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Thread: is it possible to gain ANY muscle with dbol?

  1. #1

    is it possible to gain ANY muscle with dbol?

    or is it all just water? same question applies for anadrol

  2. #2
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    I would say yes but minimal as opposed to an injectable steroid you would gain more out of it.

  3. #3
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    Its possible...Its really hard to keep those gains but if your diet is correct and you work out hard it is possible. But for the price of test if you are going to do one thing why not test cyp or enth for a cycle.

  4. #4
    yea i just dont see the point of doing dbol other than impatience. it's not like those particular gains will stick so why damage yourself?

  5. #5

  6. #6
    its not all water, i'd say 50/50

  7. #7
    stevey_6t9's Avatar
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    of course you will gain an amount but it will be accompanied by large amounts of water.

  8. #8
    dec11's Avatar
    dec11 is offline 'everything louder than everything else'
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    i agree, i find it a waste of time now, more sides than gains

  9. #9
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    yer of course, dbol is a great steroid, its just say you put on say 20lbs in 8 weeks or so, you lose alot of it, say maybe 10lbs. it just gets a lot of bad hype from people due to this as it appears that your losing a lot (which you are) but to answer your question you do make gains from it. ignore the parroting.

  10. #10
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    dbols are best used as a kickstart to a long estered test cycle imo. Will give you the strength to see you through to those first 4 weeks or so until the test has fully kicked in.

  11. #11
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    you get as much gains with dbol as you do with any steroids, just you get an additional bloat most of the time, if dbol wasn't so taxing on liver, I would do 12 weeks of dbol because it just makes me a monster at the gym.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by CanYouDigIt View Post
    you get as much gains with dbol as you do with any steroids, just you get an additional bloat most of the time, if dbol wasn't so taxing on liver, I would do 12 weeks of dbol because it just makes me a monster at the gym.
    well thats a load of rubbish for a start

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by CanYouDigIt View Post
    you get as much gains with dbol as you do with any steroids, just you get an additional bloat most of the time, if dbol wasn't so taxing on liver, I would do 12 weeks of dbol because it just makes me a monster at the gym.
    could you explain this statement? from the way i'm reading it it seems like a completely false generalization, the gains from dbol are mostly water, though it does produce gains, but they are nowhere near the gains from something like test

  14. #14
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    It's not really rubbish its pretty accurate, I've gained 15 pounds of dry weight on dbol in 4 weeks, so please throw me a bone and proove me wrong with stats that dbol is not as good as any steroid out there...

    I bet you can't proove me wrong.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by CanYouDigIt View Post
    It's not really rubbish its pretty accurate, I've gained 15 pounds of dry weight on dbol in 4 weeks, so please throw me a bone and proove me wrong with stats that dbol is not as good as any steroid out there...

    I bet you can't proove me wrong.
    what were your stats before starting the dbol?

  16. #16
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    if you have a titanium liver phate, do a 12 weeks cycle of dbol 50mg, and then do a 500-750mg / weekly test run, see which one produces more gains for you.

  17. #17
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    I was around 185 10%bf, and I got up to 205, droped down to 198-200, stayed there for like 2-3 weeks, then test got me up to 205 and I'm stuck there.

  18. #18
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    And I was still going up on dbol, and I had to stop it due to 4 weeks were up, coulda probably dragged it out another week or 2, and made another 5-10 pound gain, and I might of gone up to 215-220 by now. (my fault/ beginner, live and learn)

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by CanYouDigIt View Post
    if you have a titanium liver phate, do a 12 weeks cycle of dbol 50mg, and then do a 500-750mg / weekly test run, see which one produces more gains for you.
    if you want to type about hypotheticals then why not just run methyltren for 12 weeks at 2mg/day, you'll get amazing gains as well, but we're in the real world, and in the real world dbol is very hepatotoxic so 12 weeks of it would be foolish at best

    Quote Originally Posted by CanYouDigIt View Post
    I was around 185 10%bf, and I got up to 205, droped down to 198-200, stayed there for like 2-3 weeks, then test got me up to 205 and I'm stuck there.

    method used for bf% testing?

  20. #20
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    and I don't recommend cycling only dbol, by any means I'm just saying you can't proove me wrong that dbol dosen't give you as much gains as probably 80% of the steroids out there.

    and if you can show me facts and not just knowledge.

  21. #21
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    Caliper, on one occasion and the other one was in the water, forgot the name of this testing.

  22. #22
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    Phate, "never did I say that dbol wasn't taxing on the liver" (I stated this 3 times that it was) / my arguement is dbol produces as much gains. your making a statement upon health arguement, which I'm currently not.

    and I'm 5'11

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by CanYouDigIt View Post
    And I was still going up on dbol, and I had to stop it due to 4 weeks were up, coulda probably dragged it out another week or 2, and made another 5-10 pound gain, and I might of gone up to 215-220 by now. (my fault/ beginner, live and learn)
    another 2 weeks wouldn't have gotten you 5-10lbs, it doesn't work like that or guys that run year round(like jay and ronnie) would be 500-600lbs, the gains aren't a constant, they start to taper off.

  24. #24
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    I do understand this phate, but I keep my diet constant, and do measurements every day, and I know when I'm gaining and when I'm on a plateau, or my gains are hindering, whichever term you like to use, and sadly they were still going.

    but anyways I'm done till I get prooven wrong on my statement,
    Last edited by CanYouDigIt; 02-21-2010 at 07:04 AM.

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by CanYouDigIt View Post
    and I don't recommend cycling only dbol, by any means I'm just saying you can't proove me wrong that dbol dosen't give you as much gains as probably 80% of the steroids out there.

    and if you can show me facts and not just knowledge.
    i think you believe i'm arguing, which i'm not, i'm just trying to see what you are basing your observations off of

    Quote Originally Posted by CanYouDigIt View Post
    Caliper, on one occasion and the other one was in the water, forgot the name of this testing.
    it's called hydrostatic testing or the "dunk test", you are referring to the one where you get into a tub of water, let out the air in your lungs, then go under, and they test your bf by buoyancy right?

    Quote Originally Posted by CanYouDigIt View Post
    Phate, "never did I say that dbol wasn't taxing on the liver" (I stated this 3 times that it was) / my arguement is dbol produces as much gains. your making a statement upon health arguement, which I'm currently not.

    and I'm 5'11
    are you still on cycle?

  26. #26
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    and yes it is phate for hydrostatic test, and yes I'm still on cycle, and sadly I'm not gaining much anymore, I've made about 30-35 pound gain, and I got 3 weeks to go than I'm going on pct,

    probably re-cycle this summer.

  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by CanYouDigIt View Post
    and yes it is phate for hydrostatic test, and yes I'm still on cycle, and sadly I'm not gaining much anymore, I've made about 30-35 pound gain, and I got 3 weeks to go than I'm going on pct,

    probably re-cycle this summer.
    what was your cycle?

    and i would bet the reason you aren't gaining is due to diet, as you've said your diet has remained constant, but on cycle it must be ever changing because you are gaining muscle at such a rapid pace, if you want to post it we can help critique it if you like

  28. #28
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    Last edited by CanYouDigIt; 02-21-2010 at 07:21 AM.

  29. #29
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    yeah, i don't want to hijack any further, i figured we could add to the thread this way but it will just turn into a tangent

  30. #30
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    Bro, of course dbol will give you muscle gains what do you think people use it for? I mean if you gain 20lbs in 4wks taking it obviously it will not ALL be muscle but dbol is definatly a great muscle builder if your diet is right. Dbol will change your body FAST and if you are on a good cycle it will be well worth it espesially considering its low cost.l

    Does dbol build muscle, geez

    EDIT: One thing I will add is keep in mind most people run dbol for 4wks only thats not alot of time for long term muscle growth to happen I would say run the dose little lower 25-30mg ed and run it for 6wks instead of 4 that will NOT%^ hurt you if you keep the dose low and use liver support the entire cycle. I usually dont even feal dbol till the end of the second wk and then it kicking strong and two wks late stop?
    Last edited by gymnerd; 02-21-2010 at 10:56 AM.

  31. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by AlphaMaleDawg View Post
    yea i just dont see the point of doing dbol other than impatience. it's not like those particular gains will stick so why damage yourself?

    This is wrong., Its alot of parroting with the dbol water situation. Yes it causes you to hols some water but its alot to do with diet and if you run ai dbol will blow you up end of story if its any good .
    Last edited by gymnerd; 02-21-2010 at 11:09 AM.

  32. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by gymnerd View Post
    This is wrong., Its alot of parroting with the dbol water situation. Yes it causes you to hols some water but its alot to do with diet and if you run ai dbol will blow you up end of story if its any good .
    this is true.

    Bloating with dbol isn't an issue here its the same as all steroids your bloat then shrink. its part of the game, get with it...

  33. #33
    dec11's Avatar
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    ive used it alot and i dont use it anymore, and bloat isnt the only side from it, high bp, nose bleeds, awful muscle pump etc

  34. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by declan11 View Post
    ive used it alot and i dont use it anymore, and bloat isnt the only side from it, high bp, nose bleeds, awful muscle pump etc
    This is all true but thats not to say it doesnt work though.

  35. #35
    This is why I stick to exclusively T-bol and Anavar now when I do orals.


  36. #36
    great thread

  37. #37
    just wondering what about talking arimidex or another ai on a oral like anadrol? what would gains look like ? would they be more solid?

  38. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by AlphaMaleDawg View Post
    is it possible to gain ANY muscle with dbol?
    Personally i like dbol, I had great muscle result from it but expect some acne over your back or face from time to time.

  39. #39
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    My personal experience with dbol: I did 30mg every day for four weeks (with test of course. 1/3 through my first cycle now) as a kickstart, and I honestly haven't felt any side effects. My nipples were a little sore for a few days near the end of week four, which I posted about yesterday, but that went away right after I stopped. Other than that, I haven't noticed much of anything.

    I'm kinda wondering if the nipple thing was just because I'm breast feeding my troglodytic half brother, and he has really sharp fangs.

  40. #40
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    D-bol can be a good steroid for breaking past stength plateaus that cannot be broken by using just straight testosterone where as a drug like trenbolone works better than just using staight testosterone for breaking past lean muscle gains barriers.

    Is it any wonder a test/tren/d-bol stack is notorius for putting on serious size/strength.

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