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Thread: nolvadex in my first cycle

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2010

    nolvadex in my first cycle

    Im in my first cycle of AAS:

    4IU of HGH per day
    0,5mg Methyltrienolone (1/2 pill of metrien) / day
    test prop 2 times per week
    test eth 1 times per two weeks
    2 x proviron (day and night)
    1 nolvadex-d (20mg) at night

    I want to replace nolvadex-d. what do you recommend that will help me with water issues and estrogens?


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Your cycle is very strange to say the least.
    Your stats please?

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Scylla and Charybdis
    an AI will help with the water retention,

    but yah, that's a pretty poor cycle.

    Stats and cycle experience?

  4. #4
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    Jan 2010
    this is my first cycle
    I'm 29 80kgs 10,2% bf

    I started 6 weeks ago with 74kg and 13,1% and now I'm 80kg with 10,2% bf

    no cycle experience.

    i forgot to mentioned that I'm also doing once a week pregnyl 1500.
    today I made blood tests and my testo is on 16,7 (normal values for a male 3 min - 10,6 max).

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by dinko View Post
    Im in my first cycle of AAS:

    4IU of HGH per day
    0,5mg Methyltrienolone (1/2 pill of metrien) / daynot needed for a first cycle, this stuff is very liver toxic and dangerous in the hands of someone with very little experience or knowledge on it, research this immediately
    test prop 2 times per weekneeds to be shot ed or eod
    test eth 1 times per two weeksshould be shot every 3.5 days
    2 x proviron (day and night)
    1 nolvadex-d (20mg) at night

    I want to replace nolvadex-d. what do you recommend that will help me with water issues and estrogens?

    whats the duration of the cycle?

    what is your pct?

  6. #6
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    the duration is 10 weeks.
    it also contains insulin 10iu per day.

    4 weeks full - 2 weeks without metrien and insulin - 4 weeks full = 10 weeks

    about pct. im not sure yet. i think my trainer will tell me at the end of the cycle.

    I was the one asked for a very light light cycle. i dont want to be super body builder in one week. i want to build my body progressively with the minimal cost (not money, in my body) and minimal side effects.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by dinko View Post
    the duration is 10 weeks.
    it also contains insulin 10iu per day.

    4 weeks full - 2 weeks without metrien and insulin - 4 weeks full = 10 weeks

    about pct. im not sure yet. i think my trainer will tell me at the end of the cycle.

    I was the one asked for a very light light cycle. i dont want to be super body builder in one week. i want to build my body progressively with the minimal cost (not money, in my body) and minimal side effects.
    your trainer apparently doesn't know as much as he thinks, you should have pct ON HAND before the cycle starts as well as any on cycle chems needed

    as i said, methyltrienolone is very liver toxic, in fact it's so liver toxic that it was never marketed and only allowed in studies, it's also been shown that people that exceed 2mg/day develop jaundice, elevated liver values and eventually liver failure

    not trying to scare you but you need to know what you are taking, don't take the word of your trainer, most of them don't know shit and just sell what they have

  8. #8
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    That is a terribly laid out cycle and as others have avised that methyltrienolone is some hardcore stuff. Test prop needs to be shot eod at the minimum and test e needs to be shot twice per week. I cant believe you are also using insulin in your first cycle. No pct on hand either you are litterally the poster child for the idiots that jump on cycle knowing nothing.

  9. #9
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    that was a very first light cycle and my trainer wants to see how I react to steroids.
    he has his eyes on me every day!
    whether is a good or a bad cycle for me it has a result.
    and my testo is on 16,7 (blood test with normal values 3 to 10,6).

    i asked for a very very light cycle that will not cause problems (side effects).
    i dont want to be huge in 3 months.

    ok I got it about metrien and Im pretty sure it will not exist in my next cycle.
    what about nolvadex-d? do you believe I have to replace it?
    Last edited by dinko; 02-11-2010 at 09:30 AM.

  10. #10
    Get some nolva/clomid for you pct.

  11. #11
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    very light cycles dont include insulin.

    this cycle flat out scares me. be careful man...

  12. #12
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    light cycle in terms of side effects. as long as insulin is not a steroid and has no steroid-side effects i dont mind. i'm on a strict diet and I have no problem with it.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by dinko View Post
    light cycle in terms of side effects. as long as insulin is not a steroid and has no steroid-side effects i dont mind. i'm on a strict diet and I have no problem with it.
    how about the side effect of death if you make a mistake in dosing? does that side bother you?

    btw, if you didn't want sides and your trainer is supposed to know what he's talking about, why did he set up your test prop and enth injections so that your blood serum levels would be unstable, which leads to conversion of testosterone to estrogen via the aromatase enzyme and INCREASES your side effects

    what we are trying to tell you is not sinking in so i'll just be blunt. Neither you nor your trainer have a damn clue what you are doing, nor the strength of the compounds you are using, if you did, you would stop the cycle right now and start planning instead of relying on a dumbass who gives a first timer insulin and methyltrienolone and calls it a "light" cycle, not to mention he can't even set up a proper injection protocol, watch yourself bro, this "trainer" could get you hurt

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Phate View Post
    how about the side effect of death if you make a mistake in dosing? does that side bother you?
    btw, if you didn't want sides and your trainer is supposed to know what he's talking about, why did he set up your test prop and enth injections so that your blood serum levels would be unstable, which leads to conversion of testosterone to estrogen via the aromatase enzyme and INCREASES your side effects

    what we are trying to tell you is not sinking in so i'll just be blunt. Neither you nor your trainer have a damn clue what you are doing, nor the strength of the compounds you are using, if you did, you would stop the cycle right now and start planning instead of relying on a dumbass who gives a first timer insulin and methyltrienolone and calls it a "light" cycle, not to mention he can't even set up a proper injection protocol, watch yourself bro, this "trainer" could get you hurt

    seriously tho, if i were you, i wud stamp on ur trainers head

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by dinko View Post
    that was a very first light cycle and my trainer wants to see how I react to steroids.
    he has his eyes on me every day!
    whether is a good or a bad cycle for me it has a result.
    and my testo is on 16,7 (blood test with normal values 3 to 10,6).

    i asked for a very very light cycle that will not cause problems (side effects).
    i dont want to be huge in 3 months.

    ok I got it about metrien and Im pretty sure it will not exist in my next cycle.
    what about nolvadex-d? do you believe I have to replace it?
    I think he wants to see if you survive to steroids.

    Insulin can kill you.
    Methyltrienolone can lead you to a liver transplant.

    ...and the title of your thread is "nolvadex in my first cycle"!!!

    Last edited by BJJ; 02-11-2010 at 04:00 PM.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by dinko View Post
    light cycle in terms of side effects. as long as insulin is not a steroid and has no steroid-side effects i dont mind. i'm on a strict diet and I have no problem with it.
    insulins prb the most dangerous thing we can take on this board

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by chuckt12345 View Post
    insulins prb the most dangerous thing we can take on this board
    without a doubt, it's cheap, OTC, and if you use it wrong once you can say bye-bye

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by chuckt12345 View Post
    insulins prb the most dangerous thing we can take on this board
    No ur actually wronge , the most dangerous thing we can take on this board is advise from dinko and his trainer.

  19. #19
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    okay guys, i think/hope he gets the point

    Dinko- Even though we're ragging on you we do care about your well-being and the fact that you came here to ask for our advice does play in your favor

    BUT, when everything is said and done it's going to come down to one question: Are you going to listen to us or your trainer?

    We're willing to help you in any way we can, but i'm not going to waste my time if you are just going to continue on and keep taking his "advice", so which is it going to be?

  20. #20
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    about insulin: no mistakes here. I have a very strict diet and I know the peak time of my insulin. I get max 5IU per injection and I eat lot of carbs when the peak time arrives. I had no problems with it and I was for 4 weeks.

    about testo: I already asked him why I have this protocol of prop (twice a week) and eth (one every 15 days) and he explained me that testo prop has a peak of 48 hours while testo eth has a peak of 15 days. I can ask him again to give me a very extended answer on that.

    @baseline_9: thank you for your kind comment but Im not going to give any advice on steroids.

    @phate: please try to understand. I'm on steroid world for 6 weeks now. Before that, I didnt even knew their existance. Im so f* new and Im trying to understand what is going on here. I feel like a lost young-kid looking around, people, cars, huge buildings....

    I'm trying to read every day, forum, articles, books, every resource. I'm collecting information. I'm not saying my trainer is an expert on steroids. I came to this forum after entering to the cycle and I don't really know if its a good idea to stop it right now, on the end of week 6, 3 weeks before the end. Maybe I have to finish it and be more careful on the 2nd cycle.

    Of course I need your advice and that is why Im here asking. I'm reading very carefully all things you are saying and I really appreciate your help. Really!

  21. #21
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    My advise is this, tell you trainer to do a bit of research himself, his understanding of both test p and e is wronge.

    check out all the stickies and Educational threads on this forum(they are at the top of the thread list), read them over and over until you understand in your own mind.

    Once you learn this stuff you wont need to ask for this basic advise as you will know it yourself.

    For a first cycle all you need is Test, Nolva, Clomid and an AI if required (worth having to hand)

  22. #22
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    i forgot to mention that before entering to the AAS world I made blood test and my testo was 2,51 (when minimum value was 2,8 and maximum 10,6). I was above the minimum value!

    After doing 3 pregnyls (1500 each) my testo went to 10,53 which means that I had a problem (coming from the head) producing testo.

    is there any possibility that the injection protocol I have it is somehow connected with the very low value of my own testo? As I read, when injecting testo, your own testo levels are decreasing.

    right now Im doing a pregnyl 1500 once a week as a therapy (of my own testo) inside the cycle. and this came from a doctor, not from my trainer.

    your suggestions are always welcome!
    Last edited by dinko; 02-11-2010 at 04:48 PM.

  23. #23

    how about metrien?

    Quote Originally Posted by dinko View Post
    Im in my first cycle of AAS:

    4IU of HGH per day
    0,5mg Methyltrienolone (1/2 pill of metrien) / day
    test prop 2 times per week
    test eth 1 times per two weeks
    2 x proviron (day and night)
    1 nolvadex-d (20mg) at night

    I want to replace nolvadex-d. what do you recommend that will help me with water issues and estrogens?

    my friend is very good but i nerver try. i'd like to buy. where can i buy ? how about metrien side ?

  24. #24
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    I seek Immortality
    That is not a first cycle.
    Some aspects make it a very improper cycle.

    You have made great gains though.
    I dont know what to say.
    You should have came here first.

  25. #25
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    Your trainer is just a stupid drug dealer. Here's some advice: don't buy from the same guy designing your cycle. He will just sell you a bunch of crazy shit that you have no business taking.
    Last edited by Bonaparte; 03-06-2010 at 07:02 PM.

  26. #26
    Quote Originally Posted by twotimer View Post
    That is not a first cycle.
    Some aspects make it a very improper cycle.

    You have made great gains though.
    I dont know what to say.
    You should have came here first.
    so you said that is not first cycle. if i want to become strong. how can i do?
    and than my friend told me metrien but somepeople said no buy. how about it ?

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