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Thread: being on test for life seems awesome

  1. #1

    being on test for life seems awesome

    I keep toying with the idea of going this route. I feel like going on trt for life would outweigh the negatives. the cost probably wouldnt change since I would be substituting pct for more test

    - never have to cycle off (cruising is off cycle)
    - maintain gains off cycle much more easily
    - never have to wait 5-6 months between cycles
    - I dont need pct
    - testosterone will always be elevated and there won't be any concern with having very low test right after pct
    - you actually get prescribed testosterone, taking away the fear of getting fake or underdosed test

    - could possibly hinder ability to get a girl pregnant and have kids
    - would have to inject at least once per week for the rest of your life

    sooo why shouldnt I go this route? I am 24 and plan on working out the rest of my life. I have never taken more than a week off in six years because of my obsession.

    let's discuss this

  2. #2
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    As long as you can afford it and you never want to have kids it is an option but it is not something you should jump into quickly for sure. I personally want kids but one day I will get on HGH and Test and never come off probably in my early 30's or so. How many cycles have you done?

  3. #3
    amcon's Avatar
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    if i could have natrually normally high test levels i would not do hrt... fyi

  4. #4
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    ur 24, please do not choose this path yet.

    this is a lifetime choice, once ur in, thats it, it is for life...

  5. #5
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    oh boy

  6. #6
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Do you really think anyone here is going to say go ahead go on HRT at 24 yr old? come on your not thinking straight unless your the next Ronnie C

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by amcon View Post
    if i could have natrually normally high test levels i would not do hrt... fyi
    I have low natural test which is what prompted me to make this post

    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    Do you really think anyone here is going to say go ahead go on HRT at 24 yr old? come on your not thinking straight unless your the next Ronnie C
    why not? what is so bad about it if I dont mind injecting every week? the potential inability to have kids is probably why I wont take this path but I am still thinking about it and dont see any other reason why its not a good idea

  8. #8
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    no you dont alpha,, you had one blood test like 2 wks after pct and it was still normal

  9. #9
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    exact reason young kids should not touch AAS.
    they do not know how to handle, and become addicted.

    they have issues later in life and blame the steroids..

  10. #10
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    dont ask for a source thx
    this just sound plain irresponsible......your only 24 use a bit of common sense.....

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by chuckt12345 View Post
    no you dont alpha,, you had one blood test like 2 wks after pct and it was still normal
    5 weeks later it was 334 and everyone told me it was too low

    Quote Originally Posted by Mooseman33 View Post
    exact reason young kids should not touch AAS.
    they do not know how to handle, and become addicted.

    they have issues later in life and blame the steroids..
    I'm not actually going to do it. I am just saying I dont see why everyone says its so bad and hasnt added any cons to my list

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by amcon View Post
    if i could have natrually normally high test levels i would not do hrt... fyi
    no point really unless your 30+imo. Exp if you want to have kids. I have really been playing with the idea for a long time and like you said, since i got good lvls no point for me.

    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    Do you really think anyone here is going to say go ahead go on HRT at 24 yr old? come on your not thinking straight unless your the next Ronnie C

  13. #13
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    Save some real natty semen in a sperm bank just in case.

  14. #14
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    you still have to worry about estro isues though dont you?

  15. #15
    I just want to say I am not a stubborn kid not willing to listen to anyone. I have followed everything all the experts here have said to a T. I have made sure to cycle properly and take all the necessary steps needed in order to maintain my good health. I am just trying to gain more info here, that's all

  16. #16
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    you are stubborn because you started steroids before 25, and yet your planning on going on HRT at 24, how is this not ignorant? or even thinking of going on it for life, I don't understand your logic behind this, even if your natural test would be 300, how does this affect anything in your life?

    you can still perform 2-3 cycles per year, which will get you bigger,

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by AlphaMaleDawg View Post
    - WILL hinder ability to get a girl pregnant and have kids
    - would have to inject at least once per week for the rest of your life

    sooo why shouldnt I go this route? I am 24 and plan on working out the rest of my life. I have never taken more than a week off in six years because of my obsession.

    let's discuss this
    Just because you work out alot now does not tell you how your future is going to be....Life happens, things change bro.

  18. #18
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    so you had bloodwork 2 weeks after pct and 7 weeks after pct? of course it would be low.

  19. #19
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    I'd like to add on the fact that no one knows the long term effects of using steroids...atleast nothing I've read or heard about.... Gotta consider your health as well bro.

  20. #20
    Quote Originally Posted by CanYouDigIt View Post
    you are stubborn because you started steroids before 25, and yet your planning on going on HRT at 24, how is this not ignorant? or even thinking of going on it for life, I don't understand your logic behind this, even if your natural test would be 300, how does this affect anything in your life?

    you can still perform 2-3 cycles per year, which will get you bigger,
    i started exactly 2 months before I started 24. Sorry I didnt wait until my 25th birthday when my test magically starts to deteriorate all of a sudden. I think 6 years of lifting experience pre-first cycle is enough at my age, especially when I plateaud a long time before. anyways, the points I brought up in the op still seem valid to me. So instead of telling me I am wrong, explain why. And once again, I am not going to do TRT

  21. #21
    i think you should do it cause ur going to stop lifting and regret it. do it!!!!

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by AlphaMaleDawg View Post
    i started exactly 2 months before I started 24. Sorry I didnt wait until my 25th birthday when my test magically starts to deteriorate all of a sudden. I think 6 years of lifting experience pre-first cycle is enough at my age, especially when I plateaud a long time before. anyways, the points I brought up in the op still seem valid to me. So instead of telling me I am wrong, explain why. And once again, I am not going to do TRT
    You do understand your test wont be of "god-like" amounts for your life....Just because you switch to TRT doesnt mean you will be crusing at 400+ mg a week...if you start doing that your going to have lots of health problems my friend, for most people TRT is just to bring their test levels up to par or slightly above normal, and considering you only did a blood test 5 weeks after cycle, you still want to wait awhile to do another test and get results then...... It is a personal choice but I can tell you right now your going to regret this some day down the road and say to yourself, what the **** was I thinking!?.......

    Its good your not going to do TRT

  23. #23
    Quote Originally Posted by Reaver. View Post
    You do understand your test wont be of "god-like" amounts for your life....Just because you switch to TRT doesnt mean you will be crusing at 400+ mg a week...if you start doing that your going to have lots of health problems my friend, for most people TRT is just to bring their test levels up to par or slightly above normal, and considering you only did a blood test 5 weeks after cycle, you still want to wait awhile to do another test and get results then...... It is a personal choice but I can tell you right now your going to regret this some day down the road and say to yourself, what the **** was I thinking!?.......

    Its good your not going to do TRT
    see now this is a good post. It explains why my line of thinking is wrong and I have learned something I didn't know before reading this post

  24. #24
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    You listed your cons as infertility and the annoyance of weekly injections. At the age of 24, my age as well, we might not think that these are too big of a deal. However you never know what will happen to you in a few years or 10 years. You may not want to have kids now, but what happens if you meet the woman that changes all of that and you have to tell her you may not be fertile? Also, we are young enough that medical conditions to which we might be predisposed are unnoticed or undeveloped. As was mentioned earlier, we don't really know the long term effects of taking synthetic testosterone. At least if you wait until you are older you reduce the possible risk of developing illnesses as a result of TRT.

  25. #25
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    Bro fight it off until you really need it. Choosing trt when you dont need it sounds very stupid to me. What happens if you start a family and are working endless hours at work to support everyone and dont have the time to hit the gym anymore it happens to alot of people will you still think trt for life is a great idea then?

    I am 36 bro I could very easily justify it and I have a very hard time keeping gains but you know what its not the most important thing in the world to me and I just dont want to take a path that is permanent just yet. You have only done one cycle and want to jump on for life?

    I would say there is some psychological dependence to AAS already I would be careful and keep things in perspective are you looking to compete seriously? If not then it is NOT worth it at your age.

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by gymnerd View Post
    Bro fight it off until you really need it. Choosing trt when you dont need it sounds very stupid to me. What happens if you start a family and are working endless hours at work to support everyone and dont have the time to hit the gym anymore it happens to alot of people will you still think trt for life is a great idea then?

    I am 36 bro I could very easily justify it and I have a very hard time keeping gains but you know what its not the most important thing in the world to me and I just dont want to take a path that is permanent just yet. You have only done one cycle and want to jump on for life?

    I would say there is some psychological dependence to AAS already I would be careful and keep things in perspective are you looking to compete seriously? If not then it is NOT worth it at your age.
    good advice i needed to read this too lol.

  27. #27
    hey bro, let me show you something cooler than big muscles
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

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  28. #28
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    NVR2BIG1 wins this thread! And that's one cute baby my man! You make me jealous .

    Haha, bjpennnn, yeh some good info for you too, . But fvck man you have some mice big muscles, A+ to you.

    To the OP, I've considered this route myself, i am around your age, and i just couldn't handle coming off cycles feeling like shit because of the low natty Test. I wanted to cruise and blast. But then realized what if somewhere down the line something happened that made my trt or source gotten test unavailable? Even with PCT, it wont help because your body is permanently shutdown. Its a risk im not willing to take yet, i still want to travel and enjoy life without having to carry needles with me anywhere. I'm going to wait until im 35-45+ till i get some. When im settled down and know i can maintain it.

  29. #29
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    when your our age you think you are going to live why not cycle for ever...
    think of something you didnt do in your 24 years and how happy you are you didnt

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by AlphaMaleDawg View Post
    I have low natural test which is what prompted me to make this post

    why not? what is so bad about it if I dont mind injecting every week? the potential inability to have kids is probably why I wont take this path but I am still thinking about it and dont see any other reason why its not a good idea
    how do you know u r low test? what have you dont to treat it? and what are your numbers?

  31. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by AlphaMaleDawg View Post
    5 weeks later it was 334 and everyone told me it was too low

    I'm not actually going to do it. I am just saying I dont see why everyone says its so bad and hasnt added any cons to my list
    ha... lol - who is ever one and are you kidding me???? you did a cycle of steroids did pct and you are low three hundreds? look you need numbers showing your pitutary gland #s, and you bound and free test - untill then you have no clue what your numbers

    if you go the rout of hrt - it is stupid and irresponsible ... not reflecting on you just your poor decision to look at this so one sided

    i have a 8 year old that say she wants some thing and even though it is bad for her she still wants it... i dont let her do it... because it would be irresponsible of me to do so- your an adult and that is your call

    educate before you medicate

  32. #32
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    im on trt, since ive been 25. 27 now. i just run hcg and my doc says i should be good togo if i want to have kids. my life is way better being on tho. i had low test, life is brighter now

  33. #33
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    These threads are depressing.. all of these young kids, contemplating TRT for LIFE!!!! I've
    been a athlete for ever it seems and I believe I was my strongest right around 30. My first pin was at 35. i'm 46 and I dont want to go there. What if you couldn't get your meds for some reason, say 25 years from now..... ever had a crash??? Go there and you'll think twice! Think about it boy, eat train and be young.

  34. #34
    amcon's Avatar
    amcon is offline physical pain is temporary. It may last a minute, or an hour, or a day, or a year, but eventually it will subside... The pain of quiting will lasts forever!!
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    Quote Originally Posted by alpenguy View Post
    These threads are depressing.. all of these young kids, contemplating TRT for LIFE!!!! I've
    been a athlete for ever it seems and I believe I was my strongest right around 30. My first pin was at 35. i'm 46 and I dont want to go there. What if you couldn't get your meds for some reason, say 25 years from now..... ever had a crash??? Go there and you'll think twice! Think about it boy, eat train and be young.
    lots of wisdom in this guy!!

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