I posted this in the competitive section, but due to the need of my having the speed stack question answered with some speed, i've reposted here for more reply's....
and as for the morning Clen use add 200mg of caffine to it, not only will it give you a boost in energy but it will also increase the efficiancy of clen itself
Ok, minor problem...how to find caffine with no sugar....
Speed Stack at my gym is the closest I can find with 200mg of Caffine. Only problem is to consume the full 200mg Caffine, I have to get 400mg of Ephedrina.
Something tells me that's no good with the Clen...So doing cardio this morning, i drank half the speed stack and seemed to have no visible problems at all. Speedstack helped wake me up a bit..nothing special..but i mean i got through the cardio..lol
Also, I'm going to be starting my cycle soon...I'm forced to run the Deca...I'm curious about it while cutting , i've heard of great gains while on Deca... and have researached it on the profiles and other, but I am curious from real life users...
Is the water retention bad? How much water do ya hold...meaning will it be pointless to hope to see the abs on it? or will it just be minimal?
The diet is great...again thanx MIKE XXL!
One other question....my piss....All i drink is water, ALL THE TIME and Every now and then, my piss is an off yellow color. I have to be getting in at least a gallon a day, and I think more on some days. How in the hell can my piss have any yellow in it. It's so faint i dont notice while urinating, but after, I look down and the water is slightly yellow...
Could this be protien or other nutrients dumping?
Oh, also, for the caffine...I can NOT STAND COFFEE....