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  1. #1
    sh0cked is offline New Member
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    Winny cutting cycle *Advice please*


    Sorry its a bit impolite as a first post I have read this board for a while but need some advice now guys so sorry for haunting you for so long

    Anyway I have been training for a good few years now and managed to get myself down to a nice lean 4-5% BF I am hammering the cardio and the abs and keeping up high reps low weights as I want that lean athletic look rather then the Hugeee WWE wrestler look lol!

    Anyway I am off on holiday in 2 months and I am at the stage now where you can see my abs see the muscle but I am still not happy and would like to look in competition shape before I go. Something on a par with say .. Ryan Reynolds in Blade 3.

    It's been suggested I go on a bit of Winstrol to cut up more.. Any ideas? What advice can you give me with regard to that?

    All help appreciated.

  2. #2
    bjpennnn's Avatar
    bjpennnn is offline American Psycho
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    bro if you are at 4-5%bf then you are in better shape then ryan renolds in that movie throw up a pic and lets get some of these.
    cycle exp:
    training exp:

  3. #3
    Mooseman33's Avatar
    Mooseman33 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    winnny will not cut u up, diet and cardio will..
    and if ur 4-5%bf now, u have the ryan reynolds look.

    that is a real low bf man, and to much lower and it is not healthy....

    diet and cardio boss is all u need....

    what are ur stats man?

  4. #4
    sh0cked is offline New Member
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    BJP and Moose, Thanks for the quick replies boys Im already pretty cut im just after revealing more of the underlying muscle which I was kinda hoping from what I was told that the Winny would ?

    Anyway on with the stats

    Height: 6' 3''
    age: 26
    weight: 13 stone / 81 Kg / 180 lbs
    bf%: 4-5%
    cycle exp: Limited
    training exp: over 5 years
    pct: I was only advised about goin on Winny alone and because of the type that it does not require a PCT ... Although this made me a little unsure as I always thought you should go on some form of PCT.
    diet: Uber healthy, lots of Pastas, Rices, No Bread/Potatoes, Lots of Chicken Fresh Veg and Fish. roughly divided into brekfast (Cereals/Juices/Protein) Lunch (Pastas/Chicken or Fish) and Dinner (same as Lunch) nothing after 8pm

    I do not want to put on size just cut right up. as for a pic im trying to find one now

  5. #5
    sh0cked is offline New Member
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    Oh Moose,

    Cardio wise I currently do a run 3 times a week for roughly an hr at a high fat burning pace (just under CV) which means roughly around 11-12km/h

  6. #6
    sh0cked is offline New Member
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    Go easy on me

  7. #7
    Phate's Avatar
    Phate is offline Got Diet? ~VET~ AR Hall of Famer~
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    you are around 9-10% IMO but i could be off by a good bit depending on your genetics, i guarantee you aren't 5% yet

  8. #8
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Quote Originally Posted by Phate View Post
    you are around 9-10% IMO but i could be off by a good bit depending on your genetics, i guarantee you aren't 5% yet
    I have to agree, 4-5% bf is amazing which makes me think by what your saying that you are alot more, do you have a pic?

  9. #9
    Phate's Avatar
    Phate is offline Got Diet? ~VET~ AR Hall of Famer~
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    I have to agree, 4-5% bf is amazing which makes me think by what your saying that you are alot more, do you have a pic?
    i think the pic 2 posts above is him

  10. #10
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Quote Originally Posted by Phate View Post
    i think the pic 2 posts above is him
    Opps, i cant see any picture!!

    how strange

  11. #11
    Phate's Avatar
    Phate is offline Got Diet? ~VET~ AR Hall of Famer~
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    how bout now?

  12. #12
    sh0cked is offline New Member
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    I dunno, I just go off the tests but I would rather the percentage be higher then it be genetics as the first can be fixed the second can't

  13. #13
    sh0cked is offline New Member
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    Poke a responce

  14. #14
    Phate's Avatar
    Phate is offline Got Diet? ~VET~ AR Hall of Famer~
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    my bad, as far as winny goes, it's one of the harshest orals on the liver mg for mg

    the only all oral cycle i would ever endorse is anavar /tbol, you won't get water retention from them, the gains will not be massive but they will be "lean" and they will also aid in your cutting(you can use clen /t3 with them if you like for better results)

    plus they are extremely mild on the liver so you can run them for 6-8 weeks at a moderate dosage as opposed to only 4 with the winny

    btw, at your stats i would normally say that you can gain more naturally(and you could, at least another 40lbs at your height), but as you're about the right age and you don't want to be very big i think that cycle would be effective

    you will have to pct afterwards of course

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