My online source sent me nandrolene decanate instead of npp. I'm pissed but I guess I'll have to deal with. How can I cycle test prop and deca together in a cutting cycle ? Please help
My online source sent me nandrolene decanate instead of npp. I'm pissed but I guess I'll have to deal with. How can I cycle test prop and deca together in a cutting cycle ? Please help
You can start them both at the same time but you will need to keep running your prop at least 2 weeks after your last shot of deca, but I recommend 3 weeks after. Contact your sources and have him send you the stuff you ordered!
How much deca did he send you?
3000 mg
I really wanted to try npp
I really don't want to get the water retention that comes with deca but if I have to do it how many times a week and at what dosage should i run the deca at
Test p 75mgs Ed
deca 50mgs Ed
how many weeks for both ?
5ft 9
200 lbs
14% bf
2 previous cycles
test c / eq
test e / dbol
pct clomid and nolva
ai adex .25 eod
I have caber on the way it should be here tommorow
Rana was here first, as I am just passing through....
What's up Rana?
not much, what's up with you?
did they give you enough deca to run 350 - 600 mg pw? Dosage depends on how much deca you want pw
I have 3000mg of deca and 4000mg of test p
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