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Thread: Should i once again step into the darkside ?

  1. #1

    Should i once again step into the darkside ?

    Ok guys i was just wondering . I am now bulking for another month and 1/2 before i cut down and just wanted to get ur oppinion on if i should juice right now (it would be my 3rd cycle) . I am currently at 209 pounds at 10% bodyfat, and i want to get up to 220 before i cut down , should i hit anabolics now or save it for when i cut down? 11 pounds achievable in a spand of a month and a bit? . and one other thing , is it possible to take test e when ur cutting?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2009
    Why are you cutting?

  3. #3
    i got a 4 pack right now , i want a 6 , i got some lower belly fat .

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    yes yu can cut with test e, people do not use it though because some feel they retain more water. But you for sure can, cutting or bulking is only going to depend on your diet.

    you definitely gunna want to prime before your cycle to.

  5. #5
    You think i can achieve 11 pounds naturally ?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    lolll no i mean you could but not even half would be muscle. over the spand of a year you would get close maybe. To many factors there.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    never knew you can step away from the darkside lol...and of course 11 pounds is possible naturally...the only question is how much of the 11 pounds are you wanting to be muscle?

  8. #8
    Yea i know what u mean , not all of it would be muscle . some would be fat which is why i want to cut down after. Just deciding if i want to use test e now for the last month or so on bulking , or just use it after when im cutting .

  9. #9
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    Jan 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by FreakofNature23 View Post
    Yea i know what u mean , not all of it would be muscle . some would be fat which is why i want to cut down after. Just deciding if i want to use test e now for the last month or so on bulking , or just use it after when im cutting .
    ok you do realize test E takes about 5 weeks to kick in right? why not just do prop and run it for an extra 4 weeks so you can get the rest of you bulk done...maybe throw in dbol or drol for the first 4 weeks to help you get to that 220, then cut

  10. #10
    Yeh i know , i did prop last cycle and it was a hassle to inject everday!...and im trying to stay away from dbol altho i loved it the first cycle it took alot of my hair, thinned it out bad.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by FreakofNature23 View Post
    Yeh i know , i did prop last cycle and it was a hassle to inject everday!...and im trying to stay away from dbol altho i loved it the first cycle it took alot of my hair, thinned it out bad.
    ED injections arnt that bad man, atleast they dont bug me that much. maybe try tbol instead of dbol...idk iv never ran dbol..but you do understand what im saying, basically run an oral at the first 4 weeks even though the prop will kick in just to get you to that 220 then start cutting once your done with the oral...or another option is run something like tren but i dont know if you want to do that

  12. #12
    Can i cut down and still get maximed results with test e ? .without eating the way i do when i bulk .

  13. #13
    Join Date
    May 2009
    Just keep doing what you are doing. 209 10% is good, build on it.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by laduem88 View Post
    ok you do realize test E takes about 5 weeks to kick in right? why not just do prop and run it for an extra 4 weeks so you can get the rest of you bulk done...maybe throw in dbol or drol for the first 4 weeks to help you get to that 220, then cut
    what about cyp? does that kick i a little faster than e? with less injec. even tho im looking at this again prop eod isn't bad att all anyway. shit thats the route i want to go LOL.
    Last edited by bigjoe30; 02-23-2010 at 10:47 AM.

  15. #15
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    in the sky
    Quote Originally Posted by laduem88 View Post
    never knew you can step away from the darkside lol...and of course 11 pounds is possible naturally...the only question is how much of the 11 pounds are you wanting to be muscle?
    same exact though i had when i read the tread

  16. #16
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    Jan 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by bigjoe30 View Post
    what about cyp? does that kick i a little faster than e? with less injec. even tho im looking at this again prop eod isn't bad att all anyway. shit thats the route i want to go LOL.
    are you serious? everyone knows cyp is a long ester then eth. which means it takes even longer to kick in, which is why you only have to pin cyp once a week instead of twice a week like eth.... do your research

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    you sound like you need to research before you do any cycles ever again

  18. #18
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    Dec 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by laduem88 View Post
    are you serious? everyone knows cyp is a long ester then eth. which means it takes even longer to kick in, which is why you only have to pin cyp once a week instead of twice a week like eth.... do your research

    SORRY O MIGHTY STEROID GODS!!! GIVE IT UP!! I LOVE WHEN SOMEONE ASK A? OR SAYS SOMETHING WRONG AND SOME DOUCH BAGS JUMP ALL OVER THEM.PLEASE I BET YOU GUYS WERE POPPIN DBOLS DOWN YOUR SKINNY ASS THROAT WHEN YOU WERE 18 OR DID YOU KNOW EVERYTHING THEN?? members often administer the drug twice weekly or every three to five days days. On a funny side note, many steroid users believe that test cyp is more or less powerful than the other popular injectable testosterone enanthate. The truth is, they are almost identical in release patterns, so there is virtually no difference between the two. However, as far back as the printing of the first Underground Steroid Handbook, there has been speculation that Cyp had more “kick” than Enth.
    Last edited by bigjoe30; 02-23-2010 at 02:18 PM.

  19. #19
    Lol big joe ..? . so what u think i should do ? ....should i take it now during bulking for the next month and a 1/2. . or bulk naturally try to get to around 220 then use test enth while im cutting ?.

  20. #20
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    Dec 2009
    freak, im far from the steroid gods man i was just making a statment an alternative, they do say prop is the best for cutting but with the right diet you can use either i that you on the pic? if so keep doing it natural and then do your cut cycle? is there some sort of time frame? i know guys that use e,cyp and prop shit there were a few guys on this board that use sust also for a cut and the reason i sad cyp was cause a good friend of mine uses it all the time and it does the trick for him.

  21. #21
    Nah no time frame , i just wanted to cut in time for summer !. i just wanted to know if 11 pounds was possible even if there is some fat in there . i wanted to stay away from prop cuz i dont want to inject ed . its what i did last cycle and it was a pain .

  22. #22
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    Dec 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by FreakofNature23 View Post
    Nah no time frame , i just wanted to cut in time for summer !. i just wanted to know if 11 pounds was possible even if there is some fat in there . i wanted to stay away from prop cuz i dont want to inject ed . its what i did last cycle and it was a pain .
    i BELIEVE prop can go eod but yo, cyp or e can go with a cut man. im sure you could put 11 pounds on but it mite be more fat then u want. there is plenty of time till summer man . im the one that need time and alo of work.
    good luck!

  23. #23
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    Jan 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by bigjoe30 View Post

    SORRY O MIGHTY STEROID GODS!!! GIVE IT UP!! I LOVE WHEN SOMEONE ASK A? OR SAYS SOMETHING WRONG AND SOME DOUCH BAGS JUMP ALL OVER THEM.PLEASE I BET YOU GUYS WERE POPPIN DBOLS DOWN YOUR SKINNY ASS THROAT WHEN YOU WERE 18 OR DID YOU KNOW EVERYTHING THEN?? members often administer the drug twice weekly or every three to five days days. On a funny side note, many steroid users believe that test cyp is more or less powerful than the other popular injectable testosterone enanthate. The truth is, they are almost identical in release patterns, so there is virtually no difference between the two. However, as far back as the printing of the first Underground Steroid Handbook, there has been speculation that Cyp had more “kick” than Enth.

    chill out, you stated "what about cyp? does that kick i a little faster than e? with less injec. even tho im looking at this again prop eod isn't bad att all anyway. shit thats the route i want to go LOL."

    thought it was common knowledge that cyp was long than eth. and didnt needed to be pinned as often hense why need to start pct sooner with eth. than cyp.

    take a chill pill

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    LOL!! it must be the test! nah its cool i just hate when someone try to make me or other people look like an ass.

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