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Thread: revised test suspension/clen/t3/creatine cycle.still have some questions

  1. #1

    revised test suspension/clen/t3/creatine cycle.still have some questions

    so i have been doing more research and thinking alot.

    i have decided to add creatine at 10.5grams a day for the 6 weeks of the cycle. also decided to add keto an run the clen straight through.

    wk2-6 test suspension 200mg a week split into two shots.
    week 1-8 10.5g creatine split into two shakes.
    week 2-6 ket 1mg ed at night.

    Day 1 Clen 60mcg / T3 50mcg
    Day 2 Clen 60mcg / T3 50mcg
    Day 3 Clen 80mcg / T3 75mcg
    Day 4 Clen 100mcg / T3 75mcg
    Day 5 Clen 100mcg / T3 75mcg
    Day 6 Clen 120mcg / T3 100mcg
    Day 7 Clen 120mcg / T3 100mcg
    Day 8 Clen 120mcg/ T3 125mcg
    Day 9 Clen 120mcg/ T3 125mcg
    Day10 Clen 120mcg/ T3 125mcg
    Day11 Clen 120mcg/ T3 125mcg
    Day12 Clen 120mcg/ T3 125mcg
    Day13 Clen 120mcg/ T3 125mcg
    Day14 Clen 120mcg/ T3 125mcg
    Day15 Clen 120mcg / T3 125mcg
    Day16 Clen 120mcg / T3 125mcg
    Day17 Clen 120mcg / T3 125mcg
    Day18 Clen 120mcg / T3 125mcg
    Day19 Clen 120mcg / T3 125mcg
    Day20 Clen 120mcg / T3 125mcg
    Day21 Clen 120mcg / T3 125mcg
    Day22 Clen 120mcg/ T3 125mcg
    Day23 Clen 120mcg/ T3 125mcg
    Day24 Clen 120mcg/ T3 125mcg
    Day25 Clen 120mcg / T3 125mcg
    Day26 Clen 120mcg / T3 125mcg
    Day27 Clen 120mcg / T3 125mcg
    Day28 Clen 120mcg/ T3 100mcg
    Day29 Clen 120mcg / T3 100mcg
    Day30 Clen 120mcg / T3 100mcg
    Day31 Clen 120mcg / T3 75mcg
    Day32 Clen 120mcg / T3 75mcg
    Day33 Clen 120mcg / T3 75mcg
    Day34 Clen 120mcg / T3 50mcg
    Day35 Clen 120mcg / T3 50mcg
    Day36 Clen 120mcg / T3 50mcg
    Day37 Clen 120mcg / T3 50mcg
    Day38 Clen 120mcg / T3 25mcg
    Day39 Clen 120mcg/ T3 25mcg
    Day40 Clen 120mcg/ T3 25mcg
    Day41 Clen 120mcg/ T3 25mcg
    Day42 Clen 120mcg/ T3 25mcg

    ill be taking hawthorn berry and garlic along with asprin to combat any bp issues since i am prone to those as a side.

    also will be loading up on the taurine.

    still have some questions though.

    1. should i pct from this ???

    2. would it be better to pct if needed then start my npp/mast/ and test prop cycle or should i just start that cycle right after my last shot of suspension ??


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by sfour_tay View Post
    so i have been doing more research and thinking alot.

    i have decided to add creatine at 10.5grams a day for the 6 weeks of the cycle. also decided to add keto an run the clen straight through.

    wk2-6 test suspension 200mg a week split into two shots.
    week 1-8 10.5g creatine split into two shakes.
    week 2-6 ket 1mg ed at night.

    Day 1 Clen 60mcg / T3 50mcg
    Day 2 Clen 60mcg / T3 50mcg
    Day 3 Clen 80mcg / T3 75mcg
    Day 4 Clen 100mcg / T3 75mcg
    Day 5 Clen 100mcg / T3 75mcg
    Day 6 Clen 120mcg / T3 100mcg
    Day 7 Clen 120mcg / T3 100mcg
    Day 8 Clen 120mcg/ T3 125mcg
    Day 9 Clen 120mcg/ T3 125mcg
    Day10 Clen 120mcg/ T3 125mcg
    Day11 Clen 120mcg/ T3 125mcg
    Day12 Clen 120mcg/ T3 125mcg
    Day13 Clen 120mcg/ T3 125mcg
    Day14 Clen 120mcg/ T3 125mcg
    Day15 Clen 120mcg / T3 125mcg
    Day16 Clen 120mcg / T3 125mcg
    Day17 Clen 120mcg / T3 125mcg
    Day18 Clen 120mcg / T3 125mcg
    Day19 Clen 120mcg / T3 125mcg
    Day20 Clen 120mcg / T3 125mcg
    Day21 Clen 120mcg / T3 125mcg
    Day22 Clen 120mcg/ T3 125mcg
    Day23 Clen 120mcg/ T3 125mcg
    Day24 Clen 120mcg/ T3 125mcg
    Day25 Clen 120mcg / T3 125mcg
    Day26 Clen 120mcg / T3 125mcg
    Day27 Clen 120mcg / T3 125mcg
    Day28 Clen 120mcg/ T3 100mcg
    Day29 Clen 120mcg / T3 100mcg
    Day30 Clen 120mcg / T3 100mcg
    Day31 Clen 120mcg / T3 75mcg
    Day32 Clen 120mcg / T3 75mcg
    Day33 Clen 120mcg / T3 75mcg
    Day34 Clen 120mcg / T3 50mcg
    Day35 Clen 120mcg / T3 50mcg
    Day36 Clen 120mcg / T3 50mcg
    Day37 Clen 120mcg / T3 50mcg
    Day38 Clen 120mcg / T3 25mcg
    Day39 Clen 120mcg/ T3 25mcg
    Day40 Clen 120mcg/ T3 25mcg
    Day41 Clen 120mcg/ T3 25mcg
    Day42 Clen 120mcg/ T3 25mcg

    ill be taking hawthorn berry and garlic along with asprin to combat any bp issues since i am prone to those as a side.

    also will be loading up on the taurine.

    still have some questions though.

    1. should i pct from this ???

    2. would it be better to pct if needed then start my npp/mast/ and test prop cycle or should i just start that cycle right after my last shot of suspension ??

    Stats? your cycle needs work.

  3. #3
    just turned 23
    lifting 3 years ed
    this will be my second clen cycle and my 4th aas cycle.

    what needs work.

    the only reason im running the suspension is to combat the catabolic effect of the t3.

    all i have is 10ccs so i wanted to use it . plus im going to be starting a npp/mast/tesp p cycle in the spring so thats where im looking to get muscle gains from.

    lmk what i need to tweek.

    also an thought on if i should pct then hop on my next cycle or if i should just go right into the cycle after my last shot of suspension??

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    only 23 and after 4 cycles you should be alot further along then you are.

    test suspension should be shot twice a day not twice a week. are you sure your not referring to sustanon?

    as far as the clen being run straight through i would not advise. if you want to use the keto then use it during the off time of a two week on two week off protocol.

  5. #5
    sorry about the typo. it is suspension i will shoot 200mg a week and do two shots a day.

    as far as how far along i am my first cycle was a complete waste due to poor diet and being young and uneducated and my second cycle we under dosed. 400mg of test e and 400 of eq.

    i really consider my last cycle my first real cycle since my diet was in check and so was my lifting.

    ill switch up the clen to two on two off. with the keto run on the off time.

    what about pct for the suspension. cuz its such a low dose do i need to worry ??
    ive got clomid and nolva on hand so it wont be a prob.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    you always need a post cycle. clomid and nolva will suffice.

    i would reconsider pinning suspension.

    also feel 200mg is way too low to see any difference at your age.

  7. #7
    I've pinned suspention before as a pre work out boost.
    I home brewed the test and can shoot it through a 29g. I'd be shooting 14.2 mg twice a day.

    Would 200 mg be enought to combat the catabolic effect of t3?? That's all I'm after.

    Would it be better to just start the test p after the 5 weeks of suspension?? That way my levels are up and then I'll bring them up more.

    If not is standard pct in order or could I run less dosages

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    why dont you cut naturally or just do a real cycle...pick one, why shut yourself down for 200mg of test

    also i have a feeling your much higher than 14% bf

  9. #9
    No I am at 14. If pic is needed I will.

    The reason I am running it is to combat the t3 catabolic effect. As I have stated many times.
    I think I'm jut going to run the Clem with the t3 and the suspention then at the end of the 6 weeks just start with the prop since I'll already be shut Down

    Just lookig for some insight.

    Again I'm not looking for size from the suspension.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    i already mentioned 200mg is too low. youll be replacing what your shutting down. i agree with laduem. cut naturally and then do a real cycle to bulk up after if your gonna shut yourself down.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by peachfuzz View Post
    i already mentioned 200mg is too low. youll be replacing what your shutting down. i agree with laduem. cut naturally and then do a real cycle to bulk up after if your gonna shut yourself down.
    or just run a real cycle and recomp or wouldent need the t3 so you wont be shutting your thyroid down plus you will probably get some lean gains...i dont know your cycle experience but here are some compounds you should look into



  12. #12
    my last cycle was

    prop 500mg a wk/ eod

    mast 400mg a wk/ eod

    npp 400mg a wk /eod

    ran the prop and mast for 12 weeks and started the npp about half way through the cycle.

    im tweaking the cycle a little more.

    heres what i have planned

    wk 1-8 prop 375mg wk/ ed
    wk 1-8 mast 500mg wk/ ed
    wk 1-8 npp 625mg wk/ ed

    hcg wk 2-8 500 ius a wk/ 2xs a wk


    clomid 150/100/50/50
    nolva 40/40/20/20

    training for 3 years 5 days a wk

    3 cycles
    sust and dbol
    test e and eq

    should i add anything els like adex. this is a lean bulk cycle.

    i bumped the prop down because the the acne and bp problems where a little much last cycle and i feel like the npp gave me better gains.

    is that to much npp??? i know the mast is about the max you want to run.

    im going for a short heavy cycle since all my other cycles have been 12wks+.

    also i have some suspension that i was thinking about jump starting the cycle with the first wk and a half at 100mg ed split into 2 shots.

    lmk what you guys think.

    this is the last of my batch so im just trying to use it but i am aware thats not always the best reason to use it. just wanted to know if its safe to run it this way.


  13. #13
    Would it be better to just run the t3 and Clen with the npp/mast/prop cycle?

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by sfour_tay View Post
    Would it be better to just run the t3 and Clen with the npp/mast/prop cycle?
    if your truly 13-14 then why do you need t3? how low do you want to go? im at 8% now im trying to get to 6% and didnt bother with t3...DIET DIET DIET!

    anyways yea test/masteron/npp is a good cycle..never ran npp though but its a good addition to test and masteron.

  15. #15
    The lowest I have gottan is 10%. Even the. I still have a little belly fat that I just can't shed. I would like to be at 8. My diet will be even cleaner this time and hopfully with the t3 and Clen I can do it. Obviously cardio is involved.

    Didn't know if it was best to shred before cycle or during. Still debating. Only thing that scares me is I have bp issues on prop and I can't imagine clen helping.

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