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  1. #1
    nwic is offline New Member
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    WTF! blood work says my test only 113....

    Hey everybody.
    35 yrs old
    241 lbs caliper says 23/25%

    I just got my blood work back and my test level is at 113 as of today.
    10 weeks ago I was at at 350 and my doc put me on 150mg every 3rd week. My last shot was yesterday.

    He says he will up the dose 50mg and test my blood ion another 10 weeks or so.\
    IS this dose he is giving me way low or what?

    Since taking the 150mg i have completely crashed i feel tired all the time. I think this guy (DOCTOR) is just going to put me through another 10 weeks of bullshit to just come back not much higher than I am now.

    The last time we talked and I told him I do not feel any better and I think we need to up it he just shrugged it off and said that dont expect him to get it to 600 to 800 because 400 is above the low mark according to him.

    I just did some googling and from what i have found at 35 I should be over 600. I want to burn this guys office I am so disturbed right now. I am going to get a copy of the blood work and start seeing someone else. I'll start looking tomorrow.

    Is all my hard work for nothing with a test level this low?

  2. #2
    FranciscoG is offline Anabolic Member
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    When was your last shot of test PRIOR to the last blood test?

    What brand are you given? Is he giving it to you?

    150MG EW, right?

    What was your free testosterona level?

  3. #3
    nwic is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by PharmDoc-Cyrus View Post
    When was your last shot of test PRIOR to the last blood test?

    What brand are you given? Is he giving it to you?

    150MG EW, right?

    What was your free testosterona level?
    Thanks you PharmDoc-Cyrus

    Last shot was just before the blood test (yesterday)

    Not sure on the brand/ his assistant pokes me

    150MG EW I believe 150MG for sure

    FRee test i am guessing that means what my test level was on my own before getting the 1st shot. It was at 350 when i went to see him about feeling tired all the time.

  4. #4
    nwic is offline New Member
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    My wife just informed me that Free is another level.

    I am not sure on that until tomorrow. The only number his asst mentioned was the test.

  5. #5
    FranciscoG is offline Anabolic Member
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    Yes free test is another number.

    If you are given test cyp (if you are in the US this is prob the course of action) for three weeks in a row your levels should actually be well above 600. around 800ish

    150MG breaks down to about 105mg of test and 45mg of the ester on or about.

    After three weeks on you should not have any issues that low.

    are you sure its test?

  6. #6
    peachfuzz's Avatar
    peachfuzz is offline Anabolic Member
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    in your first post you said he has you on 150mg every THIRD week.

    Is it every week or every 3 weeks because that is a huge difference...

  7. #7
    darkcrayz is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by peachfuzz View Post
    in your first post you said he has you on 150mg every THIRD week.

    Is it every week or every 3 weeks because that is a huge difference...
    good catch.

  8. #8
    nwic is offline New Member
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    sorry for the confusion and bad composition, I have been on one shot of test every third week. not one a week.

  9. #9
    peachfuzz's Avatar
    peachfuzz is offline Anabolic Member
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    then the problem is your dr is a moron.all thats doing is suppressing your natural test production. alot of docs are ignorant about trt and it seem you have one. seek a second opinion.

  10. #10
    FranciscoG is offline Anabolic Member
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    ^So true^

    I you need to take your blood results and have multiple opinions. The title doctor doesn´t mean shit if they guy does not know what he is doing.

  11. #11
    nwic is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by peachfuzz View Post
    then the problem is your dr is a moron.all thats doing is suppressing your natural test production. alot of docs are ignorant about trt and it seem you have one. seek a second opinion.
    I had a feeling this guy was a moron 6 months ago when I went to first see him. The guy put me on 3 different anti/depressants/anxiety pills that made me feel like a waliking zombie. It took me this long to get my test level checked through him. I think I will try a sports doc next.

    Thanks for the feedback men.

  12. #12
    nwic is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by PharmDoc-Cyrus View Post
    ^So true^

    I you need to take your blood results and have multiple opinions. The title doctor doesn´t mean shit if they guy does not know what he is doing.
    Will do.. Thanks alot for u reply

  13. #13
    urbanbody's Avatar
    urbanbody is offline Member
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    Ya get a new dr. 1 shot every 3 weeks is stupid. He's running a test on you it sounds like. You might be his first Testosterone patient.

  14. #14
    NVR2BIG1 is offline Banned
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    your Dr. is a ****ing clueless moron, TRT shots should be administered every 10-14 days, right when the levels start to decline you get another boost, thats the way it should work, every 3 wks is no good. I swear to God if I had a nickel for every dumbass Dr. all they want to do is keep you coming back, they dont give a rats ass about your well being

  15. #15
    bjpennnn's Avatar
    bjpennnn is offline American Psycho
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    lol looks like you know what to do now. **** I would be so pissed, thats ****ed up.

  16. #16
    NVR2BIG1 is offline Banned
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    I'd sue the practice for any time/money I spent going there, that'd be an easy one to win

  17. #17
    nwic is offline New Member
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    This feedback is great, my wife thought i was over reacting yesterday when they called. When the asst called me back to say he was only going to up the dose by 50mg I could not hide my frustration to say the least.

    I had a feeling this whole time this guy was just another med school jerkoff.

    LOL he even told me a while back that drinking a gallon of water a day was way excess.

  18. #18
    goosehntr's Avatar
    goosehntr is offline Junior Member
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    Ok...I am on 300 mg a week of test suspension ...did he check your thyroid ? are you on Anastrozole this will help block estrigine I am also on HCG and this is all on HRT and I thought my DR was a joke

  19. #19
    chuckt12345's Avatar
    chuckt12345 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    lots of docs do 1 shot per 3 wks. Thats why hes checkin your levels to see how to adjust it. Some people can do 200mg every month and maintain high levels,, it just depends. In most cases it needs to be taken at least once every 2 wks to avoid crashes. Id def seek anohter opinion if you cant talk to your doc and get him to try diffrent route

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