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Thread: Decision time - help me out here guys

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    North Atlantic

    Decision time - help me out here guys

    I finished my third mass cycle last year - last shot was December 1st. It was:

    wk 1-8 sust 435 mg/wk
    wk 1-8 eq 500 mg/wk

    A short and not so heavy cycle. I did what I wanted - I got up about +16 lbs. and then did some cutting - lost 10 lbs of fat at the end. I was at +6 lbs when the juice ran out of my system the first few days of Jan. I'm down another 8 lbs. right now and i'm still losing. I'm doing nolvadex and clomid but I can tell my test production isn't coming back like it has done after the past 2 cycles. I think the difference is HCG - I did a good bit of it coming off the last 2 cycles - I didn't do hardly any of it this time - didn't have any. I did alot of research on post-cycle recovery and I posted what I found: that HCG is the most important part of post-cycle recovery - not clomid. I'm 3 weeks into nolvadex and clomid.

    Here's my dilemna - I need to take adequate off-time between cycles. I didn't take but about 6 or 8 weeks between my last 2 cycles and half of that doesn't count becuse the juice took 4 or 5 weeks to clear my system. I'm already feeling guilty about that. But everything went back to normal the last two times - my balls came back - I held my weight - I had energy. But not this time. My balls aren't back. I'm losing weight and I have no energy. I need HCG! But I don't have any.

    So here's the dilemna - is this "off time" doing me more harm than good? How much will I lose?

    I could start a cycle tonight. I have plenty of proviron, nolva, dbol, eq, deca, sust, primo and winnie - but no HCG - and that's what I need. Do I start the next cycle? Yes - i'll get back up but i'm not giving my body the off time I need. Right?

    Or do I bridge a little with d-bol or primo and give my body the time it needs? And - is it really "off time" if i'm bridging?

    Or do I tough it out and eat like hell and give my body the time off I should?

    Common sense is pushing towards the wait option. I probably should not start my next cycle until I can get some HCG and get my balls back to normal size. But then again I can always start the next cycle and do the HCG when I get some - i'll be on a cycle but HCG still works. Hell - i'm going to start a cycle in the next few weeks anyway.

    This sucks.

    I don't want to waste my next cycle by not giving myself time to regenerate but at the same time I don't want to start the next cycle 20 lbs lighter!

    Has anyone out there ever screwed up and didn't have what you needed to have post-cycle? Help me decide !

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    You shouldn't start another cycle. No way in hell.
    Give yourself plenty of time before you go back on. Seems like you HPTA wasn't even fully recoverd when you started this last time.
    Time on = time off. I know you know that but before you start your next ride I would give yourself even some more time...

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    if i was in this situation i would dbol bridge and find some hcg
    i agree with MB dont do another cycle right now

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Or do I tough it out and eat like hell and give my body the time off I should? <- Stick with that. It's the one you don't want to chose but your not taking long enough breaks between your cycles, Your well aware of your mistake i can tell, Its hard to wait i know.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    North Atlantic
    I needed this. Thanks guys! I know I need to wait and yes it's hard - but it helps alot to hear you guys remind me that I need to wait. I don't keep my juice at my house so it helps not having it there in fromt of me.

    I'm going to get some HCG and do 3 weeks of it and keep the clomid/nolva going another 5 or 6 weeks. March is the earlist i'll think about starting.

    Thanks guys!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    for how long should u wait untill doing a new cycle?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    I always wait 3 months no matter what type of AS i do, So i know for sure what my gains were. But i dont compete, wich is different.

    - 6"1 235 12% 18inch arms.

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