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Thread: Another VAR question, any help?

  1. #41
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    UPDATE: I am just starting my fourth week of this Var/Tbol cycle. It is my first cycle ever. I am 48 years old, 6ft, 185lbs and have been lifting naturally my whole life. Not sure what my body fat is as I am overseas in Iraq at the moment. I would bet my paycheck it is in the low 13% range though or lower.

    With that said, I have been running my cycle like this.

    First week: Var/Tbol 40/40 ED and TERRIBLE back pumps. I could barely get out of bed the second day. I found it was because I was not drinking enough water. I upped my water intake to around 1.5 to 2 gallons a day and it slowly went away until day 9 when it completely went away. I suspect this was my body adjusting to the compound as much as a poor hydration problem as well. I also had diarrhea for a couple days and still do a bit, now and then, but not as much as I initially did. I also changed from taking the dose twice daily, to once daily.

    Second week: Var/Tbol 40/40 ED Started to notice my gym pumps get fricken crazy and the strength come on. By the end of this second week, I could definetly tell this stuff was working.

    Third week: Var/Tbol 60/60 ED Upped the dosage this week. I also ordered some Tetesterone booster product and started taking it in fear that the cycle would shut me down or shrink the boys up. Has not happened as of yet. I don't know if it is because I am the type of person this will not affect or if it is the Tetesterone booster doing it. I have also noticed little red spots and blotches on parts of my body that are not going away. Some days they are there more than others. It is not acne either. I don't know if I got something here in Iraq or if it is from the cycle.

    My strength this week has been insane for me! I have never cycled before and I am up 40lbs on my incline bench and 200lbs on my leg presses, as examples. Overall, I have gone up atleast 20% on all my lifts and more on some (Bench, Leg presses). The vascularity is insane and the pumps continue to be ridiculous. I sleep like a baby and the only pain and ache I get is a cramp style pain in my left trap, now and then. Otherwise, I feel like I could take on Al Quaida all by myself and win.

    Fourth week: Var/Tbol 60/70 ED I start this tomorrow. I definetly can see my body parts seperating more and more each day. My shoulders stand out from my pecs, my biceps from my triceps, my serratus from my lats, it is really amazing for me to see this come so quickly after working my whole damned life to get to this point. I am doing it so quickly in just a couple weeks. I have a harder looking body and it feels great! I have been very happy with this cycle. Very happy!

    I have some Nolva for PCT and am planning on doing 40/40/20/20 with some of this test booster.

    As far as changes I would make in this cycle? I would probably do it all the same again but have some sort of Test booster for the boys during the cycle inorder to make sure my PCT is not going to be an issue. Right now, they are operating normally though. Nothing has been surpressed or shut down.

    You have to drink ALOT of water, and you will more than likely have alot of aches and pains until your body adjusts to the compounds. It took mine about 9 days to get into it. I occasionally have some joint pain as well, but that just tells me I need more water. When I have enough in me, I am golden.

  2. #42
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    wow man the results sound awesome!

    just curious what you are running as liver support supps? i havent read through the whole thread so apologies if you allready covered it haha.

    im starting a var cycle in a few weeks and its good to see yet another person with a positive experience!

  3. #43
    Join Date
    Feb 2010

    I am running a GNC brand of liver support/cleanse (tablet form), Milk Thistle, and Triple Strength Fish Oil capsules. I think I have all the bases covered.

  4. #44
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by 428scj View Post

    I am running a GNC brand of liver support/cleanse (tablet form), Milk Thistle, and Triple Strength Fish Oil capsules. I think I have all the bases covered.
    good shit man. looking forward to more updates

  5. #45
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Will do. Thanks

  6. #46
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by 428scj View Post
    Will do. Thanks
    Glad to hear that things are going well brother. Keep it up!!!

  7. #47
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Hey, how is that PCT coming along for you?

  8. #48
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by 428scj View Post
    Hey, how is that PCT coming along for you?
    all finished brother and believe it or not I still have just about 100% of my strength. Actually some days I feel stronger. I dont get that crazy pump like I did that may have " hindered " my lifting abilities???

    Some people recc to use creatine and/or clen during pct but I did neither. I guess its what you would prefer. For me neither was needed.

    Most of all my libido is coming back in full force. Not perfect but the wife is much happier.

    I think that you were going to run nolva solo? I would throw in clomid to be on the safe side....

    keep it up!!

  9. #49
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Good deal man.

    I have picked up some of that Testerone Replacement stuff and have been using it with this cycle and have not experienced any ball shrinkage or shutdown yet. Seems to be working well. The strength is insane still and I have no aches or pains either. I just started my fourth week and upped the dosage to 60/70 and am killing it!! I love this shit.

    I plan on using some OTC stuff for PCT along with my nolva and will pick up some ARR Clomid as well. Should be covered then. I am already planning out my second cycle for late September time frame. Going to do some test this time along with Var and see how it goes.
    Last edited by 428scj; 07-20-2010 at 06:42 AM.

  10. #50
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by 428scj View Post
    Good deal man.

    I have picked up some of that Testerone Replacement stuff and have been using it with this cycle and have not experienced any ball shrinkage or shutdown yet. Seems to be working well. The strength is insane still and I have no aches or pains either. I just started my fourth week and upped the dosage to 60/70 and am killing it!! I love this shit.

    I plan on using some OTC stuff for PCT along with my nolva and will pick up some ARR Clomid as well. Should be covered then. I am already planning out my second cycle for late September time frame. Going to do some test this time along with Var and see how it goes.
    just out of curiosity what is the TRT "stuff" your talking about? HCG?

    also if you are planning on ordering your PCT from ar-r, you might want to consider Torem. i know some of the really smart guys/vets on here are very fond of torem for PCT, and with the recent posting of those articles on the dangers of tamox/clomid im def steering clear of them.

    just some food for thought man!

  11. #51
    Join Date
    Feb 2010

    This stuff is working well for me. No problems with the boys this whole cycle. I am planning on using some Unleashed/PCT and Forma Stanozol as well with my PCT. Not too sure what the compound is that you mentioned but I will check it out.

    Are they using just that?

    BTW, my strength is still going up this week. Pumps are still there, as is the vascularity and my body fat (particularly around my waist) is melting off me. I am keeping my diet very strict (fish, chicken, salad, rice, veggies and ALOT of water). I might never change my cycles from here on out, I like this one so much.

  12. #52
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Well this cycle just came to a screeching hault today. I was going through customs in Balad, Iraq and all my gear was seized and thrown out, with the exception of 4 days worth that for some reason, he let me keep, as it was in a GNC vitamin dispenser and he probably didn't know what it was.

    I had not heard that customs had cracked down as hard as they have lately. It has never been a problem for me in the past but they got my gear today. They were pretty cool about it all, but definetly would not let me keep it.

    So, I am cutting this cycle short after the final 4 days of my gear is gone and will start PCT and prep for my next one. I really liked this Var/Tbol cycle. It was great and did exactly what I wanted.

    I am going to get some more of each for another future cycle, but my next one is going to be a Test based cycle. Just haven't decided on it all yet.

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