View Poll Results: Have u ever had any mental side effects at all, even if its a bit of irritability

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  • A little but barely

    15 78.95%
  • None what so ever

    4 21.05%
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Thread: Will doing steroids make my depression and or/anxiety and/or irritability worse?

  1. #1

    Will doing steroids make my depression and or/anxiety and/or irritability worse?

    So I have mild depression and anxiety and I find ever since I was diagnosed with it I've been extra irritable. Is there anyone on here that had a mental illness before they started doing steroids and did it make it worse? Even if a little bit. Thankyou

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    That is really an individual thing. I guess it would depend on what exactly your diagnosis is....I always recommend to peole that if you are clinically depressed or emotionally unstable, then aas might not be for you.

    What is your age? stats? cycle exp.?
    Do you have any medical conditions??

  3. #3
    I'm 23, its real mild, it never bothered me my entire life until a couple of years ago I had 1 big panic attack and I was a little depressed but never before or never after has it really bothered me that much. Other then that I have no medical conditions that I'm aware of. Actually maybe mild asthma, but it doesn't slow me down at all and I don't need medicine for it or anything like that, I never even really notice it....

    (I really need to get big for my career)

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    What are your stats?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Coming off of a cycle can be depressing...

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    hahaha!!! i dont like the pole choices: no, and not really. why not just put one NO option up there.

    like tboney said, its really dependant on the individual. if your the a-hole who flys off the handle then AAS will only exacerbate that. If you can control yourself and be an adult normally then CHANCES are that you'll be ok.

    as far as depression and emotional issues go, I cannot speak from personal experience. However, many people with "normal" emotional circumstances can get very depressed/unstable during PCT and it can occur for some time after cycles ends. So with that said it could pose potentially serious issues. but im no MD so i cant say definitively.

    Last edited by MotoLifter; 02-04-2010 at 01:16 PM.

  7. #7
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    Aug 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by Flash45 View Post
    I'm 23, its real mild, it never bothered me my entire life until a couple of years ago I had 1 big panic attack and I was a little depressed but never before or never after has it really bothered me that much. Other then that I have no medical conditions that I'm aware of. Actually maybe mild asthma, but it doesn't slow me down at all and I don't need medicine for it or anything like that, I never even really notice it....

    (I really need to get big for my career)

    well diffrent compounds effect people diffrently. With most aas while on i thnk self confidence and overall well being is much higher. The problem lies when you come off,, if your depressed you may get really depressed.

  8. #8

    Can you be to small to start steroids?

    Do you have to be a certain weight to start your first cycle?
    Should I try and gain as much as I can before I start?
    Do you have to be in a certain shape to start healthwise?
    I'm a pretty all around healthy 23 year old male.


  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Flash45 View Post
    Do you have to be a certain weight to start your first cycle?
    Should I try and gain as much as I can before I start?
    Do you have to be in a certain shape to start healthwise?
    I'm a pretty all around healthy 23 year old male.

    Post your stats so guys could help you decide. At the age of 23 is still young to start.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Flash45 View Post
    Do you have to be a certain weight to start your first cycle? at least, over 25 (statistically speaking) and your genetic limit reached.
    Should I try and gain as much as I can before I start? you should reach your genetic potential and in order to do that you need a few years of training on your shoulders as well as a proper knowledge of macro/micro nutrients (food)
    Do you have to be in a certain shape to start healthwise? the less body fat you have the better it is, let's say below 14/15 is a tolerable point.
    I'm a pretty all around healthy 23 year old male. too young, IMO



  11. #11

    What is the safest way to do steroids?

    what is the safest method of steroids? First I heard taking it by mouth was better for young first timers but then I read pillform or taking it by mouth
    isn't good for the liver so injection is better
    but other then that are there any
    difference in safety and side effects?
    Also what kind has the least side effects in terms of psychologically and health?
    Also which one has the least chances of acne?

    Thanks alot.

  12. #12
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    I can tell you right now your to young, you need a proper diet with low body fat and yes you need to have reached your natural potention before thinking about steroids

    Hope this helps

  13. #13
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    By educating yourself, you may find all the answers you are looking for.

  14. #14
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    the decision is really up to you. of course the best way is to wait until your 24-25 and reached your max. potential but most people i know including myself didnt do that. just learn everything you can then make the best decision
    source checks- 200 posts and 6 month membership min. entirely within my discretion
    PT is a fictional character and all posts are for entertainment purposes only.

  15. #15

    If I stop doing steroids will I keep my weight on?

    I have a very fast metabolism and have my entire life, I'm 23 now and the most I ever weighed was 135, I cannot gain very much simply by eating Protein and carbs. Been there done that.

    So If I do steroids for a little while and then want to stop for good will the weight I gained stay on as long as I keep eating and working out or will I go back to my natural weight? If so how long will it take for me to lose all the weight. Thanks

  16. #16
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    how many threads ya gonna start man?!?! do some research. and if you cant put weight on without gear you wont be able to do it with gear.


  17. #17
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    f l a
    what is your diet like? give detail of your diet for yesterday including how many carbs, calories, protein, and fats you took in.

  18. #18

    How do I do my first cycle?

    Sorry but I'm a really big noob at this and I basically need somebody to walk me threw the whole process of it, a step by step guide if you will.

    How do i do a cycle?
    Is it as easy as picking your steroid of choice, starting a cycle with it and
    monitering yourself? Thanks

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Flash45 View Post
    I have a very fast metabolism and have my entire life, I'm 23 now and the most I ever weighed was 135, I cannot gain very much simply by eating Protein and carbs. Been there done that.

    So If I do steroids for a little while and then want to stop for good will the weight I gained stay on as long as I keep eating and working out or will I go back to my natural weight? If so how long will it take for me to lose all the weight. Thanks
    Still you!!!

    By reading the bold, unless you are a smurf, it is clear to me you need to learn how to diet.
    So, before thinking on AAS, hang around here, post your diet if you have one and study.
    In your case, AAS is not the answer.

  20. #20
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    Forgot, your height and BF?

  21. #21
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    NO!!! NO NO NO! stick around and read all you can. learn. have a question? SEARCH THE FORUMS FOR THE ANSWER!!!! use the search button. dont start 6 different threads. if i asked you how to drive a car do you think by simply typing instructions for me i would know what i was doing? No I wouldnt. that same goes for AAS. you have a lot to learn. so start reading.


  22. #22
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    I start to believe you are a troll!

  23. #23
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    I'm thinking troll also. If not, take a moment to read the educational threads and stop posting new threads so fast you aren't even giving people a chance to respond. We aren't here to spoon feed people who won't even attempt to educate themselves.

  24. #24
    marcus300's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Flash45 View Post
    Sorry but I'm a really big noob at this and I basically need somebody to walk me threw the whole process of it, a step by step guide if you will.

    How do i do a cycle?
    Is it as easy as picking your steroid of choice, starting a cycle with it and
    monitering yourself? Thanks
    Do some research, this board is full of information.

  25. #25
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    Never Never Land
    It doesnt matter what u take just take them all at high doses for long a period of time. The pct protocol is not needed. Once you start lactating and lose your ability to procreate come back and let us know. We'll work from there.
    Last edited by Little Herc; 02-06-2010 at 06:31 PM.

  26. #26
    Big's Avatar
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    Before you start a dozen more threads, I've combined all of these and I'll answer them all at once:
    Read the educational threads, use the search button, then post any questions that remain.

  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by big View Post
    before you start a dozen more threads, i've combined all of these and i'll answer them all at once:
    Read the educational threads, use the search button, then post any questions that remain.
    a f*ckin men!!!!!!

  28. #28
    Quote Originally Posted by BJJ View Post

    Even after you reached your full potential can you still be too small?
    Also, what do you mean when you say post your stats? What are my stats?
    I've been training since I was 15,
    but what do i have to do about the nutirition stuff? like how should i eat and for how long?

    and how do i check my body fat?

  29. #29
    i'm trying to learn as much as i can but its hard when people just say im too young and don't answer the questions. I mean you learn by asking so when people don't answer you an say "educate yourself" that's pretty f**kin stupid. but thanks to you atleast. like you said im not waiting until im 25 because some of us aren't just doing this to sit on there couch and look at how big they've gotten in the mirror, some of us are doin it for careers. so i would appreate it if somebody would help me or ill just do it uniformed, and nobody wants that

  30. #30
    what do you mean " a men" like it bothers you, you don't have to read them, why are you here? grow up man.

  31. #31
    don't start shit because you don't want to answer my questions, thats what this section is for. i have questions i need answered so i don't have to do this the dangerous way

  32. #32
    and i already have searched for all these questions on here and nobody answered any of them fully.

  33. #33
    Anyway since nobody wants to help me even after i've read everything on here and nothing helps, I'm just going to find out online what is the best one to do, how to do cycles with it and how to diet. Get my doctor to check all my stuff weekly, thanks anyway guys

  34. #34
    Big's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Flash45 View Post
    Anyway since nobody wants to help me even after i've read everything on here and nothing helps, I'm just going to find out online what is the best one to do, how to do cycles with it and how to diet. Get my doctor to check all my stuff weekly, thanks anyway guys
    good plan.

  35. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by Flash45 View Post
    Even after you reached your full potential can you still be too small?
    Also, what do you mean when you say post your stats? What are my stats?
    I've been training since I was 15,
    but what do i have to do about the nutirition stuff? like how should i eat and for how long?

    and how do i check my body fat?
    Here are my stats to give you an idea.

    11% BF
    24 years old
    Training for 4 years.

    There are a few different ways to check your bf. Just google it and ask how do people measure body fat.

  36. #36
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    This forum isnt a dummies guide to steroids. The people here who know what there doing expect you to have at least a bas eknowledge of AAS, which you dont. Theres a million people who come on here asking the same questions over and over again so please understand that its a little frustrating when all of your answers can be found simply using the search button.

    If you cant get over 135 than you dont have a diet down. Simple.
    I always thought i was a hardgainer til i went over to the diet section and learned from the pros over there. I was 6 feet tall 150 when i found this board and thought that no mateer what i ate or how fast my metabolism that the only thing that was gonna make me bigger was steroids.....wrong!

    I have gained 20lbs eating healthy high carb and high protein meals and training right in a little over a month. Body fat stayed the same the entire time. So now i know that the problem wasnt my "metabolis" but my diet and attitude.

  37. #37
    Well I don't eat alot of sugar and stuff, pretty much meals. I'm not quite sure how to do this but, This is how sbout much I took in today so far:

  38. #38
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    why dont you post your diet in detail? If you eat all that on a daily basis and not every once in a while and cant gain weight you should get your thyroid checked out. Whats your BMR?

  39. #39
    Thanks alot Bvette atleast somebody doesn't mind helping.
    Anyway my stats I guess are
    I havn't been to the doctor yet, but I took one online and it said 5.5%
    23 yrs old
    Training for about 4 years straight, but all together 8 on and off

  40. #40
    I had it checked like 6 times they said it was fine. and I've been eating like that since I was old enough to eat on my own too. and thanks for helping .....Whats BMR??

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