru pct though.
During pct I can see it would have the most benefit. If taken during cycle it would be harder to monitor test results...that's IMO
creatine just adds more bloat. if u want alot more water retention then u should use it. i use it off and on during bulking cycles.
I've recently added creatine to my supplements while on cycle and have still some strength improvements. Before now, Ive never really stayed consistent with using it. Yes, it has given me a tad more bloat but I like the "swollen" look on my small frame. A+ for creatine.
My supplement list:
Vit C (3000mg/day)
Fish oil
Whey/casein protein
^^^simple yet effective^^^
Thanks, I was just wondering if the effects of creatine could be enhanced moreso while on aas, or basically "masked" by the aas... in which case a waste.
yeah just from experience i dont like taking both. They speed my heart up too fast. Creatine just adds on more of what is already happening to ya. but thats just me man do whatever ya feel
Id save it for PCT,
give your system some time to forget about it
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