anyone see any problems with my current cycle? what i mean is, i read that test e and eq were both longer estered steroids yet i have only been on this cycle one week and gyno is comming on with a vengeance.
current cycle is:
test e 500mg per week (250 e3.5d)
eq 400mg per week (200 e3.5d)
anavar 80mg ed
isnt it odd that gyno would strike this early? i have read and been advised that anavar wouldnt be giving me gyno sides
anyway, just started tamox 40mg 5days then 20mg till its gone. is this sufficient to stop the gyno from continuing? also just ordered liquidex to try and cut out gyno i going about this wrong? i have a feeling i am although ive read that tamox at those doses is ok to take while on cycle.