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Thread: Whats the difference in these Cyps?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    Gotham City

    Whats the difference in these Cyps?

    Is there a difference in

    1-Testosterone Cypionate vs Testosterone Cypionate

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    asked this the other day...there definitely not the same because if they where the price difference wouldn't be so big

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by laduem88 View Post
    asked this the other day...there definitely not the same because if they where the price difference wouldn't be so big
    interesting, i can't really find much info on it

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    this is the chem name

    Dihydroboldenone Cypionate

  5. #5
    stevey_6t9's Avatar
    stevey_6t9 is offline RIP Aziz "Zyzz" Sergeyevich Shavershian - Veni Vidi Vici
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    its the position of the subgroup on the central carbon chain, but then again i did fail my organic chem at uni : (

  6. #6
    Thought this would help you guys out... test cyp is just testosterone with the slow releasing cypionate ester that we all know and love. 1-test cyp is a completely different hormone and very powerful and effective at building lean ripped mass as it is a DH derivative of boldenone. When test acts the 5ar enzyme you get DHT. When Boldenone interacts with 5AR enzyme you get dihidroboldenone or 1-test cyp. It is a VERY unique and effective compound that is starting to show back up on the scene again as of late. It is like a very powerful primo...or in another view similar in effect to tren without all of the sides associated.

    If this was more available and was called dihydroboldenone instead of the misleading 1-test cyp it would be more widely known and used. Almost everyone that uses it says it is much more potent for gains and hardening than high dose primo and very similar to tren without all of the shitty sides. It is very powerful with dry quality gains from the beginning to end of the cycle. If the powder becomes more readily available and they can figure out a way to make the inj more tolerable (EO would help I bet) we will have a legitimate primo substitute that has even better effects. It will make your muscles as hard and full as almost anything out there and is very tolerable. There is prostate issues in some at high doses. 400mg per week will produce dramatic results. Patrick Arnolds creation 1ad hurt this compounds reputation because people associate it with a prohormone. 1ad converted to DHB in the body and worked well but had to be taken in very high dosages orally 700-800mg to equate to 2-300 of injectable. VPX (supp company...imagine getting a real inj steroid product from GNC...LOL) did make an inj steroid labeled as a sterile oil oral which was the one only same DHB we are talking about. Needless to say the FDA caught this very quickly and ripped it off the shelves and it disappeared way underground for a long time with only very select people having access through private ugl's with great powder contacts. Geneza brought it back out last wk in 200mg/ml last wk. Inj of 100mg/ml were very painful for many back in the day. IF IF IF they are really dosing this at 200mg and have found a way to get the pain down to test p levels u WILL see this product blow up massively as the general public catches on to the wave of great word of mouth it is going to get. Many other UGl's like a sciroxx and endosyn and other good producers will carry it if the pain is becoming managable through newer technology. I have my doubts on that part unless EO can help mitigate this problem. The jury is still out but w/in 3 months we will be hearing whether geneza has managed to pull this off and dosed their product properly. I KNOW OF NO ONE who has used who hasn't loved and praised what this compound does to the physique. It''s a unique and great compound with ripped, dense results along with increased fat burning characteristics even while on a bulkier...a lot like tren. Hope that helps with some perspective. I have my doubts about geneza but I'm gonna give it a run in a month or 2 when I get word on the inj pain issue. Cross ur fingers. You will love it.

    Last edited by irongamer; 03-05-2010 at 01:48 PM.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by irongamer View Post
    Thought this would help you guys out... test cyp is just testosterone with the slow releasing cypionate ester that we all know and love. 1-test cyp is a completely different hormone and very powerful and effective at building lean ripped mass as it is a DH derivative of boldenone. When test acts the 5ar enzyme you get DHT. When Boldenone interacts with 5AR enzyme you get dihidroboldenone or 1-test cyp. It is a VERY unique and effective compound that is starting to show back up on the scene again as of late. It is like a very powerful primo...or in another view similar in effect to tren without all of the sides associated.

    If this was more available and was called dihydroboldenone instead of the misleading 1-test cyp it would be more widely known and used. Almost everyone that uses it says it is much more potent for gains and hardening than high dose primo and very similar to tren without all of the shitty sides. It is very powerful with dry quality gains from the beginning to end of the cycle. If the powder becomes more readily available and they can figure out a way to make the inj more tolerable (EO would help I bet) we will have a legitimate primo substitute that has even better effects. It will make your muscles as hard and full as almost anything out there and is very tolerable. There is prostate issues in some at high doses. 400mg per week will produce dramatic results. Patrick Arnolds creation 4ad hurt this compounds reputation because people associate it with a prohormone. 4ad converted to DHB in the body and worked well but had to be taken in very high dosages orally 700-800mg to equate to 2-300 of injectable. VPX (supp company...imagine getting a real inj steroid product from GNC...LOL) did make an inj steroid labeled as a sterile oil oral which was the one only same DHB we are talking about. Needless to say the FDA caught this very quickly and ripped it off the shelves and it disappeared way underground for a long time with only very select people having access through private ugl's with great powder contacts. Geneza brought it back out last wk in 200mg/ml last wk. Inj of 100mg/ml were very painful for many back in the day. IF IF IF they are really dosing this at 200mg and have found a way to get the pain down to test p levels u WILL see this product blow up massively as the general public catches on to the wave of great word of mouth it is going to get. Many other UGl's like a sciroxx and endosyn and other good producers will carry it if the pain is becoming managable through newer technology. I have my doubts on that part unless EO can help mitigate this problem. The jury is still out but w/in 3 months we will be hearing whether geneza has managed to pull this off and dosed their product properly. I KNOW OF NO ONE who has used who hasn't loved and praised what this compound does to the physique. It''s a unique and great compound with ripped, dense results along with increased fat burning characteristics even while on a bulkier...a lot like tren. Hope that helps with some perspective. I have my doubts about geneza but I'm gonna give it a run in a month or 2 when I get word on the inj pain issue. Cross ur fingers. You will love it.

    Replace those 4s with a 1, and that would be a great paragraph. 4AD converts to test.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    1ad. I remember that stuff....

  9. #9
    Good lookin out Bona. Thanks and will do brotha. ;-)
    Last edited by irongamer; 03-05-2010 at 01:50 PM.

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