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  1. #1
    collegefootball87 is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2010


    hey guys,
    my stats are:
    about 10% bf
    age 24

    i am EXCITED about running my first cycle ever and want to maximize it to the utmost......i have read and read and read somemore.....i have decided to run test e split twice a week 250mg per each shot on monday and thursday going to run it for about 5-6 weeks for my first time around.....does anyone have any advice as to how to maximize my cycle doing this to improve for the upcoming football season....any help would be much appreciated! was wondering if i have to wait 2 weeks after my last shot to run PCT if i could bridge the time gap with anavar ....does that even make sense....could i do that? or are those two different kinds??

  2. #2
    collegefootball87 is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    also was wondering if there was anything i could take while on the test to avoid shutdown of my own test production???.....saw palmetto??tribulus?? i was thinkin nolva but that just reduces estrogen....any feedback or words of wisdom needed at a time like this..

  3. #3
    vaders4 is offline Member
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    Jun 2009
    I think you have a bit more research to do.

    You will be shut down while on test, nothing you can do to avoid that here. PCT Start times will vary however it is recommended that you start 14 days after your last injection when running test e, and 18 days after test c.

    It has been recommended that you run HCG while on cycle (NOT during pct) in order to combat testicular atrophy, making it easier during PCT for your natural test to kick in.

    Running test-e for 5-6 weeks is not really the best idea, actually it's a horrible one. I'd run it a minimum of 8-10, with 12 being the normal.

    Do you have anything on hand to combat gyno or other side effects? (AIs??)

  4. #4
    collegefootball87 is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    Interesting. Thanks man, I never knew of running HCG during cycle,....what would the dosage of that be while on test e? Thanks for the advice, anything to reduce shutdown is how i shouldve phrased it. What I was asking though was after my last shot what should i do for two weeks? take anavar to bridge...or wait the 2 weeks n then the nolva/clomid pct?

  5. #5
    vaders4 is offline Member
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    Jun 2009
    I'd wait the two weeks out. Head on over to the PCT section, tons of info on HCG over there.

    Generally you'd want to inject 250iu 2x a week (from what I understand).

  6. #6
    Humdrum is offline Junior Member
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    Oct 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by collegefootball87 View Post
    hey guys,
    my stats are:
    about 10% bf
    age 24

    i am EXCITED about running my first cycle ever and want to maximize it to the utmost......i have read and read and read somemore.....i have decided to run test e split twice a week 250mg per each shot on monday and thursday going to run it for about 5-6 weeks for my first time around.....does anyone have any advice as to how to maximize my cycle doing this to improve for the upcoming football season....any help would be much appreciated! was wondering if i have to wait 2 weeks after my last shot to run PCT if i could bridge the time gap with anavar....does that even make sense....could i do that? or are those two different kinds??
    Just like to share my experience a little: for the first 7 weeks, I literally saw no gains whatsoever.

    Therefore, I would suggest being prepared to run the cycle out to 12 weeks if needed.

  7. #7
    vaders4 is offline Member
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    Jun 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by Humdrum View Post
    Just like to share my experience a little: for the first 7 weeks, I literally saw no gains whatsoever.

    Therefore, I would suggest being prepared to run the cycle out to 12 weeks if needed.
    Usually gains start around week 4, slow down around week 8.

    What were you running and how much?

  8. #8
    bulldoza123 is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    agree. running test for 5-6 weeks is awaste football guy u will barely start to benefit from the effects right around then.

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