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  1. #1
    kawizx10's Avatar
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    Tren A & Test Prop 12 week Cycle

    Hi All

    Looking for thoughts on this cycle. Want to make sure I have everything in order before I start.

    5ft 8
    BF% 14-17%
    This will be my 4th cycle

    Iam just finishing up my last few days on Clen ( pump ) @ 200mcg per day.
    I plan on giving my self at least a week or two before I start my cycle.
    This is my first time using Tren , I am thinking of starting at 75mgs EOD and see what happens from there.

    My last cycle was D-Bol, Test Cyp, and EQ, I had atrophy and was sore from time to time, I am thinking of starting HCG with this cycle, but I am not 100% sure on how much to use and when to start and finish with HCG. I have heard and read that the recovery time is allot faster and you are not as likely to get testicular atrophy.

    Looking for some advise and critiquing please.

    Weeks 1-4 D-Bol @ 50mgs ED
    Weeks 1-12 Tren A @ 100mgs EOD
    Weeks 1-12 Test P @ 150mgs EOD
    Weeks 6-14 Anavar @ 50-80mgs ED
    Weeks 1-12 Arimidex @ .5mgs ED

    Day one Clomid @ 300mgs for one day
    Week 1-3 Clomid @ 100mgs ED
    Weeks 1-3 Nolva @ 10mgs ED

  2. #2
    dec11's Avatar
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    im no tren expert but seekms alittle long for tren, if you havnt used it b4. you'd get away with only 40mg on the dbol . tht pct needs work

    100/50/50/50 clomid
    20/20/20/20/20/20 nolva

    shoot hcg 500iu e5d throughout cycle, or 250iu e3d.

  3. #3
    Mooseman33's Avatar
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    if you never ran tren before then i would just run the prop and tren.
    i dont like the dbol with the short esters, and ur test and tren are both short ester, so i dont see a need in a kickstart.

    grab some caber or bromo for the prolactin sides from the tren.
    PCT will need to be longer most likely. also, day one of clomid is high, i would not use 300mg.
    its early, thats all i have for now but will revisit after some coffee..

  4. #4
    chuckt12345's Avatar
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    No need for dbol , cycle to long, id drop it to 10wks max.
    Anavar can be stopped a few days after last shot

  5. #5
    kawizx10's Avatar
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    Thanks Guy.

    Dropping the D-bol from this cycle and also going to drop the Tren dose as well.
    Here is what my revised cycle looks like now.

    Weeks 1-10 Tren A @ 75mgs EOD
    Weeks 1-10 Test P @ 100mgs EOD
    Weeks 6-12 Anavar @ 50-80mgs ED
    Weeks 1-10 Arimidex @ .5mgs ED

    100/50/50/50 clomid
    20/20/20/20/20/20 nolva

  6. #6
    chuckt12345's Avatar
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    dont run the var 2 wks past the prop

  7. #7
    Mooseman33's Avatar
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    and have something on hand for prolactin.
    caber or bromo

  8. #8
    kawizx10's Avatar
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    Wantto make sure I do this by the numbers. I have gained some great size off my last cycles and have cut pretty good on and off the clen for the last 6 weeks.

    Mooseman, I am not familiar with " prolactin " but I am in the process of reading up on it now.

    how does this cycle look now, and what do you guys think about the dosing.
    Curious as well if the Arimidex is fine @ .5mgs ED.

    Weeks 1-10 Tren A @ 75mgs EOD
    Weeks 1-10 Test P @ 100mgs EOD
    Weeks 6-10 Anavar @ 50-80mgs ED
    Weeks 1-10 Arimidex @ .5mgs ED

    100/50/50/50 clomid
    20/20/20/20/20/20 nolva

  9. #9
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    That looks much better. You may want to only drop the arimidex to .25mg/ed

  10. #10
    jcosley is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mooseman33 View Post
    if you never ran tren before then i would just run the prop and tren.
    i dont like the dbol with the short esters, and ur test and tren are both short ester, so i dont see a need in a kickstart.

    grab some caber or bromo for the prolactin sides from the tren.
    PCT will need to be longer most likely. also, day one of clomid is high, i would not use 300mg.
    its early, thats all i have for now but will revisit after some coffee..
    Is this something he should start from the beginning of the cycle at low doses or only if sides occur?

  11. #11
    Vitruvian-Man is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by kawizx10 View Post
    Wantto make sure I do this by the numbers. I have gained some great size off my last cycles and have cut pretty good on and off the clen for the last 6 weeks.

    Mooseman, I am not familiar with " prolactin " but I am in the process of reading up on it now.

    how does this cycle look now, and what do you guys think about the dosing.
    Curious as well if the Arimidex is fine @ .5mgs ED.

    Weeks 1-10 Tren A @ 75mgs EOD
    Weeks 1-10 Test P @ 100mgs EOD
    Weeks 6-10 Anavar @ 50-80mgs ED
    Weeks 1-10 Arimidex @ .5mgs ED

    100/50/50/50 clomid
    20/20/20/20/20/20 nolva
    I would extend the anavar to 6 weeks, and I would run it @ 80mg ED. Otherwise everything looks good... Other than AI dosage. .5mg is ridiculously high for a-dex. 0.25mg EOD should be suffice :S unless you're mega-gyno prone? or what..?

  12. #12
    kawizx10's Avatar
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    I am not prone to Gyno. Should I just skip the A-dex and keep it on hand.

    Also, trying to find out about prolactin now. Can anyone send me a link or explain prolactin sides and what I should keep on hand....

    Bromo / Caber....


  13. #13
    Vitruvian-Man is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by kawizx10 View Post
    I am not prone to Gyno. Should I just skip the A-dex and keep it on hand.

    Also, trying to find out about prolactin now. Can anyone send me a link or explain prolactin sides and what I should keep on hand....

    Bromo / Caber....

    Don't use the a-dex unless necessary. If you experience gyno then run it at 0.25mg EOD or ED.

    Bro... there are plenty of threads on dopamine agonists (bromo/caber) just grab a bottle of either, and keep it on hand, just incase you get prolactin related gyno. = (very elevated levels of progesterone in the body.)

  14. #14
    99vorsi is offline Junior Member
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    I dont mean to thread rob but I plan on running tren and I have letro and proviron on hand with that be enough to combat progestin??

  15. #15
    Kdub's Avatar
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    From my experience, the short esters will get into your system pretty quick and you will begin to grow right away.

    I found that with the short esters, my gains were mostly in the first 30-40 days. So, the inclusion of Dianabol in the first 30-40 days, I think, will max out your gains and only help but you are asking your body to maximize its growth in the beginning.

    Strength might be an issue for you as the tendons and ligaments may lag behind the muscle strength. Precautions should be made not to go overboard with setting strength records.

    Your capacity to do work can assist with the strength issues and you might want to incorporate a little volume approach to your training, slow the speed of reps down, etc... to stay healthy.

    2-3 massages a week are also a good idea along with a shea or coco-butter daily application to keep stretch marks at bay.

    Plenty of stretching but only after fully warmed up. Swimming 2-3 times a week is also a good idea.

    My mindset is similar as I am about to begin a Propinate/NPP course with Anadrol the first 4 weeks followed by Anavar . I am on Clen now to prep me as it makes me ridiculously strong.

  16. #16
    Kdub's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kawizx10 View Post
    Hi All

    Iam just finishing up my last few days on Clen ( pump ) @ 200mcg per day.

    Just the guy to answer my Clen question! What is the Strength of the Clen pump? 200mcgs per ml?

    And, is it a 200 ml pump? Blue label?

    Use to use this in the 90's... it was simply magic!

  17. #17
    kawizx10's Avatar
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    being this is my first time playing with Tren A, i want to make sure I have my cycle looked over. I am ready to start, have all my gear and my PCT now and will start this on Sunday.

    regarding the PCT, i dont have any bromo or caber, cant seem to find any here and when I ask everyone is looking at my like I am that kid on the back of the small bus.

    My wife will be doing my shots every other day, and I have talked to her about some of the sides that might come with this.

    so here is my cycle and my PCT. please give me some more feed back and let me know if I am good to go

    Weeks 1-10 Tren A @ 75mgs EOD
    Weeks 1-10 Test P @ 100mgs EOD
    Weeks 1-10 Arimidex @ .5mgs ED ( Is this reccomended )

    100/50/50/50 clomid
    20/20/20/20/20/20 nolva

  18. #18
    Ricer's Avatar
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    ::Thread Jacked::

    I plan on running this same cycle in my near future. How do you know you are having prolactin sides? I thought on a Tren /Prop cycle using Arimidex was useless due to only combating estrogen sides?

  19. #19
    MekeMeke's Avatar
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    JFYI, if you do 50mg ed tren injections along with 50mg ed prop injections it would help reduce sides.
    Dont take arimidex while on. Keep caber or bromo on hand, if you get any signs of gyno do caber twice a wk. You can research on how many mg's.
    Also, I would do HCG 2X wk 250IU's injections. Run it from the start right up to a wk before pct. I'd run PCT like this...100/100/50/50 clomid and 40/40/20/20 nolva....

  20. #20
    RANA's Avatar
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    Here is a small read on tren and some vets input, hope it helps

    Am I ready for Tren?

  21. #21
    kawizx10's Avatar
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    Great Read Rana
    Am I ready for Tren?

    But there are a few things that I am a little confused about.
    So I have a few questions that I hope a VET can help me out with, regarding Rana's post

    this will be my 5th cycle, and regarding all my cycles I like to make sure I have my ducks in a row. tren to me just seems that you need to spend the extra time to make sure those ducks a not only in a row, but single file and marching merely along.

    1) can I run Tren @ 75mgs EOD with a higher dose of Test Prop @ 100mgs EOD. I dont want to run ED shots.

    2) Regarding Arimidex , is this needed during a Tren A and Prop cycle. Seems to be a lot of back and forth on this one.

    3) Caber & Bromo, the consensus is to have at least one of these on hand for Prolactin gyno sides. My question is, do I just have in case, or do I actually take this as part of my cycle.

    4) PCT is Clomid & Nolva, but I have found a few sites that argue that Nolva will increase your change of gyno with Tren use.

  22. #22
    kawizx10's Avatar
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    ^^^ Bump ^^^

  23. #23
    stpete is offline Banned
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    1) Yes you can

    2) If you're gyno prone.

    3) I like caber.

    4) I keep clomid to a low dose in conjuction w/ nolva.

  24. #24
    kawizx10's Avatar
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    Thanks Stpete

    just to be certain this is what i will be doing.
    please add in if you agree or disagree

    Weeks 1-10 Tren A @ 75mgs EOD
    Weeks 1-11 Test P @ 100mgs EOD

    On Hand Armidex ( already have ) & Caber ( still need to find )
    I will only use the Caber @ .5mgs ED if I feel the effects of Prolactin Gyno

    100/50/50/50 clomid
    20/20/20/20/20/20 nolva

    I hope this covers just about everything, I really wantto make sure that i have everything I need gear & info before i start on Sunday...


  25. #25
    RANA's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kawizx10 View Post
    Great Read Rana
    Am I ready for Tren?

    But there are a few things that I am a little confused about.
    So I have a few questions that I hope a VET can help me out with, regarding Rana's post

    this will be my 5th cycle, and regarding all my cycles I like to make sure I have my ducks in a row. tren to me just seems that you need to spend the extra time to make sure those ducks a not only in a row, but single file and marching merely along.

    1) can I run Tren @ 75mgs EOD with a higher dose of Test Prop @ 100mgs EOD. I dont want to run ED shots. Yes, but the sides can be worse with EOD

    2) Regarding Arimidex , is this needed during a Tren A and Prop cycle. Seems to be a lot of back and forth on this one. No unless needed

    3) Caber & Bromo, the consensus is to have at least one of these on hand for Prolactin gyno sides. My question is, do I just have in case, or do I actually take this as part of my cycle. Take it as part of your cycle, you will need it

    4) PCT is Clomid & Nolva, but I have found a few sites that argue that Nolva will increase your change of gyno with Tren use. some use nolva during a tren cycle, ask titanium or d7m regarding that
    See above

  26. #26
    kawizx10's Avatar
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    thanks Rana

    I am getting closer to figuring out this PCT. PCT is the one thing that I always get confused on. And I like to be certain about the PCT.


  27. #27
    RANA's Avatar
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    PCT is pretty simple, it's your basic 4 week PCT of clomid and nolva

  28. #28
    kawizx10's Avatar
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    I get confused when I need to start adding others like Caber to a tren cycle.
    Not sure of how much and when to use caber.

    I have read that I should take .5mg of caber every 3rd day during a Tren cycle.

    I was just about to post this in the " PCT forum " going to see if D7M or titanium can add the input.

    I am also having a hell of a time getting my hands on Caber. AR-R has liquid Caber, just not sure if it is the same thing.


  29. #29
    peteroy01 is offline Senior Member
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    Get the pill form if you can. Have heard the liquid form looses potency after a month. Also start at .25mg twice a week.

  30. #30
    peteroy01 is offline Senior Member
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    Get the pill form if you can. Have heard the liquid form looses potency after a month. Also start at .25mg twice a week.

  31. #31
    RANA's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kawizx10 View Post
    I get confused when I need to start adding others like Caber to a tren cycle.
    Not sure of how much and when to use caber.

    I have read that I should take .5mg of caber every 3rd day during a Tren cycle.

    I was just about to post this in the " PCT forum " going to see if D7M or titanium can add the input.

    I am also having a hell of a time getting my hands on Caber. AR-R has liquid Caber, just not sure if it is the same thing.

    Where you asking taking nolva during cycle or is it regarding PCT?
    Caber can be taken .25mg to .5mg every 3rd day. I have not taken AR-R caber so I can't give you advice on that.
    Peteroy is right, liquid caber does lose it's potency so you will have to take more into your cycle
    Last edited by RANA; 02-15-2010 at 06:53 PM. Reason: Cabor dosage

  32. #32
    kawizx10's Avatar
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    I am about 2 weeks in to this cycle now, and the shots are painful. I am doing EOD shots
    I like shooting my delts and I am using 23G 1" pins with 1cc Tren and
    1cc of Prop. the shot itself goes great, but the next day it feels like
    I got hit in the spot with a hammer.....

    I did my right glute and it was painless going in and out, did not even know
    if my wife was finished or not. but the next day i was not able to sit on the side, and it feels like there is somekind of lump/bump/ or something just above my tailbone on the rigth side of my glute. it has gotten much better but still feel the pain a bit... this is going on 4 days now since that shot. just to point out that was my first glute shot ever....

    I have been feeling tired, light headed, and nasious at times. Also having lots of hot and cold flashes...

    So I am wondering if there is any reason for concern or is this normal sides from tren/prop....

    Oh ya.... the strenght is amazing on this... thumbs up


  33. #33
    RANA's Avatar
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    Regarding your sides I did have hot and cold flashes but the other stuff I didn't have.

  34. #34
    kawizx10's Avatar
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    Hey Rana

    this is a crazy ride that is forsure. best pumps ever, and really cutting up nice to.

    so the hot and cold flashes are normal. seems to be a common side of tren .
    did you find it also increases your temperature, i have been checking and seem to be running a mild fever ( 37.5 ) very un-common for me, i am normally running around (36.8ish) guess i am a little concerned over that glute shot and worried about infection. did the shot by the book but not sure if i hit the right place or not. but, from Saturday to today it is night and day. the pain is almost gone but i can still feel some hard spots where i injected....

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