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Thread: New and needing good helpful advice

  1. #1

    New and needing good helpful advice

    I want to start taking AAS!
    I have read a lot on in the INFO side of the post
    For those that will ask
    My stats
    I have always worked out and I keep my diet very strict. I am a vegetarian but I do eat cheese but no milk (lactose intolerantish getting better lately) or fish. I have never been a very big guy even when I increase my intake to 4000+cal a day and work out like a mad man 4-5 times a week( which I did for a very long time) I never got very big gains. Some people just cannot gain the muscle that they want in natural ways. And I am tired of being small. Any help is nice. And do please for the simple minded if you give me info do brake it down in to days and use the full names of the items. Thanks in advance.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by moparmichael View Post
    I want to start taking AAS!
    I have read a lot on in the INFO side of the post
    For those that will ask
    My stats
    I have always worked out and I keep my diet very strict. I am a vegetarian but I do eat cheese but no milk (lactose intolerantish getting better lately) or fish. I have never been a very big guy even when I increase my intake to 4000+cal a day and work out like a mad man 4-5 times a week( which I did for a very long time) I never got very big gains. Some people just cannot gain the muscle that they want in natural ways. And I am tired of being small. Any help is nice. And do please for the simple minded if you give me info do brake it down in to days and use the full names of the items. Thanks in advance.
    one of the problems is that your diet lacks some of the amino acids that you need to build muscle(not essential ones but important one)

    your stats have some room for growth, i bet you can gain 20-30lbs naturally still

    can you eat eggs?

    what lean protein sources do you have besides tofu and such?

  3. #3
    I eat lots of peanut butter and tempeh I was not always veggie just in the last two years and I spent 6 years in the army and worked out every day. Worked with a trainer etc I have looked at a lot of different things. Also what kinds of amino acids and no on eggs, but every veggie meat out there I eat.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Whey protein?

  5. #5
    Ya did that for 6 months and got fat (kinda) no big muscle gains.

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