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  1. #1
    boxin23's Avatar
    boxin23 is offline Member
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    Feb 2010

    Firts Cycle First Week Headache!!

    Ok so this is my first cycle and thanks to amcon and others...i've dropped the tren after 1 pin. This is my first week on HGH and test...

    Running the HGH at 3.3 IU's ED for 6 MONTHS
    Running the Test at 250 every 3 days. (2x a week)

    I was able to get my diet up to 5K in cals...with the right stuff now.

    Here is the deal. After only a week, I'm having a weird headache I've never had before. Like a kind of buzzing feeling but really alloys the crap out of me. Any one ever had anything like this before? Im not sick or anything like that. It's something ive never felt before. Maybe my pituitary gland is pissed off at me!

    I know the gear is good. It's pharma grade stuff from a pro..

  2. #2
    yungone501's Avatar
    yungone501 is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by boxin23 View Post
    Ok so this is my first cycle and thanks to amcon and others...i've dropped the tren after 1 pin. This is my first week on HGH and test...

    Running the HGH at 3.3 IU's ED for 6 MONTHS
    Running the Test at 250 every 3 days. (2x a week)

    I was able to get my diet up to 5K in cals...with the right stuff now.

    Here is the deal. After only a week, I'm having a weird headache I've never had before. Like a kind of buzzing feeling but really alloys the crap out of me. Any one ever had anything like this before? Im not sick or anything like that. It's something ive never felt before. Maybe my pituitary gland is pissed off at me!
    I know the gear is good. It's pharma grade stuff from a pro..
    Haha. Yeah, you hurt its feelings.

    Well with the addition of two hormones and 5k calorie diet, how would you EXPECT your body to respond.

    At the beginning of nearly all my cycles, I get a dreaded 1-2wk mild headache. Everyone's different though. Just you body responding to foreign substances.

    Why are you taking GH on first cycle. Did someone here approve of this or what?

  3. #3
    Quo's Avatar
    Quo is offline Associate Member
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    Yes, the headaches are likely a side effect of the hormones. I've never had it from test, but Nolvadex gives me a low grade headache for 2 weeks when I am on it. It sucks, but, you get past it.

  4. #4
    boxin23's Avatar
    boxin23 is offline Member
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    i had a surgery on my ears....a doc suggested that the gh would help with the connective tissue healing etc....

    how much does the gh help a first run on test? does it really enhance the test as i have read? That would be nice...

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