Would you guys be kind enough to share your experiences when you ran a deca cycle with test? like how much did you gain? did you get bloated? gain/lose fat? strength increase? etc.
Would you guys be kind enough to share your experiences when you ran a deca cycle with test? like how much did you gain? did you get bloated? gain/lose fat? strength increase? etc.
I have already. What's wrong with starting a new thread where everyone shares their experiences? There are new posters now that weren't around back when the search results take place
I always run deca with my cycles...not for it's anabolic properties but for my joints. Makes a world of difference when you're going heavy. The only problem is when you come off, your joints feel EXTRA dry for a couple weeks. To combat that I run glucosamine and fish oils pretty heavily until they start to feel normal which takes 2-3 weeks. I want to give NPP a go, but I can't find any...so I'll stick with deca until I can.
Amen on the joint lubrication. All my shoulder pains go away on Deca...and any other joint for that matter. The stuff is the best for your joints! As an anabolic it bloats me a little, and takes a bit to kick in once started.
i will never touch it again, it shut me down harder then i could ever imagaine..
i was not as educated as i am today and know that was a huge part, but deca dick almost had me at the point of suicide,,,...
again, i was uneducated when i ran it, but did run with high dose of test....
deca is not good in my opinion, all it did for me was shut me down and leave my girl without sex for 6 weeks. i noticed no gains from it i believe all my gains came from the test
I saw my best strength gains ever with deca. The sexual sides however has keep me away since that one and only time.
have used test/deca a couple of times. very happy with results. good gains in both size and strength. I use caber to keep bloat down. great on the joints that feel crappy going heavy. never had a dick problem, stands at attention right away.
so what happens to ur dick if u use 250 mg of only deca in a 8 week cycle?
The only cycle I ever ran with deca was on Fullatone (composite of test/nandrolone flavors), on a very mild dosage (400mg per week total, split in 2 injections) as I was not looking for huge increase in weight and wanted to avoid water retention. Also, ran oxandrolone with it at 30mg per day. I pined test-prop and HCG for 2 weeks after the end of the fullatone to avoid finishing on deca. I got the results I wanted, lean muscle and strength, but the sexual sides turned me off deca for good. I guess it's just not for everyone.
i did it at a stupid dose b4 when i was uneducated, 900mgs pw with 500mg sust and 60mg dbol, strangely i didnt suffer any deca dick but had horrendus night sweats and sweats in general and anxiety and temper probs for a few months
I love the deca, am currently running 600mg/week again at the mo along with sus350 eod shots for 14 weeks. I decided to go ahead with the deca again mainly to help my bad left knee. The only down side is the waiting for it to kick in but I can be patient lol My strength goes up allot but actually cant tell you what my gains were last time i used it as it was a while ago. I do remember tho the second time I ever used deca my ankles puffed up like a bit fat elephant lol but with the help of adex I soon got it under control. Deca is one of the main AAS that people or beginners hear of the most and also try for a first time cycle........which I have to say I did, and without knowing what the hell I was doing really.lol
i decided to run deca with test prop ....i am afraid of all the sides that might come from that duo..do you have any?i'll take all the precautions of course.
I'm looking to gain 12-15lbs of muscle when I run the two together with caber to minimize prolactin sides and bloat. I will throw in anavar last 2 weeks and then 2 more weeks leading up to pct
whatver you do just remember to run test 2 weeks longer after you finished your deca. Typically deca is run for 10 wks. Running test at least 2 weeks longer will help with any libido issues (which I never had any since I always took more test then deca)
You could also use aromasin to keep bloat off.
You will get a nice amount of bloat with deca. Like said aromasin or adex will do the trick. .5 eod of adex does me a treat, you could start at this and see how it works for you, some need more than this as everyones different, if you do then up the dose to .5 ed and see how that is mate
I was gonna run test for 14 weeks and deca for 12 in order to combat this. I hear it is good to run deca for a long time since it's such a slow ester and gains keep coming
yea I have adex from AR's site that I got for my last test-e only cycle but I never used it. I was hoping caber would be enough for bloat since I heard adex can affect gains a tiny bit.
Love the combo test/deca. I just use twice the amount of test and i have no sides (deca dick). No joint pain with deca lubes u up nice.
another question. Do deca vials typically come in clear or in yellow-clear? My deca is the exact same color as my test (clear but a light yellowish clear)
Depends on manufacturer/lab, I've seen both yellow & clear. It's the type of oil that is used...
Disclaimer-BG is presenting fictitious opinions and does in no way encourage nor condone the use of any illegal substances.
The information discussed is strictly for entertainment purposes only.
Everything was impossible until somebody did it!
I've got 99 problems......but my squat/dead ain't one !!
It doesnt matter how good looking she is, some where, some one is tired of her shit.
Light travels faster then sound. This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.
Great place to start researching ! http://forums.steroid.com/anabolic-s...-database.html
bump for more
I love deca... I ran it like moose before i knew much about aas, and yes i had ed for a few weeks, but i still want to use it with the right doses and with a large dose of test. I get pains in my shoulders when i bench heavy and deca gets rid of it within a week for me. I also love how much i gain with it.
"dirty d"
iv ran it a few times and for sum reason i get better results out of deca if i stay kind of at a low end of it. iv ran it 600mg a wk but i grow more and dont bloat so bad on 300mg a wk. iv also ran deca w a tiny bit oftest to keep my sex drv going and to see how well i would grow from deca and it was a disapointing cycle. i dont really get the lubed joint thing but i dont have joint probs to often either. npp is the shit i suggestif u get the chance run it
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