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Thread: Please help set up

  1. #1

    Please help set up

    Ok...I have d-bal 120 tabs, cyp 250mg 20cc, EQ 250 10 cc, primobolin 100mg 20 cc, and winny tabs I also have HCG and anastole for PT

    I was doing suspension from a DR 3 times a week eod I want to switch to the above gear not sure looking for some one to set up svhedule for me

    Thanx Man stats 42 ,230, 5 foot 9 good diet working out for last 20 years took off a couple of years and been back aqt it for a year....NOT LOOKING FOR MASS but i was told with a rocking diet the above gear will help shed fat and gain lean MM

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Why were you taking test suspension 3 times per week? It needs to be injected 1-2 times per day/

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by redz View Post
    Why were you taking test suspension 3 times per week? It needs to be injected 1-2 times per day/
    I know BRO this was per DR script I was doing HRT so I could have scripts...The DR is F----D up One of my buds went to hib and he scripted 150mg suspension and 150mg winny my buddy dont even want to get out of bed

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Definitely do some more research. Test cyp would be much better, are you looking at trt or cycling?

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