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Thread: adding water to test

  1. #1

    adding water to test

    if you added plain water to a bottle of test, would the oil and water seperate ? for some reason i have reason to believe my test bottle was tampered with last night, is test 250 usually a light, very light liquid ? how would a test blend stack up, darker or lighter ? its test E gmans old. very disturbing

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Water and oil do not mix together, so they would separate. Test can be clear, or have a darker tint. My Norma test e is a yellowish color, and my Irani test e is crystal clear. Do not add water to your oil. Also, NEVER use plain water for anything. ALWAYS use bacteriostatic water

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Can you elaborate why/how someone could tamper with your gear?

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