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  1. #1
    baseline_9's Avatar
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    ** Slingshot / Short cycles PCT **

    If you were to do a 6 week cycle that looked like this what PCT would you guys reccomend?

    weeks 1-6 150mg Test Prop EOD
    weeks 1-3 40-50mg Dianabol Per Day

    weeks 1-6 0.25mg Arimidex EOD (to prevent any bloat)
    week 1-6 200 IU HCG EOD

    possible PCT

    Nolva 40, 40, 20,20
    Clomid 100, 50, 50, 50

    My question is would i need to PCT for 4 weeks if the cycle is only 6 weeks long with HCG throughout?

    If the cycle was 8 weeks, how long would you reccomend PTC'ing for?

  2. #2
    Swifto's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by baseline_9 View Post
    If you were to do a 6 week cycle that looked like this what PCT would you guys reccomend?

    weeks 1-6 150mg Test Prop EOD
    weeks 1-3 40-50mg Dianabol Per Day

    weeks 1-6 0.25mg Arimidex EOD (to prevent any bloat)
    week 1-6 200 IU HCG EOD

    possible PCT

    Nolva 40, 40, 20,20
    Clomid 100, 50, 50, 50

    My question is would i need to PCT for 4 weeks if the cycle is only 6 weeks long with HCG throughout?

    If the cycle was 8 weeks, how long would you reccomend PTC'ing for?
    Start HCG either the day you begin your Test, or 2-3 weeks after. Your not going to be shutdown that long, so its debatble whether HCG is needed. I think it is, personally.

    Your PCT should last as long as it takes to resotore HPTA function fully. Thats around 5-6 weeks for me. A lower dose is better IMHO, than higher shorter doses.

    40mg/ED Tamox is a very high amount IMHO. 20mg/ED will restore full HPTA function in 6 weeks.

    If you decide to use Clomid, 50-100mg/ED for the first 3-5 days wont hurt. Then down to 25mg/ED IMHO.
    Last edited by Swifto; 02-11-2010 at 04:53 PM.

  3. #3
    baseline_9's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Swifto View Post
    Start PCT either the day you begin your Test, or 2-3 weeks after. Your not going to be shutdown that long, so its debatble whether HCG is needed. I think it is, personally.

    Your PCT should last as long as it takes to resotore HPTA function fully. Thats around 5-6 weeks for me. A lower dose is better IMHO, than higher shorter doses.

    40mg/ED Tamox is a very high amount IMHO. 20mg/ED will restore full HPTA function in 6 weeks.

    If you decide to use Clomid, 50-100mg/ED for the first 3-5 days wont hurt. Then down to 25mg/ED IMHO.
    Are you suggesting PCT through the cycle here? If so for how long after?

    could you write out what your suggesting like i did, just so i can get a picture infront of me to look at.

    I have the HCG already so i mite as well run it, rather safe than sorry!

    cheers Swifto

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by baseline_9 View Post
    If you were to do a 6 week cycle that looked like this what PCT would you guys reccomend?

    weeks 1-6 150mg Test Prop EOD
    weeks 1-3 40-50mg Dianabol Per Day

    weeks 1-6 0.25mg Arimidex EOD (to prevent any bloat)
    week 1-6 200 IU HCG EOD

    possible PCT

    Nolva 40, 40, 20,20
    Clomid 100, 50, 50, 50

    My question is would i need to PCT for 4 weeks if the cycle is only 6 weeks long with HCG throughout?

    If the cycle was 8 weeks, how long would you reccomend PTC'ing for?
    wk 1-6 Test Prop 150mg/EOD
    wk 1-6 Dbol 40mg/ED
    * Arimidex 0.5mg/EOD
    * HCG 250ius 2x/wk

    wk 1-2 Clomid 50-100mg/ED
    wk 2-6 Clomid 25mg/ED
    wk 1-6 Tamox 20mg/ED

  5. #5
    baseline_9's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Swifto View Post
    wk 1-6 Test Prop 150mg/EOD
    wk 1-6 Dbol 40mg/ED
    * Arimidex 0.5mg/EOD
    * HCG 250ius 2x/wk

    wk 1-2 Clomid 50-100mg/ED
    wk 2-6 Clomid 25mg/ED
    wk 1-6 Tamox 20mg/ED


    And just to confirm, you are suggesting running the PCT at the same time as the cycle??

    Never read about people doing this before, could you point me towards a thread that alks about this, PRO's CON's etc..

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by baseline_9 View Post

    And just to confirm, you are suggesting running the PCT at the same time as the cycle??

    Never read about people doing this before, could you point me towards a thread that alks about this, PRO's CON's etc..
    No no no...

    PCT is done when the androgens have cleared. Around 3-5 days with Test Prop. Possibly longer.

  7. #7
    baseline_9's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Swifto View Post
    No no no...

    PCT is done when the androgens have cleared. Around 3-5 days with Test Prop. Possibly longer.
    LOL i am fully aware of this by the way, I think if you read it back you will see where i got confused.

    You said "Start PCT either the day you begin your Test, or 2-3 weeks after"

    LOL i thaught tht seemd strange

  8. #8
    yungone501's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Swifto View Post
    Start PCT either the day you begin your Test,
    Swifto, how could you???

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by baseline_9 View Post
    weeks 1-6 150mg Test Prop EOD
    weeks 1-3 40-50mg Dianabol Per Day
    What kind of results did you yield. Short cycles have always aroused my interest. Doing one now.

  10. #10
    baseline_9's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by yungone501 View Post
    What kind of results did you yield. Short cycles have always aroused my interest. Doing one now.
    I havnt run the cycle yet, just thinking ahead.

    Im intrested also, think that the fact you are going to be less shut down apeals to me, also feel you could maintain all out intensity for a 'shorter amount' of time and make the most out of the cycle

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by baseline_9 View Post
    I havnt run the cycle yet, just thinking ahead.

    Im intrested also, think that the fact you are going to be less shut down apeals to me, also feel you could maintain all out intensity for a 'shorter amount' of time and make the most out of the cycle
    My thoughts exactly. I HATE pct. Doing test prop/drol right now. Have loved it so far. Im on 4/6wks. Always hear alot of good said about it and wanted to try it. And so far, Im liking the results.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by baseline_9 View Post
    LOL i am fully aware of this by the way, I think if you read it back you will see where i got confused.

    You said "Start PCT either the day you begin your Test, or 2-3 weeks after"

    LOL i thaught tht seemd strange
    Sorry, I meant HCG .

    I'm not with it and havent been all week (flu).

    Quote Originally Posted by yungone501 View Post
    Swifto, how could you???
    Sorry, sorry.... Woops.

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