
I've done lots of research on this drug because its just about as good as it gets in my endurance world..I am well aware it can be dangerous if administered incorrectly and I've read lots on cyclists that have abused it and paid the price, but I am also very impressed by its ability to raise haemoglobin in the blood to improve VO2 max and therefore the ability of the body to use oxygen. I have eventually found a supplier of it.

I've read the articles on here re. EPO, but none answer my questions.

My questions are quite simple, my haemoglobin levels are currently 42. I want them to be between 50 and 54 eventually.

1. How often and how many IU do I inject?
2. When is the best time to inject during the day?
3. How much do I need to inject to raise my Haemonglobin levels by 8 and how much time should I allow for this increase? (How gradually should I do it?)
4. How quickly will I see results?
5. When my levels reach 50-54, what is the maintenance dose?

Thanks for all help! I know its not a popular drug in the steroid world but I know theres a few guys on here that will know what they're talking abput.