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  1. #1
    collegefootball87 is offline Junior Member
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    Nolva during cycle prevent gyno??


    i am currently about to run a test e cycle for 10 weeks duration....shooting mon/thurs.....does anyone know when i shoot the hcg before or after the test, i know its on the same say.....hcg....sub-q .....?? im trying to prevent bitch tits so i have nolva handy....but that is also in my pct.....does anyone know about how far into the cycle i should maybe start nolva to prevent gyno?? any feedback would be greatly appreciated.. thanks guys

  2. #2
    bigjoe30's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by collegefootball87 View Post

    i am currently about to run a test e cycle for 10 weeks duration....shooting mon/thurs.....does anyone know when i shoot the hcg before or after the test, i know its on the same say.....hcg....sub-q .....?? im trying to prevent bitch tits so i have nolva handy....but that is also in my pct.....does anyone know about how far into the cycle i should maybe start nolva to prevent gyno?? any feedback would be greatly appreciated.. thanks guys
    i dont think u would use it unless u start getting symptoms of gyno

  3. #3
    jc95605 is offline Senior Member
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    ^^What he said. I wouldn't use it unless i needed it. Nolva also reduces IGF, another reason i would try not to use it if i didn't have to.

  4. #4
    collegefootball87 is offline Junior Member
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    could i run nolva like 20mg a week ya think to keep my levels somewhat low

  5. #5
    SHADO is offline Junior Member
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    is it not true that if you start feeling symptoms of gyno during your cycle, that letro should be used? i dont think nolva is appropriate to combat gyno once it starts occuring.
    I think u should keep the nolva and clomid for your pct, and have some letro on hand incase you start getting signs of gyno during your cycle.
    someone please correct me if im wrong

  6. #6
    stevey_6t9's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SHADO View Post
    is it not true that if you start feeling symptoms of gyno during your cycle, that letro should be used? i dont think nolva is appropriate to combat gyno once it starts occuring.
    I think u should keep the nolva and clomid for your pct, and have some letro on hand incase you start getting signs of gyno during your cycle.
    someone please correct me if im wrong
    letro is pretty harsh, a-dex is more mild... theres a bit of debate for nolva vs adex for gyno prevention during cycle though. just gota find which works best for you.

  7. #7
    SHADO is offline Junior Member
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    So would it be wise to run say nolva during a cycle to prevent it from happening at all? or go without it and only use it if required

  8. #8
    SHADO is offline Junior Member
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    Also, correct me if im wrong, but nolva does not reduce estrogen, it only clings to estrogen prone areas to prevent it, so would taking nolva during a cycle reduce gains in any way? seeing as its not actually reducing estrogen

  9. #9
    bigjoe30's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SHADO View Post
    is it not true that if you start feeling symptoms of gyno during your cycle, that letro should be used? i dont think nolva is appropriate to combat gyno once it starts occuring.
    I think u should keep the nolva and clomid for your pct, and have some letro on hand incase you start getting signs of gyno during your cycle.
    someone please correct me if im wrong
    i started using nolva when i started getting symptoms of gyno and it cleared it right up. you sure can use the nolva. like the other guy says letro is very harsh and shouldn't be used unless you really need it. adex is prob your best bet if you have or can get.

  10. #10
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    I think exemestane (aromasin ) is your best bet to use during cycle, I think its the best ai. Use letro only if you already have signs of gyno.

  11. #11
    SHADO is offline Junior Member
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    Im more thinking of something to use right from the beginning of my cycle, to prevent it all together, would that be a wise idea? or would it just hinder gains

  12. #12
    bigjoe30's Avatar
    bigjoe30 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by SHADO View Post
    Im more thinking of something to use right from the beginning of my cycle, to prevent it all together, would that be a wise idea? or would it just hinder gains
    why use something if you dont need it? just keep the stuff on hand incase symptoms apear.
    good luck

  13. #13
    SHADO is offline Junior Member
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    So would nolva be appropriate to use if symptoms appear? just want to know which items i should purchase before i start my cycle, but dont want to use something that will hinder my gains on cycle.
    So far im thinking to purchase nolva and clomid to use for pct, and use some nolva on cycle if symptoms appear.
    Not too sure if i need letro/aromasin /adex etc

  14. #14
    jbran23's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SHADO View Post
    So would nolva be appropriate to use if symptoms appear? just want to know which items i should purchase before i start my cycle, but dont want to use something that will hinder my gains on cycle.
    So far im thinking to purchase nolva and clomid to use for pct, and use some nolva on cycle if symptoms appear.
    Not too sure if i need letro/aromasin/adex etc
    IMO you should have a-dex and maybe even letro on hand as well, just in case. Better to be safe than sorry.

  15. #15
    Charlie6's Avatar
    Charlie6 is offline Senior Member
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    ldex would be used from the beginning of the cycle. And only IF you are getting bloodwork done and therefore know that you need it

    Nolva is for once gyno is onset

  16. #16
    teddykgb29 is offline Associate Member
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    I would save nolva for pct and go with exemestane during a cycle.

  17. #17
    elfin1mf is offline Associate Member
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    nolva was shown to decrease igf over long periods of use (measured in years), not short term use. I would say that short term decreases would be minimal if any.

  18. #18
    enigma10's Avatar
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    So how much of Nolva to take while still on cycle after i see Gyno ?

  19. #19
    Noles12's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by enigma10 View Post
    So how much of Nolva to take while still on cycle after i see Gyno ?
    40 mg a day until no more symptoms

  20. #20
    freakinhuge is offline Senior Member
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    I like using aromasin while on cycle and save the nolva for pct.

  21. #21
    enigma10's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Noles12 View Post
    40 mg a day until no more symptoms
    Ive heard to use Letro, is this a better solution compared to Nolva ?

    And wont using Nolva counteract the gear ?

  22. #22
    Noles12's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by enigma10 View Post
    Ive heard to use Letro, is this a better solution compared to Nolva ?

    And wont using Nolva counteract the gear ?
    Letro is the harshest way to go about it. It will kill all the estrogen which will get rid of the gyno but will also kill all your gains.

    Nolva doesnt counteract the gear but it will also affect your estrogen levels which will lessen gains.

    Letro is not something i would recommend unless you have a serious consistent gyno problem and nothing else is working.

  23. #23
    jojomcgo's Avatar
    jojomcgo is offline Associate Member
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    well i feel yeah no one wants titas lol

  24. #24
    enigma10's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Noles12 View Post
    Letro is the harshest way to go about it. It will kill all the estrogen which will get rid of the gyno but will also kill all your gains.

    Nolva doesnt counteract the gear but it will also affect your estrogen levels which will lessen gains.

    Letro is not something i would recommend unless you have a serious consistent gyno problem and nothing else is working.
    Makes good sense !


  25. #25
    lifterjaydawg is offline Senior Member
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    I would use adex or exemestane during cycle, keep the nolva for your pct. I like using an AI at the start to keep gyno problems away as well as water weight.

  26. #26
    kevin2590 is offline New Member
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    Symptomes of Gyno

    Hi guys, I am 34 and just stared my first cycle 3 weeks ago. I take 250 deca and 250 testogel every week for 10 weeks. I just stared feeling the sensitiveness in my nipples and my right side kind of felt sore today so it freaked me out a little bit. I have nolva in hand and just ordered liquidex and letro, they should be here in couple of days. My question is am i taking the right dose of deca and test? Is it normal to feel sensitive in the early stage of cycle? If it is the initiation of gyno, which route to take? Is it ok to take nolva during cycle or just take A.i or letro during and keep the nolva for pct? Am i too late for A.i or letro? I guess i m prone to gyno Please help!!!...Thanks...

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