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Thread: Question??

  1. #1
    THEYEAHYEAH is offline New Member
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    Hey just wondering what else would be a good starter cycle where I would gain only around 20+ lbs. I'm right now 90% sure I'll take cyp/d-bol ---> d-bol 4 weeks, cyps 12 weeks.

    Just wondering what else is out there for a stack like that where i'll average around the gains I want, ect.
    What about Deca /d-bol? --> d-bol 4 weeks, deca 12 weeks? or anything else??

    26 years old

    Thaks guys
    Last edited by THEYEAHYEAH; 02-18-2010 at 07:38 PM.

  2. #2
    Hard.On's Avatar
    Hard.On is offline Senior Member
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    terrible cycle,
    terrible post

    Do some more research,
    dont just do a cycle cause someone on here writes one out for you

    Go read something all over this website

  3. #3
    lexruger's Avatar
    lexruger is offline Associate Member
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    you could definently earn a few more pounds naturally before even considering cycling

  4. #4
    THEYEAHYEAH is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by twotimer View Post
    terrible cycle,
    terrible post

    Do some more research,
    dont just do a cycle cause someone on here writes one out for you

    Go read something all over this website
    Do some research on this site yourself newb

    Please don't even reply on this thread again thanks. You're obvisouly a goof.

  5. #5
    jordann is offline Associate Member
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    Age? Workout history?

    If you were to do cyp and d-bol, run the d-bol at 20-30 mg ED for 4 weeks. Two weeks is too short IMHO. Run cyp at 500 mg Monday morning/Thursday night.

  6. #6
    jordann is offline Associate Member
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    Also, run the cyp for minimum 10 weeks. It takes longer to kick in- around 4 weeks, so you'll most likely make most of your gains from there on out.

  7. #7
    lexruger's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by THEYEAHYEAH View Post
    Do some research on this site yourself newb

    Please don't even reply on this thread again thanks. You're obvisouly a goof.
    Your joking right?

    If you did any research you would know that you dont run deca w/o test


  8. #8
    Hard.On's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by THEYEAHYEAH View Post
    Do some research on this site yourself newb

    Please don't even reply on this thread again thanks. You're obvisouly a goof.
    learn how to count you imbecile

    that page says 12 weeks
    you have proposed a 6 week cycle

    maybe if you would have read that entire article properly, you would have a better idea of what you want to do.

    Npw go put on your dunce hat and go sit in the corner you little f*g

  9. #9
    THEYEAHYEAH is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by twotimer View Post
    learn how to count you imbecile

    that page says 12 weeks
    you have proposed a 6 week cycle

    maybe if you would have read that entire article properly, you would have a better idea of what you want to do.

    Npw go put on your dunce hat and go sit in the corner you little f*g

    omg I did a typo just like you, at least I can spell a 3 letter word, so let me know when you want your dunce cap back.

  10. #10
    THEYEAHYEAH is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by lexruger View Post
    Your joking right?

    If you did any research you would know that you dont run deca w/o test

    It was a question, I never said I'm going to do it... but thanks for the irrelevant sarcastic reply..

  11. #11
    Hard.On's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by THEYEAHYEAH View Post
    Hey just wondering what else would be a good starter cycle where I would gain only around 20+ lbs. I'm right now 90% sure I'll take cyp/d-bol ---> d-bol 2 weeks, cyps 6 weeks.

    Just wondering what else is out there for a stack like that where i'll average around the gains I want, ect.
    What about Deca /d-bol? --> d-bol 2 weeks, deca 6 weeks? or anything else??

    26 years old

    Thaks guys

    a couple errors there, that no longer falls under typo category
    keep the hat

  12. #12
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    oh no...not again...

  13. #13
    THEYEAHYEAH is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by twotimer View Post
    a couple errors there, that no longer falls under typo category
    keep the hat
    Yeah well my keyboard is old, and keys stick, what's your excuse kid? stupidity?

  14. #14
    bulldoza123 is offline Junior Member
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    is this your first cycle?

  15. #15
    THEYEAHYEAH is offline New Member
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    Also just wondering... ummm when are you going to get a life find something better to do besides being a goof on a website when someone makes a thread asking for help? If you don't want to help, and you want to keep your title as goof, then gtfo, and try your best to find something else to do, I know it's hard.. but I believe in you.

  16. #16
    THEYEAHYEAH is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by bulldoza123 View Post
    is this your first cycle?
    Yes it will be my first.
    I know a bunch of guys who have stacked deca with a test, and they have gained a lot of weight man... 30 lbs + , and that's why I'm a little iffy about doing that, cuz I would like to stay around 20 lbs or a litte more.

  17. #17
    Hard.On's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by THEYEAHYEAH View Post
    Yeah well my keyboard is old, and keys stick, what's your excuse kid? stupidity?
    That makes no sense,
    but you know what
    ill help you still\

    Read this
    When you shouldnt use aas
    When you SHOULDN'T use AAS imho....

    Things to consider
    AAS: Things to consider before starting a first cycle (Great Read)

    The diet you want
    UNoffical "How to Bulk" thread and sample diet...

    good luck
    this will ansewr alot of your questions

  18. #18
    Hard.On's Avatar
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    Test beginner cycle info
    Thats the cycle you want also

  19. #19
    THEYEAHYEAH is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by twotimer View Post
    That makes no sense,
    but you know what
    ill help you still\

    Read this
    When you shouldnt use aas
    When you SHOULDN'T use AAS imho....

    Things to consider
    AAS: Things to consider before starting a first cycle (Great Read)

    The diet you want
    UNoffical "How to Bulk" thread and sample diet...

    good luck
    this will ansewr alot of your questions
    Thank you, and I have read these , but reading them again is a good reminder

  20. #20
    THEYEAHYEAH is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by twotimer View Post
    Test beginner cycle info
    Thats the cycle you want also
    Yeah Thanks this one here is great, I've been reading that there isn't much difference between cyps and enth or is there??

    And for PCT would Nolva and clomid be available at a local supplement store? or is it something that I have to ask around for?

  21. #21
    Hard.On's Avatar
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    top right corner,
    you can order it there ar-r nolv/clom(good for pct)
    i like enth better from what ive read, I do prop myself(but u dont want to inject evry day on your first cycle)

  22. #22
    THEYEAHYEAH is offline New Member
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    Awesome thanks a lot man.

    Well talking about prop, I was thinking of using that with winni for a cutting cycle, and when do you do a cutting cycle? is it anytime after the pct?

  23. #23
    Hard.On's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by THEYEAHYEAH View Post
    Awesome thanks a lot man.

    Well talking about prop, I was thinking of using that with winni for a cutting cycle, and when do you do a cutting cycle? is it anytime after the pct?
    to do it right,
    get a blood test prior to starting your cycle
    after your cycle get blood tests periodically

    when your levels return to normal your safe to do another cycle

    I dont know winni well enough. I would see where you are 3 months after your first cycle. You may want to do another bulk.

    and didn;t want to rag on you earlier but your first post was a terrible looking cycle. It looked like you had done no research. I cant stand someone coming on posting a cycle hoping that someone will build them one.

  24. #24
    THEYEAHYEAH is offline New Member
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    Yeah know what you mean bro, my appologies also. I should have also spent more time watching what I wrote to make it more clear for you and everyone else too. Yeah that makes more sense then just doing things back to back.

  25. #25
    Reed's Avatar
    Reed is offline AR's Pitbull ~Vet~
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    The fact of the matter is that any one that gains 20-30lbs on their first cycle could have done so much more naturally and were far away from their natural potential.

    You could reach 200lbs without the drugs however the beginner cycle is what you wanna go with if you decide to cycle. Just read up and learn more about diet, training, and the basics

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