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Thread: suggestions...gyno issue and just started cycle!!!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2010

    suggestions...gyno issue and just started cycle!!!

    anyone see any problems with my current cycle? what i mean is, i read that test e and eq were both longer estered steroids yet i have only been on this cycle one week and gyno is comming on with a vengeance.

    current cycle is:
    test e 500mg per week (250 e3.5d)
    eq 400mg per week (200 e3.5d)
    anavar 80mg ed

    isnt it odd that gyno would strike this early? i have read and been advised that anavar wouldnt be giving me gyno sides

    anyway, just started tamox 40mg 5days then 20mg till its gone. is this sufficient to stop the gyno from continuing? also just ordered liquidex to try and cut out gyno i going about this wrong? i have a feeling i am although ive read that tamox at those doses is ok to take while on cycle.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    what you got for me on this??

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2006
    if your looking to run something during your cycle i would go with exemestane, you can start running it eod to see how it works. If you still need something during your pct I would go with letro, very strong but should do the job.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    wth are you doing it sounds to me like this is your first cycle or you would have things under control. Your cycle is something I would run my next cycle. You should of only been running test imo. Good luck keep up with the nolva. i hope you have a pct lined up.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    thanks b.j...i had my gear all waiting here, arimadex .25mg ed and tamox just incase. my x wife borrowed my car to take my kids to disneyworld and my dumb ass left my gear bad in the car...wont have it back till fri...anyway, next day'd some ai and more tamox...

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