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Thread: Question about stacking

  1. #1

    Question about stacking

    I'm stacking test/mast/EQ and was curious what everyone has done when stacking more then one injectable? Do you just do 3 ML's in one shot or do you break up the shots into multiple 1 and 2 ML shots during the week?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    Squating at the Curl Rack
    It depends on the ester lengths of the shots. I usually stack winny, suspension and tren A. I shoot all at once, twice a day. I have 8 injection sites however, shoulders, chest, calves, quads. I cant reach my glutes no more , my lats have grown a bit too much. haha.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    if you dont mind shooting break them up as you take them, but it gets old real quick. I only shot arse delts and quads. I personally dont do more than 3ml in one area, for me it welts up sometimes and causing painful training sessions. If you must go 3 or over slow massage in area helps.

    good luck bro

  4. #4
    I'm ok with doing 3 ML's in one shot, I guess my question is more about whether mixing 3 different compounds is ok. I'd be mixing all 3 for about 5 weeks.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Scylla and Charybdis
    Quote Originally Posted by topshelf75 View Post
    I'm stacking test/mast/EQ and was curious what everyone has done when stacking more then one injectable? Do you just do 3 ML's in one shot or do you break up the shots into multiple 1 and 2 ML shots during the week?
    Quote Originally Posted by topshelf75 View Post
    I'm ok with doing 3 ML's in one shot, I guess my question is more about whether mixing 3 different compounds is ok. I'd be mixing all 3 for about 5 weeks.
    What ester test/mast is it?

    EQ for 5 weeks is pointless.

    Yes, you can mix all three and inject them. But I would prefer in this case to inject less oil, more frequently.

    What is your complete cycle?

  6. #6
    I'm running Test E, Mast blend (150/50), and EQ. Test E 250mg a week, Mast 400mg a week, and EQ 400mg a week.

    Running all for 10 weeks, but started on the Mast early.

  7. #7
    Any suggestions? TTT

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