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  1. #1
    russiandave is offline Associate Member
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    Dec 2009

    A Test cycle trt theory question

    Hey guys,

    I was wondering something. When we get on Test and anavar etc we stifle/stunt/shut down our own natty test production. That makes sense, we are flooding our body with stuff via injections/orals.

    At the end of a cycle we go from 500test or whatever a person is cycling, to stopping all injections cold turkey and start our pct protocol. The concept behind the pct is obviously to help jumpstart our own natty test production again. And again, this makes sense to me.

    Here is my theory/question part.

    At this point in our cycle, right as we start the pct, we are basically men{and women} with low levels/non existent levels of natty test. Now for men who go to the doctor with this problem {who didnt do a cycle} the doctor may put them on a TRT{testosterone replacement therapy} regiment. To basically replace what they are not production naturally. So lets say per week a man is supposed to produce 200 test. That is what his doctor would prescribe for him to inject.

    My thoughts are, why not put ourselves on a trt regiment after a cycle. A tapering trt regiment. If we get tested and our levels are low why not go from pinning 500test weekly to 200test weekly the first week off our cycle, then maybe 150test the next week, then 100test for the next and so on. Basically giving our body a supplement of test until we can produce our own test naturally again.

    Even if we injected 50 test weekly at least it would be a slight help with the lower test levels but not enough {??im just theorizing here} to stunt our own natty test levels.

    Or am I totally offbase and even the slightest injection of test would stunt natural test production.

    Thanks for reading my thread and idea.

  2. #2
    dec11's Avatar
    dec11 is offline 'everything louder than everything else'
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    *no sources i wont reply*
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    bcos, any amount of synthetic test will cause the body to not produce its own.

  3. #3
    Just2Big is offline Associate Member
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    Feb 2010

    What I have read.

    I have read its if you were going to do higher doses of test at any point in your cycle do it in the begining. Say week1-4 =750. Week 4-10 =500. week 10-12 =250. I foget where I read it. And I have seen it on multiple sites and books. I think the drop from 250 to nothing will be easier on your body then 500 to nothing. Right? I think a drop down in the Test while your on cycle will help with a faster recovery. Sounds right to me? Tapering will just prolong PCT since you are still getting sythetic test. Any opinions?

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