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Thread: Finished test/deca cycle, on pct & have low libido/depression

  1. #1

    Finished test/deca cycle, on pct & have low libido/depression


    I came off a Test E/Deca cycle for 12 weeks. I am currently on week 4 of PCT (clomid 100/50/50/50 & nolva 40/20/20/20) & I am feeling very down,loss of strength, depressed & erection problems.

    I don't remember feeling this bad, so soon, coming off when i did test/deca a few years back. I know to expect losing gains & some strength after use, but i also got a touch of the FLU(influenza) 2 weeks ago & my eating habits went to crap & i lost more size than expected.

    Anyways, I'm sweeping it under the rug & trying to move forward w/ out it getting to me, BUT I'M HAVING A HARD TIME DOING SO!

    WHAT CAN I DO? I had blood work done (2 weeks after last test shot) last month & my test levels were 1500... I know PCT w/ clomid may add emotional issues, but i feel I have no desire to even lift.


    Could my test levels have dropped this sudden?

    Could Deca affect u this way weeks after use?

    What can I do/take to bring back my drive all together?

    Is there anything to help this mood?

    Please help me out w/ some suggestions. I dread to go on testim gel again every day for 6 months by doctors prescription..



  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    You got shut down hard from the deca, you may want to find some hcg to get your balls going again. I never run Clomid over 50mg ed anymore because of the emotional sides, maybe lower teh dose.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by redz View Post
    You got shut down hard from the deca, you may want to find some hcg to get your balls going again. I never run Clomid over 50mg ed anymore because of the emotional sides, maybe lower teh dose.
    So your saying redz, that deca will still affect you after cycle even though i ran test during cycle w/ deca?

    Also, i thought HCG has to be run during cycle?

    Also anybody else please chime in...

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    HCG id best ran during the cycle leading upto pct but if you are not recovering hcg can be used whenever necessary. Any steroid can affect you after the cycle if your hormon levels are out of whack.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by redz View Post
    HCG id best ran during the cycle leading upto pct but if you are not recovering hcg can be used whenever necessary. Any steroid can affect you after the cycle if your hormon levels are out of whack.
    good to know..

    But what would be a good run of hcg for recovery? (how many weeks)

    I can ask my endo doctor if he can prescribe it..

  6. #6
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    Nov 2007
    I am un-sure of hcg protocols post cycle. I only have experience running it through the last weeks of cycle leading up to pct.

  7. #7
    Redz, u mentioned above about getting HCG to get my balls going again? Do u mean get them functioning or back to size?

    Because they are back to normal size rather than raisins thanks to clomid? Please clarify..

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by redz View Post
    I am un-sure of hcg protocols post cycle. I only have experience running it through the last weeks of cycle leading up to pct.
    Does anyone else know about cycling HCG after cycle to help me out here?

  9. #9
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    swifto would be able to help..

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    same with my friend dude, he get tribulus terestris now hes better. hope it helps
    Last edited by hkntbro; 02-23-2010 at 12:17 PM.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by hkntbro View Post
    same with my friend dude, he get tribulus terestris now hes better. hope it helps
    trib is a bunch o crap.... if anything his sense of "wellness" is just a placebo effect

  12. #12
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    Tribulus is crap, testicle function cannot necessarily be determined just by if they came back to size.

  13. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by lexruger View Post
    trib is a bunch o crap.... if anything his sense of "wellness" is just a placebo effect
    Thanks, i started Tribulus synergy from metagenics right after last test shot & it is not all that.. In a sense, not strong enough to do what is needed.

  14. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by redz View Post
    Tribulus is crap, testicle function cannot necessarily be determined just by if they came back to size.
    that is what i thought. Thanks bro.

  15. #15
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    Feb 2010
    defenedly, its not a magical phill! you guys say its crap, here in bulgaria its pretty effective and since its bulgarian herb maybe here is with better quality, and it makes difirence, atleast for me

  16. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by Mooseman33 View Post
    swifto would be able to help..
    SWIFTO, are u still around? Help me out on this for HCG cycles after pct.

  17. #17
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    defenedly, its not a magical phill! you guys say its crap, here in bulgaria its pretty effective and since its bulgarian herb maybe here is with better quality, and it makes difirence, atleast for me
    Purely placebo effect, many studies have shown no increase in test levels with tribulus.

  18. #18
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    Nov 2009
    That is not true at all. There are studies that show that only 1 of 2 men actually gets results from tribulus, but i am one of the men who it does work on. And hkntbro said, i have had to come off with just tribulus and it actually worked that well for me.

    Op- as for your problem, the latest i've been reading regarding erectile problems that people are using to fix it is caber.

    It is said that caber can give men the ability to have multiple orgasms, stamina, better feeling of quality and all the good stuff. Maybe look into that?

    Good luck bro,

    "dirty d"

  19. #19
    Quote Originally Posted by "DIRTY D" SANCHEZ View Post
    That is not true at all. There are studies that show that only 1 of 2 men actually gets results from tribulus, but i am one of the men who it does work on. And hkntbro said, i have had to come off with just tribulus and it actually worked that well for me.

    Op- as for your problem, the latest i've been reading regarding erectile problems that people are using to fix it is caber.

    It is said that caber can give men the ability to have multiple orgasms, stamina, better feeling of quality and all the good stuff. Maybe look into that?

    Good luck bro,

    "dirty d"
    thanks D.. But is Caber an over the counter herb or can it be prescribed by doctors?

  20. #20
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    *no sources i wont reply*
    pm swifto, he sorted me with hcg usage

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    welcome to the wonderful world of post cycle deca!!!!!

    sounds like you had a bunch of tough sht happen at once. bad luck. run some hcg during cycle next tie to help with recovery.

    remember an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.


  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by declan11 View Post
    pm swifto, he sorted me with hcg usage
    or you could just read the 6 page thread between swifto and cyrus. weed out the arguing and there is some really good info in there.


  23. #23
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    Bobby d- its full name is cabergoline and no i don't believe its over the counter cuz its a pretty new pharmaceutical so i believe it may have to be doctor prescribed or black market. But with the symptoms you are suffering, maybe go to your endo or reg doc and ask him about cabergoline and see if he thinks that would be good for you.

    Go to the search part of the forum and search caber... It will being up some things about it. One of the first threads that pop up is by bjj and its got most of the info you're looking for on this drug.

    Also wait longer and have blood work done again if possible. That was pretty quick after pct to get it done. But if anything a doctor should be able to prescribe viagra or cialis?

    Do you have any gyno symptoms or and lactation?

    Good luck,

    "dirty d"

    p.s.-more blood work

  24. #24
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    That is not true at all. There are studies that show that only 1 of 2 men actually gets results from tribulus, but i am one of the men who it does work on. And hkntbro said, i have had to come off with just tribulus and it actually worked that well for me.
    Well I can tell you it did absolutely nothing for me as it has for every other person I know in person that has tried it.

    Caber will only help if this problem is caused by high prolactin but it could be a variety of thigns I agree he needs more blood work done to determine the true problem here.

  25. #25
    threads like these help us all out

  26. #26
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    Redz- i agree its weak and i can see that most people wouldn't feel any different from trib more than likely, but i just feel as if it does, and know that i produce a larger serum secretion while on it if nothing else?

    As far as the caber, i was just giving it as an option because most people don't. Yes it was mostly designed for prolactin (which is why i asked for other symptoms) but also just the statistics that show even without prolactin problems, if acquired "black market style" then it could help him with his libido in an amazing fashion. The depression is on a whole different level. I just liked what i read about caber so i have been reading on it and will probably revert to that if i ever have any prolactin sides or even just erectile problems.

    Op-good luck,

    "dirty d"

  27. #27
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    Redz- i agree its weak and i can see that most people wouldn't feel any different from trib more than likely, but i just feel as if it does, and know that i produce a larger serum secretion while on it if nothing else?

    As far as the caber, i was just giving it as an option because most people don't. Yes it was mostly designed for prolactin (which is why i asked for other symptoms) but also just the statistics that show even without prolactin problems, if acquired "black market style" then it could help him with his libido in an amazing fashion. The depression is on a whole different level. I just liked what i read about caber so i have been reading on it and will probably revert to that if i ever have any prolactin sides or even just erectile problems.

    Op-good luck,

    "dirty d"
    I always have caber on hand myself, I have experienced some of the benefits like the multiple orgasms but over all I have never noticed it to increase sex drive but this could also be linked to the fact I only take it while on 600-750mg of Test and some Tren so my sex drive is out of control already and it couldnt really get any crazier (atleast I dont think it could).

  28. #28
    Quote Originally Posted by MotoLifter View Post
    welcome to the wonderful world of post cycle deca!!!!!

    sounds like you had a bunch of tough sht happen at once. bad luck. run some hcg during cycle next tie to help with recovery.

    remember an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.

    thanks bro..yeah, this sucks. i couldn't keep up w/ this down fall all at once
    Last edited by BOBBY D; 02-23-2010 at 02:37 PM.

  29. #29
    Quote Originally Posted by "DIRTY D" SANCHEZ View Post
    Bobby d- its full name is cabergoline and no i don't believe its over the counter cuz its a pretty new pharmaceutical so i believe it may have to be doctor prescribed or black market. But with the symptoms you are suffering, maybe go to your endo or reg doc and ask him about cabergoline and see if he thinks that would be good for you.

    Go to the search part of the forum and search caber... It will being up some things about it. One of the first threads that pop up is by bjj and its got most of the info you're looking for on this drug.

    Also wait longer and have blood work done again if possible. That was pretty quick after pct to get it done. But if anything a doctor should be able to prescribe viagra or cialis?

    Do you have any gyno symptoms or and lactation?

    Good luck,

    "dirty d"

    p.s.-more blood work
    Dirty, no i don't have any lactation or gyno. I got my blood work done right before pct just to see how high my levels were.

    Then in april, i have another appointment w/ my Endo Doc to see where my test levels are at. Maybe (the depression) is all from the loss of size on my mind combined w/ clomids emotional effects.

    But the Dick, I remember getting wood just sitting down & thinking of a hottie. Also, i'd be driving in my car w/ a hard on for no reason, lol..

    Anyways, guys thanks for all your help. I think its to soon yet to make a decision based on what is actually causing it.

    Feel free to still chime in.. Thanks.

  30. #30
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    Ya good luck with it all man. It's good that you aren't lactating though. But you could at least see what the doc says about the caber? If not i'm sure there's other stuff that will free you up for that "special occasion" lol.

    Also ya there is sometimes a mental block that stops people from being able to get hard. But you say you had boredom wood sooooo.....? Your best bet is your next blood test bro.

    Good luck,

    "dirty d"

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