I finished my third mass cycle last year - last shot was December 1st. It was:
wk 1-8 sust 435 mg/wk
wk 1-8 eq 500 mg/wk
A short and not so heavy cycle. I did what I wanted - I got up about +16 lbs. and then did some cutting - lost 10 lbs of fat at the end. I was at +6 lbs when the juice ran out of my system the first few days of Jan. I'm down another 8 lbs. right now and i'm still losing. I'm doing nolvadex and clomid but I can tell my test production isn't coming back like it has done after the past 2 cycles. I think the difference is HCG - I did a good bit of it coming off the last 2 cycles - I didn't do hardly any of it this time - didn't have any. I did alot of research on post-cycle recovery and I posted what I found: that HCG is the most important part of post-cycle recovery - not clomid. I'm 3 weeks into nolvadex and clomid.
Here's my dilemna - I need to take adequate off-time between cycles. I didn't take but about 6 or 8 weeks between my last 2 cycles and half of that doesn't count becuse the juice took 4 or 5 weeks to clear my system. I'm already feeling guilty about that. But everything went back to normal the last two times - my balls came back - I held my weight - I had energy. But not this time. My balls aren't back. I'm losing weight and I have no energy. I need HCG! But I don't have any.
So here's the dilemna - is this "off time" doing me more harm than good? How much will I lose?
I could start a cycle tonight. I have plenty of proviron, nolva, dbol, eq, deca, sust, primo and winnie - but no HCG - and that's what I need. Do I start the next cycle? Yes - i'll get back up but i'm not giving my body the off time I need. Right?
Or do I bridge a little with d-bol or primo and give my body the time it needs? And - is it really "off time" if i'm bridging?
Or do I tough it out and eat like hell and give my body the time off I should?
Common sense is pushing towards the wait option. I probably should not start my next cycle until I can get some HCG and get my balls back to normal size. But then again I can always start the next cycle and do the HCG when I get some - i'll be on a cycle but HCG still works. Hell - i'm going to start a cycle in the next few weeks anyway.
This sucks.
I don't want to waste my next cycle by not giving myself time to regenerate but at the same time I don't want to start the next cycle 20 lbs lighter!
Has anyone out there ever screwed up and didn't have what you needed to have post-cycle? Help me decide !