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  1. #1
    Karo is offline Associate Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2009

    Proviron Cycle Question

    I'm currently running (Week 2) an 8-week blast-cycle consisting of the following:

    Test prop- 150mgs eod Weeks 1-8
    Dbol - 30 mgs ed Weeks 1-4
    Gh 8ius 3x week pwo throughout cycle and continuing post cycle for at least a year.
    t3- 25mgs ed weeks 1-8 and in pct
    HCG - 250ius 2x week in weeks 3-8
    Pct is:
    Clomid, Nolvadex , Clen

    Stats are:
    5' (yes I am short) 167lbs 10-12%bf
    This is my 2nd cycle. My diet is in check.

    My question is this - Would there be any benefit in adding Proviron ? I am considering adding it at 25-50mgs ed. I have plenty of adex but I won't take it unless I need it. I was thinking that the Proviron would take care of any AI issues that might arise and also compliment the Test that i'm running. I can't find any info on running HCG and Proviron in the same cycle and I wonder if I should choose one or the other or use both?

    Please be gentle. I am not a Vet and don't claim to be knowledgable. Just a dedicated journeyman bodybuilder looking for some advice.



  2. #2
    Trenquility is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Proviron can help, but does not mean it's an absolute solution to AI issues. IMO your cycle looks fine the way it is, I don't think Proviron will do much.

    What does your diet look like?

  3. #3
    Spartans09's Avatar
    Spartans09 is offline Member
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    Detroit Suburbs
    Some people run proviron all the time some see nothing from it. I'm unsure myself. I ran it at 100mg/day for 12weeks with an anavar kickstart and anavar backload. The only thinG I may have noticed from the proviron was an insane libido. More prominent by far than my other few cycles without it.

  4. #4
    Karo is offline Associate Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Thanks guys. I don't care about libido. I'm on a good dose of Prop so my libido is fine. I'm more interested in the AI effects (keep bloat and water retention down) and how Proviron is supposed to compliment Test and create more free, unbound Test in your system.
    Trying to figure out if this is legit and will help me in my cycle or if it's bro-science. I've found a lot of conflicting info about Proviron. People either love it or say that it's worthless.
    If it were just an AI I don't think i'd bother with it as I would just take Adex if needed. However if there are additional benefits I think i'd go with it. I have 60mls of liquid Proviron sitting on my shelf and i'm trying to decide whether to add it into my cycle or not.
    My diet is good. Not great, not perfect but good. I ate 300grams of protein yesterday alone and always get over 225/day. I really don't want to get into my diet here but thanks for offering to help.

    Thanks guys

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