Hey guys.. Just got a quick question.... iam currently on week 6 of a 16 week EQ/Test-E/Dbol cycle.. I put on 8kg so far , went from 104kg to 112kg and a few days ago i noticed gyno starting so i started to pop 20mg of nolva a day for about 4 days and i upped my adex from .23 eod to .25 ed.. and over 4 days i have lost 4 kgs??? Is this weight lost all water weight? Possibly form dropping dbol 2 weeks ago or what???
Also if this is the case is 4kg in 6 weeks a good gain so far or should it be higher than that? Prehaps i have to work on my diet a little more??
Was a bit depressing standing on the scale and seeing so many hard earnt kgs GONE!!