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Thread: Sustanon and dbol

  1. #1

    Sustanon and dbol

    Im planning a sustanon 250 and dbol cycle here pretty soon. This will be my first cycle. Im 25 5'10 and 210. I plan on takin 250mg sust 2x per week so 500mg per week. im still unsure on my dbol dosing, prolly 6 weeks at like 40mg per day or something like that. Im gonna get some hcg so should i run that through the whole cycle or just like the last four weeks and into my pct? also can i get by with just running nolvadex or do i need clomid too? thanks!

  2. #2
    come on someone please help me out

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    tickling midgets
    i run my hcg throughout the cycle and stop before pct...i use 250ius 2x a week of hcg for the entirety of my cycle.

  4. #4
    okay.. i guess due to legalities i cant find hcg online, how much would i lose after my cycle if i just did clomid and nolva post cycle and no hcg?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    I don't think anyone will be able to guess that. Keep up with your eating and heavy training and you might not lose anything.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by cr125 View Post
    okay.. i guess due to legalities i cant find hcg online, how much would i lose after my cycle if i just did clomid and nolva post cycle and no hcg?
    will make no diffrence,, HCG on first cycles with test is not needed IMO

  7. #7
    ok thanks for all the help! how soon can i start my pct after my last injection? i know u wait 18 days for sustanon but without taking hcg will i already be able to tell weight loss before my 18 days is up?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by cr125 View Post
    ok thanks for all the help! how soon can i start my pct after my last injection? i know u wait 18 days for sustanon but without taking hcg will i already be able to tell weight loss before my 18 days is up?
    Well the androgens will be lowering in your body during this 18 days so what do you think will happen?? If you plan on taking dbol another idea you could do is take it at the end of the cycle when you stop your test and run it while you wait for the sust to clear and then take you PCT the day after you stop your dbol.

  9. #9
    ok sounds good! thanks for all the help!

  10. #10


    Quote Originally Posted by cr125 View Post
    Im planning a sustanon 250 and dbol cycle here pretty soon. This will be my first cycle. Im 25 5'10 and 210. I plan on takin 250mg sust 2x per week so 500mg per week. im still unsure on my dbol dosing, prolly 6 weeks at like 40mg per day or something like that. Im gonna get some hcg so should i run that through the whole cycle or just like the last four weeks and into my pct? also can i get by with just running nolvadex or do i need clomid too? thanks!
    Run the HCG during your entire cycle,,500iu every 5 days.

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