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Thread: 3rd cycle after a bad T crash

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2010

    3rd cycle after a bad T crash

    hey there, just wanted your input and openion

    stats: 24 yr old
    163 lb

    i want to start my 3rd cycle (last cycle was primo 300mg ew 7 weeks / winni 50 eod 2 weeks / tren 250mg ew 6 weeks / hgh 4ui eod 10 weeks / proviron 2 pills eod / HCG 500 ui EW from week 3 to week 7) test levels before cycle 366 and before that cycle (baseline = 438)

    whereas you can see i lacked test in my previous cycle and suffered the bad crash whereas had low libido for 2 months, after that everything was perfect whereas my T levels went from 92 to 340, but after a month i started to develop a lump under my nipple whereas i started to do nolva 20mg ED for 5 weeks and in the last 2 weeks my libido vanished, i checked my T levels and they dropped to 303, now after 2 months everything seems fine and im thinking of doing a 3rd cycle but if im going to suffer low libido again i wont do it, so i thought of a mild cycle which i can recover from easilyy, what do you guys think/recommend?

    1-10 Test E or Prop. or Testeviron 500mg EW
    1-10 Primo 500mg EW
    4-10 Anavar 30mg ED
    3-18 HGH 4ui EW 2 days off
    3-10 HCG 500 or 1000ui EW split into 2 days

    12-20 Clomid (what dosage do you recommend?)
    ****** add your input on this another compound other than nolva whereas i dont want to suffer libido loss.
    Last edited by BADQ8; 02-09-2010 at 08:09 AM.

  2. #2
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Seriously, you want to stop and slow down with your cycling, it sounds like you have been cycling to young, now i would get a full blood panel done and see what is going on.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    full blood test was done, everything was in normal range:
    just did recently a SHBG test and came out 19.23nmol/l and igf-1 which came out 202 ug/l.
    will have a testosterone test in 2-3 weeks time whereas i assume im back to 360/370.
    FYI my last shot was on the beggining of may 09. its just that the nolva crashed my libido very hard but now after 2 months i feel great.

  4. #4
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  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    HGH for 10wks????????? Complete waste of money, your not seeing anything from this. 6 months minimum for GH.

  6. #6
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    ill be using it to shed off the extra fat, worked great last cycle

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    im in agreement that you are going way to hard way to fast. why not just get your diet in check? 5'8" 163 and have done 2 cycles already? something isnt right there bud.


  8. #8
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Quote Originally Posted by urbanbody View Post
    HGH for 10wks????????? Complete waste of money, your not seeing anything from this. 6 months minimum for GH.
    Agreed you can use something alot less expensive with better results, its a complete waste.

    Quote Originally Posted by BADQ8 View Post
    ill be using it to shed off the extra fat, worked great last cycle
    Use diet and cardio not HGH.

    Quote Originally Posted by MotoLifter View Post
    im in agreement that you are going way to hard way to fast. why not just get your diet in check? 5'8" 163 and have done 2 cycles already? something isnt right there bud.

    Agreed also, you want to stop and slow down, get some hardwork under your belt and sort your diet out, something is wrong and i would bet its within your diet.

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    I'll also chime in and say at 5'8", 163 you are very small for someone who has done 2 cycles... Almost anyone could even reach that weight naturally.

    I wouldn't recommend any more cycles for you until you get things sorted.

  10. #10
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    Feb 2010
    gentlemen those 2 cycles where done on 2 years period, first cycle was in april 2008 for 5 weeks and second cycle was in late march 2009 for 7 weeks.

    stats after cycle 5'8 161 lbs bf 7%.

    can you guys elaborate please on why am i going way too hard?
    thanks gentlemen!

  11. #11
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    in reference to my diet, ive been on a very healthy diet for the past 3 years (used to be 210 lbs pure fat, dropped it to 161 lbs 7% bf)
    diet consisted of 200+g protien / 2 handful of steemed rice ED with grilled fish/chicken, no carbs after 3pm.
    workout 5 - 6 times a week for around 2 hours with cardio (20 mins steps or 30 mins jogging ED)
    just now for the past 3 months im rewarding my self and eating whatever i want (but using some sense sometimes) because ill be going bacl to my diet in a week or so.

  12. #12
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  13. #13
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    Gents, any feedback is appreciated

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by BADQ8 View Post
    gentlemen those 2 cycles where done on 2 years period, first cycle was in april 2008 for 5 weeks and second cycle was in late march 2009 for 7 weeks.

    stats after cycle 5'8 161 lbs bf 7%.

    can you guys elaborate please on why am i going way too hard?
    thanks gentlemen!

    I think they're saying that it's a pretty heavy duty and advanced looking cycle for somebody your age. You're young and this could lead to problems down the road.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    i also think that after two cycles you should be bigger than that. You could have done more than that naturally. I would reccomend posting your diet in the diet section and let the guys critique it

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Do you guys believe that a test/primo/var/hgh is a tough cycle? How about removing the var, what I have learned from researches that a test/primo cycle is a mild cycle. What do you guys have in mind for me then? Appreciate it

  17. #17
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    Feb 2010
    test results are back:

    Hormonal Profile:

    L.H 3.5 iu/l Range 0.8 - 7.6
    FSH 1.62 iu/l Range 0.7 - 11.1
    Estradiol 91.62 Pmol/l (24 pg/l) Range 0.2 - 206
    Test total 16.65 nmol ( 480 in US numbers) Range 9.4 - 60.1
    T.S.H 1.75 uiu/ml Range 0.4 - 4.0
    SHBG 19.2
    IGF-1 202

    have all other test with me if u guys are interested, SMAC20 CBC etc.

    so my test jumped from 15.2 (level before ever cycling) to 16.65

    so what do you guys think? should I start a cycle now ( Test E + Primo + HGH + IGF-1) or just go on with what i was considering which was HGH + IGF-1 only?

  18. #18
    Join Date
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    East Coast
    atop bumping your thread. btw a 5 weeker and a 7 weeker? and whats up with your stats? whats the point of you doing a cycle, you sure are not gaining anything with your height and weight. What was your before and after for each "mini-cycle"?

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    e police u think i should act smart as you and start a new thread everytime i want to talk? or is this website registered under your name and thats why ur giving out orders?

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    and if it concerns you i was 209lbs with bf +30%, dropped it to 160lbs with bf 7%, height is 173cm thats around 5'7 not 5'8, for me that was a transformation and i loved every single bit of it, sorry for not being a 200+ 5'7 monster which is btw not what im looking for. Cheers.

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