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  1. #1
    maddhatter is offline New Member
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    First cycle, lots of questions.

    Hey everyone I'm pretty new to this, and I have lots of questions so bear with me please. Just started a cycle of deca 300 last week (2nd injection today), and I planned on starting Sustenon 250 5 weeks into my cycle... Taking 1cc of Sus and 1 cc of deca on a Wedneday in one injection, and then 1 cc of Sus on Saturday. My guy told me that the Sustenon 250 is no longer available, but that I could get Sustenon 400 (at about 50$ more than the 250), and only make 1 injection a week of the Deca and Sustenon per week, and I'd be able to start it right away (next week on my third week of Deca), instead of waiting until my 5th week like I would have with the 250. Kind of sketched me out and Id just like to make sure what he said is legitimate.

    Also, it's a little too late for this now but, I'm pretty new to working out in general, 5'6" 120 lbs very low body fat, and was wondering if I should even be taking this to start out. I do have a very healthy diet (lots of oatmeal, egg whites, greens, fruits, chicken, pasta, fish, potatoes, etc.), and I usually do a pretty intense full body workout every other day, and have already packed on about 8 lbs in the past week. I'm guessing that's normal? Kind of freaked me out because I've always had such a hard time gaining weight. Any help would be appreciated.
    Last edited by maddhatter; 02-17-2010 at 11:54 PM.

  2. #2
    bjpennnn's Avatar
    bjpennnn is offline American Psycho
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    Age: ?
    Height: ?
    Weight: ?
    BF%: ?
    Cycle Exp: ?
    PCT Knowledge: ?
    Training Exp: ?
    Diet: ?

  3. #3
    bjpennnn's Avatar
    bjpennnn is offline American Psycho
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    Yowzeerrr. Hey man you should stop your cycle asap. Run this Day
    1-18: Clomid @ 100 mgs
    Day 1-18: Nolva @ 40 mgs
    Day 18-36: Clomid @ 50 mgs
    Day 18-36: Nolva @ 20 mgs
    you can get this from the top right hand banner.

    You are really messing around with some serious stuff and it seems like you have no idea what your doing. Honestly man your gunna do a lot more harm then good.

  4. #4
    Kibble is offline Anabolic Member
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    If your buddy was smart he would not have you run deca alone for 5 weeks before you incorporate test. Also, you are 120lbs. You are far from ready for steroids . With your current training and diet, you will return to 120 down the road sometime. You need to fix your diet and training.

    Do like BJPennn said above, and start your pct now. Stick around here and learn how to run a cycle the right way, and most importantly, how to prepare yourself to cycle

  5. #5
    Kibble is offline Anabolic Member
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    Nobody is flaming you brother. Welcome to AR by the way. People here may seem harsh sometimes, but it is only because we care about you

  6. #6
    bjpennnn's Avatar
    bjpennnn is offline American Psycho
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    Quote Originally Posted by BigKuntry1984 View Post
    Nobody is flaming you brother. Welcome to AR by the way. People here may seem harsh sometimes, but it is only because we care about you
    This is the truth, run pct, and read up and join the family.

  7. #7
    slimy's Avatar
    slimy is offline Associate Member
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    Deca by itself = your dick not working. Really. You want to deal with that?

    Take BJ's advice. For your own good. Stop this cycle.

    Once you do the pct, take time to look around here. TONS of information. Read the threads at the top with the word IMPORTANT in front of them. So the next time you run a cycle, you will be ready.

    There are plenty of ways to run cycles properly. Read as much as you can here. What you just did is VERY dangerous and is what gives steroids a bad name.

    Good luck.

  8. #8
    maddhatter is offline New Member
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    Ok Ill be more specific.

    20 5'6" 120 lbs 10% bf

    Breakfast - Bowl of oatmeal, 3 egg whites, banana
    Wait about an hour have an apple and a serving of N.O explode
    I start on an oscilating machine for about 15-20 mins (don't really pay attention to distance) at no resistance with a 25 lb weighted vest and ankle weights on just to work up a good sweat and warm up.
    Then I stretch everything muscle I can bear over the next 20-30 mins before starting my workout.
    After that I do a full body workout which lasts about 2 hours or until I can't move any more.
    The next day I rest and the following day I'm back to 100% or at least it feels like it. I understand that larger muscle groups require 72 hours of rest before being worked again. So, if my chest, back, etc, are even remotely sore or not up to 100% every 2nd day, I wait until the 3rd to work them again. Figure over working muscles is a main point when juicing? Of course your muscles grow while healing from working out, but while juicing they heal somewhat faster?
    I have a snack and 100% whey protein shake after my workout. Usually have ants on a log for a snack ( cellery, raisins, peanut butter mmm ). Throughout the rest of the day I eat a small meal about every 3 hours, and drink plenty of water. Keep in mind I eat NO "junk" food and NO fast food at all, period. Lots of pasta, potatoes, greens, fruits, chicken, fish, etc.

    I've read up on the side effects of deca durabolin , I'm assuming since this was used to treat osteoperosis that the side effects aren't geared towards only body builders, and from what I've read, there are little to NO short term side effects at the proper dosage, which is 300-500 mg a week ( I'm at 300 a week ), which is why I started taking them even though I started lifting recently.
    I've just ALWAYS had a hard time gaining weight, no matter what I do, figured this would help... Assuming that I do continue to juice, but do maintain a proper diet and workout as hard as I possibly can while getting proper rest, will I really do any serious damage? from one cycle? Honestly, I feel great, made my 2nd injection today, and I already feel somewhat stronger and am bursting with energy. I am taking 300 mg of deca per week on a wed btw. IF and when I introduce the sust 400 ill be taking 1 cc of that a week i believe in one injection with the deca, not sure how many mg that would be. Besides my muscles overpowering and tearing my tendons, I mean, doing 1 cycle starting off to pack on an extra 30 pounds isn't going to kill me? and I'm assuming that if I keep working as hard as I have been that I won't lose anything but the water weight, which from what I've read is minimal with deca... But then again, I'm new to this so, shouldn't make assumptions. Thanks for all the warm welcomes and your feedback is appreciated. Also this guy has been doing this for years, so he says and he is pretty jacked... He sold me the stuff knowing I was going to start training with it.... But I'm sure you guys know what you're talking about too, and he could just be trying to make a buck, so... If taking NORMAL doses of this is going to do permanent irrepairable damage in addition to adding a few extra pounds, then I'll drop it now.

    P.s. Only made my 2nd injection, so I'm sure I haven't reached peak levels yet, but no deca dick so far, still hard as a rock...
    Last edited by maddhatter; 02-18-2010 at 01:13 AM.

  9. #9
    Kibble is offline Anabolic Member
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    Hey bro, post your diet in detail. EVERYTHING that you eat in a typical day. BTW, 3 egg whites equals 9g of protein roughly. Maybe add 5-8g more for the oatmeal... Yeah bro not even CLOSER to the amount of the amount of protein you need after sleeping 8 hours. ESPECIALLY for a preworkout meal. Just form that, I can see why weight gain might be a problem. Like I said- here to help

  10. #10
    maddhatter is offline New Member
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    It's not like I eat the same exact thing every day. Usually after my breakfast and whey protein shake I try to eat a balanced meal every 3 hours. Protein in take is upwards of 100g a day or close to it... which at 120 lbs don't think I would want to take in more than that, don't want my kidneys overloading on protein. In the past week I've packed on about 8 lbs so I must be doing something right (or it could be the deca )? But all in all, assuming that I eat healthy, and stay active, besides my muscle growing stronger than my tendons, and potentially tearing them. Are there any MAJOR health concerns I should worry about when taking NORMAL weekly doses of deca 300 and sust 400, cause from what I've read, short term side effects aren't anything to worry about, for anyone, prolonged use is another story of course.

    p.s. ty again for your help
    Last edited by maddhatter; 02-18-2010 at 01:32 AM.

  11. #11
    slimy's Avatar
    slimy is offline Associate Member
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    Uhhh..... the answer is 'yes'.

  12. #12
    Kibble is offline Anabolic Member
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    SO you want to gain weight taking only 100g of protein a day?

    That sir, is the problem.

    You need to take at least 1.5g of protein per day per pound of bodyweight. ESPECIALLY on cycle. You can not take advantage of the increased protein synthesis that steroids provide without enough protein!!

    200-250g of protein per day will not rot your kidneys

  13. #13
    maddhatter is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by BigKuntry1984 View Post
    SO you want to gain weight taking only 100g of protein a day?

    That sir, is the problem.

    You need to take at least 1.5g of protein per day per pound of bodyweight. ESPECIALLY on cycle. You can not take advantage of the increased protein synthesis that steroids provide without enough protein!!

    200-250g of protein per day will not rot your kidneys
    Thanks for the info, I got the formula to calculate protein intake, but not too good with math, so that definitely helps. I think I'm going to continue this cycle and see how I feel. After only two injections I look and feel healthier, stronger, and I have more energy. There are people who have started juicing at 16 and are now in their late 30s and are healthy. If my body has a bad reaction to the sust ill trash it but I'm going to stick with the deca . Is there any way that I could strengthen my tendons without working the muscles surrounding them, even a little bit? Don't want to be tearing tendons 4 months down the road cause I'm lifting more than they can handle.

  14. #14
    bjpennnn's Avatar
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  15. #15
    Kibble is offline Anabolic Member
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    Damnit, evertime I see that link I am at work, and YouTube is blocked!! I need to remember to watch those videos tonight when I get home

  16. #16
    maddhatter is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by bjpennnn View Post
    Thanks man these videos are just what I need going to follow them to the tee.

  17. #17
    bjpennnn's Avatar
    bjpennnn is offline American Psycho
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    good luck. If you do what you said and follow them to the tee, that will be the greatest thing you could do for yourself at this point.

  18. #18
    terraj's Avatar
    terraj is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    20 5'6" 120 lbs 10% bf....shiiit man.

    When u don't have a base to build on any gains you get from the cycle are very hard to hold and fast to leave.

    I hope u have stopped the cycle mate.

  19. #19
    v44vendetta is offline New Member
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    listen to these guys and read all the stickys there a tone of knowlege. i almoststarted my cycle like u but these guys told me to read read and read. There are mds on here who can guide you as well.

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