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Thread: Desperate cycle help!

  1. #1

    Desperate cycle help!

    Hello guys, Im thinking about doing my first injection cycle. My first cycle was Turanplex(tbol) and Winny, both oral. I never did a PCT though. I recently acquired 2 vials of Sustaplex 325 and decaplex 300. I still have Winnie left over aswell. I need on advice on if i should stack both of them or all 3? Maybe just one?
    How long should i run them for?
    And what dosage what be good?
    I'd like to also mention im prone to gyno. Furthermore I dont have anything for PCT but I do have Letro.. Would that suffice?
    Im 6'0 170lbs 10.5 bf% clean diet and workout every other day

    I'm semi-new to this so any help wpuld be greatly appreciated, Thank You!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    how old?
    first i would take a few hours and start reading the educational threads up top, youll learn more about aas in afew hours than most gym users know.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    u need to eat son....
    forget AAS for now, gain some weight naturally, and while ur doing that learn about the compounds you want to use and plan a proper PCT..

  4. #4
    Im pretty heavy in my thigh area and stomach my bf% isnt completely accurate i did a shitty test. I already have Gyno form childhood so i mean ill get nolva but im ganna run the letro eventually. can someone just help with the questions, thanks!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    How old are you?

    Like Chuck asked....

  6. #6
    im 19

  7. #7
    but its only gear i have and am going have for a while..

  8. #8

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Get a full BW asap.

  10. #10
    what is a BW? sorry like i said im new

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Blood work

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    Your 19 and you want to do a second cycle............and your 170 for a 6 foot'er.............oh boy................

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    Constructive criticism my man.

    Just save your stuff for say 4 years?

    Build some good NATTY muscle, and gain some weight.

    Set a goal for yourself, then do AAS.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    Miami, FL

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by Nooomoto View Post
    I finished eating 2 hours ago but after that view I am starving again!!!
    ...and that is too bad because I have to go to read now and then to sleep.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by Srcase View Post
    Hello guys, Im thinking about doing my first injection cycle. My first cycle was Turanplex(tbol) and Winny, both oral. I never did a PCT though. I recently acquired 2 vials of Sustaplex 325 and decaplex 300. I still have Winnie left over aswell. I need on advice on if i should stack both of them or all 3? Maybe just one?
    How long should i run them for?
    And what dosage what be good?
    I'd like to also mention im prone to gyno. Furthermore I dont have anything for PCT but I do have Letro.. Would that suffice?
    Im 6'0 170lbs 10.5 bf% clean diet and workout every other day

    I'm semi-new to this so any help wpuld be greatly appreciated, Thank You!
    Quote Originally Posted by Srcase View Post
    im 19
    Seriously, STOP NOW WHILE YOUR AHEAD..... You clearly know ZERO about the stuff your taking and know nothing regarding serious health problems you will obtain from what your doing......and no PCT?....and your god, this is a disaster waiting to happen...

  17. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by Reaver. View Post
    Seriously, STOP NOW WHILE YOUR AHEAD..... You clearly know ZERO about the stuff your taking and know nothing regarding serious health problems you will obtain from what your doing......and no PCT?....and your god, this is a disaster waiting to happen...
    Well instead of telling me thats its worng, can u please explain to my why its wrong and what maybe i am able to do??

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    because you don't have any knowledge on steroids, and your destroying your body, and the fact that your only 170 pounds at 6 feet after a cycle defeats the purpose of doing another cycle because apparently the first one was a complete failure.

    so do yourself a favor, and go to the diet section, and fix your diet, then go to the workout forum and see what you can improove and learn.

  19. #19
    Fix it to what? so i weigh more? I recent got the pounds off from eating healthy i was 195 but i did a winstrol/clen stack and lost most my weight.. and my tbol cycle was only like 3 1/2 weeks longs cus i ran out. Should i just run test E for my first injection cycle?

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    The real problem here is your age.
    Educate yourself on the possible implications of what you intend to perpetrate.

  21. #21
    dont feed the trolls

  22. #22
    i dont get why i am a troll? I'm just a newb who ordered what i thought was best of the best when it comes to test...

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    go to the diet section and bulk up. Please read through all the stickies in the forum and educate yourself, but put it off for a few years you can mess up your body fooling with this stuff at your age. 25 years is a good starting point for people intrested in taking AAS.

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    its really nothing to do with your weight but your age. To many negatives down the road when starting under 25.

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Your only 170lbs at 6" Tall? after a cycle? at 19 years old you dont need steroids you need a diet!

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