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Thread: 2nd Cycle, Gyno ?

  1. #1

    2nd Cycle, Gyno ?

    I'd like you guys to look at a cycle I've put together, tell me if I missed something or if theres room for improvment.

    I'm very concerned about gyno, I've never had problems with it (though this is only my 2nd cycle) but I just wanna do everything I can to prevent it.

    Not sure if I did a goob job with those precautions but I'm sure some of you guys have a lot more experience with it.
    I've decided I'd take Nolva 10mg EoD to help prevent gyno. I'm not sure if EoD is appropriate for Nolva....kinda looking for vets to give me their blessings on everything.

    About myself:
    Age: 25
    Size: 6.0
    Weight: 135
    BF: 6%

    Pre-Cycle preparation:

    10mg Nolvadex ED - 1 Week

    Cycle: 8 Weeks

    Week 1-3: D-Bol 30mg (3x 10mg ED)

    Gyno prevention Week 1-3: 10mg Nolva EoD / 0.25 Arimidex EoD – (ED for both if need be)

    Week 1-8: Test E 350mg (2x 175mg)
    Week 6-8: Tren E 300mg (1x 300mg)

    Gyno prevention Week 3 -8: 0.25mg Arimidex EoD – (ED if need be)

    PCT: 5 Weeks

    Starts 14 days after last Test E injection / 17 days after last Tren E injection

    Week1-2: Nolva 25mg ED
    Arimidex 0.5mg ED

    Week 2-4:Nolva 20mg ED
    Arimidex 0.2mg ED

    Week 5: Nolva 10mg ED

    Let me know what you guys think, what do I need to change or improve ?


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Scylla and Charybdis
    6' and 135lbs?

    What did you weigh before your first cycle?

    No offense man, but you need to start eating if you want to gain weight. head to the diet forum and they will straighten you out.

  3. #3
    Hey thanks for the reply. Yea I'm pretty light right now. My 1st cycle was years ago, I was 163 after it, I'm very lean and obsessed almost with long distance running. :P
    I've had a tear in my supraspinatus a long time ago, that took me out of body building and sports completely. Put on a lot of fat so I had to go catabolic for a while and get rid of it after it was healed, so here I am, 135 again which was about what I was before my first cycle.

    Alright, any suggestions regarding my upcoming cycle ?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Scylla and Charybdis
    Honestly, you are no where near ready to cycle. If you want to put on muscle, then long distance running won't help with that at all.

    sorry to hear about your injury, but I'd suggest getting back into things, eating big, and putting on some quality pounds naturally first.

    Besides your pct and your cycle is weak.

    8 weeks is too short for those long esters, imo, and you don't need tren at this point.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    You have a terrible diet for sure, you need to eat man! 135lbs is light for even a female who is 6'.

  6. #6
    Nah I just like to be lean, Im not looking to be 200 pounds either and I love my running, I'd never wanna give it up.
    I'd like to get up to around 160 by this summer to be in top shape for running competitions without any massiv gains of fat, this cycle did just that when I ran it the first time. I used a higher dose of Dblod for 4 weeks, got lots of water then and was worried about gyno.
    It ended up fine and I was very happy with the results after the water disappeared. But I'm worried to do it again cause of gyno, so can someone please confirm wether this cycle is any good to prevent gyno or not ? If not, what should I change ?
    About the tren, I'm not sure if I wanna run it, I'm very curious about it, heard and seen some great things from a friend of mine, so that can still be changed.

    Ok come on guys, quit it with the diet talk. I know I need to eat in order to bulk and I will, I believe in making lean gains without adding fat. Its a solid and proven method for me, I've always made gains and been making them over the last few months, but its slow, every all natural body builder would agree.

  7. #7
    Oh and by the way, you said my PCT is weak. Would it help a lot if I added Clomid to it ?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2006
    yes get some liquid clomid and nolva for your pct, if you are worried about gyno you can run liquidex or exemestane during your cycle.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    Canada, Ontario
    You can get thos gains EASY with a solid plan, but if you decide to take it and you love running so much AAS will slow you down in the long run, I'd like to see some pictures previous diet/cycle and afterwords.

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